Stiftelsen Kokkonst

Stiftelsen Kokkonst The new Swedish platform for innovation through food The event is produced by Stiftelsen Kokkonst and partners, in collaboration with Moderna Museet, Stockholm.

Stiftelsen Kokkonst is a Swedish initiative on innovation through food with the objective of creating a long-term platform in Sweden for the international discourse on innovation, food and art.

Ferran Adrià in today's Dagens Nyheter.

Ferran Adrià in today's Dagens Nyheter.

Ferran Adrià är mannen som introducerade skummet på våra tallrikar och har influerat en våg av molekylärgastronomi. Nu stänger han sin lyxkrog El Bulli för att i stället starta en stiftelse för mat...

Ferran Adrià in today's Dagens Industri.

Ferran Adrià in today's Dagens Industri.

I slutet av juli stänger El Bulli, världens mest omtalade restaurang, för gott. Men redan nu är stjärnkrögaren Ferran Adria i startgroparna med sitt nya projekt, skriver Dagens industri.


The words "Ferran + Stockholm" has 1.620.000 hits. Do not be late to Moderna Museet at 4pm tomorrow when Ferran will talk about his creative process and to see a sneak peak of the upcoming documentary.

Design Hotels posts invitation on their blog!

Design Hotels posts invitation on their blog!

Next Monday visitors to and residents of Stockholm have the exceptional opportunity to listen to Ferran Adria give a talk about innovation, food, and art- via his elBulli Foundation. The talk will take place at the Moderna Museet not far from the Skeppsholmen Hotel. Not a bad long weekend trip? Mo


Stockholm is getting very excited for the arrival of Ferran...

Here is the official invitation! The excitement is building...

Here is the official invitation! The excitement is building...

The magazine Mat och Vänner writes about Ferran Adrià's upcoming trip to Sweden!

The magazine Mat och Vänner writes about Ferran Adrià's upcoming trip to Sweden!

Den 27 juni gästar Ferran Adrià Moderna museet för att presentera hans och broderns nya projekt, elBulli Foundation, som satsat på innovation och mat. Besöket är ett startskott för en ny satsning som långsiktigt ska göra Sverige till en plattform för den internationella diskussionen om kokkonsten.


Moderna Museet's schedule for the event.

The Auditorium, Moderna Museet. Entrance only through seaside entrance. The museum is otherwise closed. Admission free. In English.

Ferran Adrià in Travel Report's news section.

Ferran Adrià in Travel Report's news section.

Article from the NY Times about elBulli and what the fantastic empire of gastronomy has given Spain.

Article from the NY Times about elBulli and what the fantastic empire of gastronomy has given Spain.

One of the most influential restaurants in the world is closing, but the country’s top chefs are already primed to step up.


Ferran Adrià's talk is open to the public at Moderna Museet on the 27th of June at 4pm. However, we recommend that you reserve seats. Seats can be reservered at [email protected] Entrance from the sea side (the museum is closed on Mondays, but especially open for this event)

A little look inside elBulli.

A little look inside elBulli.

El porqué de la transformación elBullifoundation


Stiftelsen Kokkonst is honored and excited that Ferran Adrià is interrupting his intense work schedule in the very last few weeks of elBulli to come to Stockholm!


Visit elBulli's website for small video clips and more information.

It’s an entity that typically has an important social involvement and is, above all, non-profit making. That means that it doesn’t distribute profits and always reinvests in the Foundation itself.

Ferran Adrià, "the man who re-invented cooking" and the world's most famous chef, is coming to Stockholm to give a talk ...

Ferran Adrià, "the man who re-invented cooking" and the world's most famous chef, is coming to Stockholm to give a talk on his new bellwether for innovation, food and art – the elBulli Foundation – at Moderna Museet, Stockholm, on the 27th of June.




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