Rehearsal with Director 🎥
Vi gör varumärken starkare med film. Vi älskar starka stories som får en att tänka och agera ? CRISP FILM är ett produktionsbolag baserat i Stockholm.
Kornhamnstorg 59b
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Skicka ett meddelande till Crisp Film:
To explore, challenge and question the industry is something we strive to do every day. We see each brand as something unique and our goal is always to turn smart new ideas into meaningful narrative. Whether the brand is a person, a company or an organization, we want to develop the idea and the story into something so clear and strong that it remains with viewer. That’s why we are here.
Since 2010 we have had the pleasure of working with some of the country's strongest brands, organizations and agencies. Every day we are driven to be a part of their continuing development where meaningful film communication is in focus.
Among our references you will find companies as; Scania, ABB, Becker, NCC, 7-Eleven, Mercedes Benz and organizations such as; UN, UNHCR, Save the Children and WaterAid. We also work closely with award-winning agencies; Blomquist & Co, Jingle, Round & Round, Colony, Volontaire, Tomorro'och Svensson.