
Greelistu A transparent and effective funding engine for the next generation film industry. Through Greelistu you can get engaged in the films and series you want to see.

Your input will have a major impact on which films and series get made. It is a swift and easy operation; Buy a screening ticket today, follow the production process, and get to see the film at first release in the exclusive FIRST RUN.

Offcial trailer to The Fjallið The Mountain.

Offcial trailer to The Fjallið The Mountain.

The Mountain is a coming-of-age story of how the cosmos and a trip to the highlands offer comfort to a family whose life is upended by a twist of fate.

Getting ready for the international launch of Fjallið The Mountain. Soon we can also give you the date of the national t...

Getting ready for the international launch of Fjallið The Mountain. Soon we can also give you the date of the national theatrical premiere in Iceland.

**🎬🌟 Something Profound is Coming Soon! 🌟🎬
Prepare for a film that explores the intricate dance between love, loss, and the cosmos. Fjallið (The Mountain) is a touching Icelandic family drama that weaves together the stark beauty of Iceland’s highlands with an emotional journey of a family tested by tragedy.
Stay tuned for exclusive updates and a chance to delve into a story that’s as much about the human heart as it is about the wonders of the universe.
👀 Keep Watching FB Fjallið_THE_MOUNTAIN for More Details!

The Mountain as WIP at Stockfish!

The Mountain as WIP at Stockfish!

Stockfish 2024 proudly presents the Work in Progress event which showcases works from the latest Icelandic film and TV productions. With the support from the Icelandic Film Centre, WIP provides a platform for collaboration, feedback, and exposure that can lead to valuable connections. This event will be live-streamed and recorded to reach professionals who can not join us in person from The Nordic House in Reykjavík. On top it is moderated by Wendy Mitchell, journalist, moderator and film festival consultant.
Under the link you can find the works in progress that will be showcased at the event:
Stockfish 2024 kynnir með ánægju Verk í vinnslu, viðburð sem fer fram á bransadögum hátíðarinnar. Þar kynna íslenskir kvikmyndagerðarmenn verk sem eru í vinnslu og/eða eru ókláruð. Verkefnin eru ýmist kvikmyndir eða sjónvarpsþættir í vinnslu. Verk í vinnslu er stutt af Kvikmyndamiðstöð Íslands og er kjörinn vettvangur fyrir kvikmyndagerðafólk til að hittast, mynda tengsl og deila hugmyndum. Viðburðurinn fer fram í Norræna húsinu og verður streymt beint fyrir þau sem ekki hafa tök á að mæta í eigin persónu. Umræðum stjórnar Wendy Mitchell. Mitchell er blaðamaður og ráðgjafi fyrir kvikmyndahátíðir.
Undir Link getur þú fundið hvaða verk í vinnslu verða í viðburðinum:

Norræna húsið The Nordic House Bíó Paradís Icelandic Film Centre - Kvikmyndamiðstöð Íslands

First international presentation of Movie Fjallið The Mountain, a coming-of-age story following a happy family tested by...

First international presentation of Movie
Fjallið The Mountain, a coming-of-age story following a happy family tested by tragedy and forced to find a new path forward, now in post production in Iceland. First Run Club screening tickets already available on our site!

26/02/2024 - The coming-of-age tale follows a happy family tested by tragedy and forced to find a new path forward

Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year!🎄🕯️☮️

Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year!🎄🕯️☮️


St Paulsgatan 13


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