LittleBig Productions

LittleBig Productions Independent film production company focusing on feature film & drama series production in all genres.

LittleBig Productions focuses mainly on feature film and drama series production and operates on an International level with regard to projects, scripts, direction and production. In our feature film and drama production we have both domestic and international distribution in mind. LittleBig Productions is one of the founding companies behind Nordic Genre Invasion, a network of Nordic genre film producers for co-operation within marketing and distribution.

Icelandic Cinema release Feb 6th!🍿The Mountain is a coming-of-age story of how the cosmos and a trip to the highlands of...

Icelandic Cinema release Feb 6th!🍿

The Mountain is a coming-of-age story of how the cosmos and a trip to the highlands offer comfort to a family whose life is upended by a twist of fate.

The Mountain is a coming-of-age story of how the cosmos and a trip to the highlands offer comfort to a family whose life is upended by a twist of fate.

The Mountain Icelandic cinema release Feb 6th! 🍿The Mountain is a coming-of-age story of how the cosmos and a trip to th...

The Mountain Icelandic cinema release Feb 6th! 🍿

The Mountain is a coming-of-age story of how the cosmos and a trip to the highlands offer comfort to a family whose life is upended by a twist of fate.

Proud our coproduction Fjallið The Mountain is taking part at WIP Stockfish!

Proud our coproduction Fjallið The Mountain is taking part at WIP Stockfish!

Stockfish 2024 proudly presents the Work in Progress event which showcases works from the latest Icelandic film and TV productions. With the support from the Icelandic Film Centre, WIP provides a platform for collaboration, feedback, and exposure that can lead to valuable connections. This event will be live-streamed and recorded to reach professionals who can not join us in person from The Nordic House in Reykjavík. On top it is moderated by Wendy Mitchell, journalist, moderator and film festival consultant.
Under the link you can find the works in progress that will be showcased at the event:
Stockfish 2024 kynnir með ánægju Verk í vinnslu, viðburð sem fer fram á bransadögum hátíðarinnar. Þar kynna íslenskir kvikmyndagerðarmenn verk sem eru í vinnslu og/eða eru ókláruð. Verkefnin eru ýmist kvikmyndir eða sjónvarpsþættir í vinnslu. Verk í vinnslu er stutt af Kvikmyndamiðstöð Íslands og er kjörinn vettvangur fyrir kvikmyndagerðafólk til að hittast, mynda tengsl og deila hugmyndum. Viðburðurinn fer fram í Norræna húsinu og verður streymt beint fyrir þau sem ekki hafa tök á að mæta í eigin persónu. Umræðum stjórnar Wendy Mitchell. Mitchell er blaðamaður og ráðgjafi fyrir kvikmyndahátíðir.
Undir Link getur þú fundið hvaða verk í vinnslu verða í viðburðinum:

Norræna húsið The Nordic House Bíó Paradís Icelandic Film Centre - Kvikmyndamiðstöð Íslands

Första presentationen av Fjallið The Mountain internationellt🙂First international presentation of Fjallið The Mountain  ...

Första presentationen av Fjallið The Mountain internationellt🙂
First international presentation of Fjallið The Mountain

26/02/2024 - The coming-of-age tale follows a happy family tested by tragedy and forced to find a new path forward


The shoot must go on, come hell or high water. Adapting to circumstances is crucial and made possible by a good shooting schedule.


St Paulsgatan 13


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Our Story

The love of good stories lies as the base of film production company LittleBig Productions, founded by Icelandic producer Anna G Magnúsdóttir in 1993 when she moved from Reykjavík to Stockholm, where she previously studied film and production. The company, now co-owned by partner Anders Granström, focuses on feature film and drama series production in all genres and operates on an international level with regards to projects, with both domestic and international distribution in mind. LittleBig Productions is one of the founding companies behind Nordic Genre Invasion, a network of Nordic genre film producers for co-operation within marketing and distribution.