BlomStein Studios

BlomStein Studios Welcome to BlomStein Studios! On this page you can follow my musical projects such as learning new instruments and recording with others!





Var den första att veta och låt oss skicka ett mail när BlomStein Studios postar nyheter och kampanjer. Din e-postadress kommer inte att användas för något annat ändamål, och du kan när som helst avbryta prenumerationen.


Why I do this

In this time and age it’s getting more and more popular with vlogs and pages promoting whatever needs to be promoted. I created this page to commit to playing, practicing and work on my creativity. I have this awesome studio gear and several instruments. Making and maintaining this page requires me to keep practicing and improving my skills. I used to be a pretty good bassist a few years ago. I still pack a punch, but I’m not where I used to be and I’d like to get back to and beyond where I was. I also used to play the drums when I was a young boy. I decided to pick up the drumsticks once again when my youngest step daughter told us she wanted to learn how to play the drums.

Sharing the journey with you adds the icing to the cake and hopefully you’ll find it fun and entertaining and if I can inspire any of you to pick up whichever instrument you are neglecting, well that’s a victory for both of us!

How can we interact? If you want to collaborate and do stuff together let me know! I’d love to do that! If you have tips and ideas, I’d love to hear from you! And if I ever get lazy and do not put stuff on the page as often as I should... You know what to do! Rock on!


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