Vudya kitaban förlag

Vudya kitaban förlag Vudya Kitaban Förlag gives out books in Swedish, English, Urdu and Punjabi. Now our books are available in PDF or e-Book format. Visit our website

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Drömmare / DreamerSain Suchas samlade dikter på Svenska och Engelska, i parallell skrift.INTRODUKTIONDet här är ett urva...

Drömmare / Dreamer
Sain Suchas samlade dikter på Svenska och Engelska, i parallell skrift.
Det här är ett urval av mina dikter som jag hittills har skrivit på engelska, svenska, urdu och punjabi.
Jag har fått frågan om språket jag tänker på. Jag önskar att jag visste det. Precis som mina drömmar, tror jag, det beror på vem jag kommunicerar med – jag använder det språk som är förståeligt för personen som är där när jag drömmer eller skriver.
Situationen är så här – Mitt modersmål är urdu; mitt känslospråk är punjabi; mitt utbildningsspråk var engelska och under de senaste femtio år har jag ägnat dagarna till att prata mest svenska.
På samma sätt har jag läst min poesi och prosa på engelska, urdu, punjabi och svenska – var och en med sin speciella form, uttryck, ordförråd och temperament.
Så vem är jag? En cocktail tror jag. Ni skulle inte veta vad cocktailen är gjord av; men förhoppningsvis, smakar den gott!
Detsamma gäller för mitt skrivande. Jag har läst sedan jag var fem år gammal; och jag har läst från alla möjliga källor. Om jag har lärt mig något; det är upp till er att bestämma, men här delar jag med mina läsare vad jag tycker.
Den här boken, med vissa ändringar, släpps också på punjabi–engelska; punjabi–urdu; urdu–engelska.
Drömmare finns både som en vanligt bok med mjuk omslag och e-book i PDF format.
Drömmare har 95 dikter, och 268 sidor.
Boken kostar:
Drömmare i paperback, 200 kr inklusive porto (140 + 60).
Drömmare i e-Book, PDF format, 70 kr
Beställa via
Betala till BG 764-1699 eller PayPal:
Komma ihåg att skriva adress och e-post eller whatsApp nummer.
Sain Sucha. Maj, 2022

Sain Sucha’sthoughts –Dressed in three attiresorExpressed in three languages96 poems, 298 pages in each book. In paralle...

Sain Sucha’s
thoughts –
Dressed in three attires
Expressed in three languages
96 poems, 298 pages in each book.
In parallel script
Punjabi/English Punjabi/Urdu Urdu/English
Available in PDF, that is readable on any computer or iPad or Android slab.
These books are also printable on any printer, in selected sections or as a whole book that can be saved in a file.
Price: Sek 55 Euro 5 $ 6 £ 4
Order or for sample reading klick at

this is a test

this is a test

Review of Reflections by Readerjorge on Book Club online.

Review of Reflections by Readerjorge on Book Club online.

Do you think that –Child molestingGirl supply from various student hostelsMisogyny and female repressionReligious terror...

Do you think that –
Child molesting
Girl supply from various student hostels
Misogyny and female repression
Religious terrorism
Ignorance of all faiths in the world
Persecution of the minorities
Political apathy
Military dictatorship and extortion
are recent phenomena?
No, they are not.
Already in 1985 warnings against all these happenings and people were given in The Roots of Misery – a socio-political study of Pakistan that explains that blaming foreign powers for our own ineptitude to solve our problems is not the correct way to proceed. Only Pakistanis are responsible for the nation's present sorrowful state and can resolve it by united effort.
Download the book at
Read it as an e-book or a PDF file!


An introduction to Sahir's poetry -- on his 39 anniversary.
(from the preface of my book Sorcery, Vudya Kitaban, 1989.)
Sain Sucha

It is amazing how one can feel deeply indebted to a person whom one has never met, or even seen. And, without ever having been close to that person, share his descriptions and dreams, be a vessel for his emotions – cry when he grieves and feel elated when he so inspires. From my childhood, through adolescence, right into my thirties, and to quite an extent even today, that is the relationship between Sahir and me.
As a grown-up human being, I am a thorough mixture of that little bit which my genes carried in them and a whole lot of impressions which are imprinted upon my mind from external sources during the last five decades. There are some names which are more prominent than others in their claim to have influenced me; but none more salient than Sahir, if I were to name the person who guided and formed my emotional life in my youth.
This does not mean that I am, in any way, an admirer without reservations. On the contrary, there are many things by him which I disagree with, and some totally refute. Yet, most of what he wrote came close to my heart – it is another thing that on closer scrutiny not only the mind rejected what the heart cherished, but also quite often won over the heart – it is another thing that on closer scrutiny not only the mind rejected what the heart cherished, but also quite often won over the heart.
Just to show how I felt towards Sahir I should refer to an important incident – when I left Pakistan for England in 1960 I had a major problem to solve. Without having a prearranged job, or accommodation, I was forced to carry the minimum with me. Among my precious possessions I had TULKHIAN , a collection of poems by Sahir. Should I take it with me or not? I decided not to carry the book. Instead, I confined myself to my room for almost two weeks and memorised the whole book – about a hundred pages and some eighty-five compositions. Today, after nearly thirty years, I can still recite most of the book from memory. Did I like Sahir!
Therefore, this book is a long-overdue, homage to Sahir.
Sahir Ludhianvi (1) was born in Ludhiana, E. Punjab, India in 1921. He died 25th, October 1980. This makes him contemporary with Faiz and Faraz(2), two other eminent poets from South Asia. In chronological order Faiz precedes him and Faraz follows. Both Sahir and Faiz received acclaim in the late thirties and early forties- Sahir's 'TAJ MAHAL' and Faiz's 'DON'T ASK ME MY DARLING FOR THE LOVE WE HAD ONCE' were published shortly after each other. Their inclination to paint the same shades of thought as verbal images made them aware of one another's presence, and potential. Both of them happened to be in, or nearby, Lahore during this early period of their intellectual development. period of their intellectual development. Sahir admits that Faiz's impact on him generated negative vibrations resulting in a lifelong resentment against a man simply because that man projected those thoughts which Sahir would have liked to have written himself had the other one not endorsed them first. It is most unfortunate, because both of them were extremely gifted poets and, before this clash, were independently writing great poetry, at that very crucial time in Indian history. Some people say that Sahir was influenced by Faiz, and these two must have impressed Faraz. How much of it is true, no one knows; except each of them, in their moments of objective truth. All three are highly respected poets, within the medium which they decided to use for their expression. Faiz is profoundly sophisticated and subtle, Sahir is deeply introverted but t straight in his message, Faraz is more versatile and can project his thoughts in whichever manner he chooses.

As far as diversity in class struggle is concerned Sahir was definitely the most conscious of it. Faiz and Faraz have used classes in the abstract form-rich vs. poor, culprit vs. victim – without much emphasis on the nature of atrocities which different people within various classes inflict or are inflicted upon. Sahir drew attention to the particulars as well; especially when he wrote about the universal victimisation of women as a separate issue. Already from the forties he wrote poems like 'AT NOOR JEHAN'S TOMB', 'WOMAN GAVE BIRTH TO MEN, MEN PUT HER IN THE STREET, 'BROTHELS' etc; and that was long before the Women's Liberation Movement came into vogue in the West. He also had, what the social scientists call, the inner view of the poor class, and put forward their case more blatantly than any other contemporary well-known Urdu/Hindi poet, with the probable exception of Habib Jalib. Thus, while he perhaps fell short of sustained sophisticated presentation of composed thought, he made up for it with the directness of his presentation of universal and individual problems, as well as the lyricism of the highest order, in Urdu poetry.
Of the three Sahir is the only one who lived for many years on the fringe of poverty, and wrote commercially for the film industry in Bombay. This makes it somewhat tedious to decide when Sahir expressed his inner voice and when he voiced the situation which was relevant in a particular sequence in a movie. Nevertheless, it is not an impossible task to separate the independent poet and thinker from the complier who satisfied certain needs in a given manner. When the strings from Bombay did not manipulate his hand he wrote for India and the majority of Indians – the poor, the suppressed, and the youth. He wrote from the heart, for the heart. Of course, he wrote for the mind too; but in a way that one did not need to go round musing over the contents for a couple of days and then suddenly get the feeling of rapture when the hidden meanings emerged. Instead, he wrote in a note which was so masterly composed that one picked up the tune and sung it with him as soon as one heard it – sung with him songs which in the beginning were pessimistic, bitter and dejectory, but later on those which contained optimism, hope, and implied salvation. Most of his poetry was written with the intention of representing and reaching ordinary human beings; and, therefore, in a medium which was within their reach. That is not to say that he wrote about simple matters. No! He wrote about the complexities of life and human experience in a language that the contents, despite their depth, were accessible to everybody who understood Urdu or Hindi – and this means his poetry reaches almost 800 million (3) hearts, and minds.
Actually Sahir is one of the most prominent historians of the modem India – not a chronologist of political events but a historian of the Indian psyche. His writings reflect the mood of Indian society from the thirties to the day when death claimed his pen. His early compositions show resentment and protest against the British presence in India, the mass confusions of the urban sector during the Second World War as to their role for and against the two foreign power blocks in relation to the chances of getting rid of the British Raj. The forties and fifties show hopefulness arising from the success made by the socialistic thought in Russia and Eastern Europe, and, simultaneously, a deep sense of helplessness which prevailed among the intellectuals after the partition of Imperial India into Pakistan and Bharat It is not until the fifties that a completely new surge of awareness became dominant in India and Sahir wrote 'THAT DAWN SHALL RISE, ONE DAY' and 'WITH US, THAT DAWN SHALL RISE'. With that Sahir was no longer a mere protestor. He, along with few other writers who could feel the coming change, became the critic and wrote 'WOMAN GAVE BIRTH TO MEN, MEN PUT HER IN THE STREET, and sometimes the seer who talked about 'THE ADVENT OF LIGHT', and at times the prudent who suggested 'LET'S WEAVE A DREAM'.

Still, most of Sahir's poetry is not on a happy note. He was basically not a happy person. Yet, he was capable of inducing positive thinking whenever he decided to do so. He was awarded the title of 'Sri Padam' by the President of India. His work was acknowledged internationally when he was awarded the Lenin Peace Prize (4) in literature. On the other hand, in spite of the popularity of his compositions among the general public, he is ignored by the elitist intellectuals in South Asia; intentionally, and wrongly I believe. Although many books exist in Urdu containing his works, and several of his poems are translated into other languages, indigenous as well as international, there is no proper anthology of Sahir in Urdu or English. I have inquired from reliable sources (5) but the answer has been in the negative. The slander of commercialism is not an acceptable charge. To place a person of such high calibre as Sahir, and all of his work, into a permanent shadow on such grounds would be an act of sacrilege. As his name depicts, he had been a sorcerer (6) for over forty years and the magic of his poetry must reach the coming generations, both at home and abroad.
If this effort of mine should succeed in transmitting some feelings of his poetry into English then I am content.
I have taken the liberty of making a subjective choice in selecting the material for this book. For the accuracy in translation I have concentrated more upon the meanings of Sahir's ideas than the form of the poems; therefore, if the readers of English interpretations do not find in them the exquisite lyricism which I have mentioned earlier then the shortcomings are mine, not Sahir's. I am aware that there are several other compositions by Sahir which I could have included in the anthology, but the economics of the situation bid me to take my leave at the present stage. I only hope that other enthusiasts and translators will be encouraged by this little selection, and perhaps we shall see a much larger representation of Sahir, and other noteworthy writers from South Asia, in the future on the trans-cultural platform.
Sain Sucha
Sollentuna, Aug. 7th, 1989.
Sollentuna 25 October 2019

(1) He was named Abd-al-Haye by his parents.
(2) I feel guilty of negligence when only the names of Faiz and Faraz are mentioned; because during that period, there were many other writers who produced excellent literature. The reason I have cited these three persons here is that there is a certain undercurrent which is common to their writings and which, without becoming obvious, could always be felt by their readers, at least by those who I am acquainted with.
Therefore, no disrespect is intended to the others if I have failed to name them in this book
(3)The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language.
(4) Incorrect. He received the Soviet Land Nehru Award.
(5) Among others Mr. Ralph Russell.
(6) Sahir means a sorcerer or a wizard in Urdu.

Discourses with IT contains seven stories by Sain SuchaThe stories are in the form of trialogues: discourses which take ...

Discourses with IT contains seven stories by Sain Sucha
The stories are in the form of trialogues: discourses which take place between the narrator, the persons who are directly or indirectly involved, and IT.

Who, or what is IT?
Whenever a conversation proceeds between two or more persons, the very instant an element of ambiguity appears, a trialogue always develops – the audible dialogue which takes place between the persons who speak to each other directly, in which words and sentences are said and their obvious, accepted meanings are exchanged; and, the silent conversation which runs parallel to the audible one, in which each person tries to comprehend the essence of that conversation, and where the hidden meanings, over and above the obvious, are sought. The entity with which this silent conversation is conducted I have given the identity of IT.
In other words, IT always emerges whenever a complex dialogue occurs between two or more persons, or a monologue is conducted by a person.

The seven ITs treated in these stories are Death, Longing, Fear, Memory, Lust, Him, and Life.

The book is weightless, volumeless and always with you in PDF or e-Book format. Read it on a computer, iPad, tablet or smartphone.
Cheap in price and easy to carry.
How to order a copy of an e-book -- click on
Price: 63, Euro 6, US dollars 7 & UK£ 5.5

THE ROOTS OF MISERY by Sain Sucha 1985, 2019. EnglishISBN: 978-91-86620-43-0"The popular practice among the intellectual...

THE ROOTS OF MISERY by Sain Sucha 1985, 2019. English

ISBN: 978-91-86620-43-0

"The popular practice among the intellectuals in Pakistan is to put all the blame for the disorders in the country on colonialism, capitalism, socialism or some other Ism to cover their own shortcomings and mishaps. That what possible faults could be there in their own system which made it feasible for every donkey, camel or horse rider from the barren plains of Central Asia to the tiny states in Europe to come and rule them is a question which these intellectuals do their best to keep unasked."

Sain Sucha attempts an answer to the questions which are deliberately avoided by the politicians and intellectuals in The Third World.

The book is weightless, volumeless and always with you in PDF or e-Book format. Read it on a computer, iPad, tablet or smartphone.
Cheap in price and easy to carry.
How to order a copy of an e-book -- click on
Price: 90 Euro 8 US dollars 9

Words, Words and WordsbyKhalid Sohail & Sain SuchaWe write words to convey a message from one person toanother!The way s...

Words, Words and Words
Khalid Sohail & Sain Sucha
We write words to convey a message from one person to
The way sentences are constructed and arranged, and the
content of the final product decides how we, in a literary
sense, would call it a poem, a story, an essay or just some
other means of communication. Then there is rhyme and
rhythm, comedy and tragedy, fact or fiction – all that
composed of words in one form or another.
Both, Khalid Sohail and I have used words over a very
long period. Both of us are natural scientists who with the
passage of time felt a greater attraction for sociological and
philosophical topics than pure scientific work. We have
tried to express in words what life has taught us, so far.
Both of us believe in Humanism as the ultimate solution
for our co-existence with other people and all that exists on
the planet Earth.
This joint venture caters our thoughts in three different
forms. It is up to the readers to decide in which order they
prefer to read the book. As long as there is some sort of
response – positive or negative – we would cherish the
opinion of our readers.
Toronto, Canada & Sollentuna, Sweden
Khalid Sohail & Sain Sucha
November, 2016.

WORDs are used by the two writers to create twenty-two poems, fourteen short stories and nine essays to convey the essence of Humanism.

The book is weightless, volumeless and always with you in PDF or e-Book format. Read it on a computer, iPad, tablet or smartphone.
Cheap in price and easy to carry.
For the details click upon

REFLEKTIONReflektion innehåller femton noveller av Sain Sucha.Reflektion contains fifteen short stories by Sain Sucha in...

Reflektion innehåller femton noveller av Sain Sucha.
Reflektion contains fifteen short stories by Sain Sucha in Swedish.
The book is weightless, volumeless and always with you in PDF or e-Book format. Read it on a computer, iPad, tablet or smartphone.
Cheap in price and easy to carry.
For the details click upon

The Evil EyesThe Evil Eye contains ten latest short stories by Sain Sucha.The book is weightless, volumeless and always ...

The Evil Eyes
The Evil Eye contains ten latest short stories by Sain Sucha.
The book is weightless, volumeless and always with you in PDF or e-Book format. Read it on a computer, iPad, tablet or smartphone.
Cheap in price and easy to carry.
For the details click upon

REFLECTIONsReflections contains sixteen short stories by Sain Sucha.The book is weightless, volumeless and always with y...

Reflections contains sixteen short stories by Sain Sucha.
The book is weightless, volumeless and always with you in PDF or e-Book format. Read it on a computer, iPad, tablet or smartphone.
Cheap in price and easy to carry.
For the details click upon

نقُوشسائیں سُچّا کی کتاب ' نقُوش' جس میں 'چُٹکیاں اور سوچیں!' میں چھپے ہوئے تیرَہ افسانے شامل ہیں۔یہ کتاب ای-بُک (e-Book...

سائیں سُچّا کی کتاب ' نقُوش' جس میں 'چُٹکیاں اور سوچیں!' میں چھپے ہوئے تیرَہ افسانے شامل ہیں۔
یہ کتاب ای-بُک (e-Book) اور پی ڈی ایف (PDF) میں دستیاب ہے جنہیں آپ کسی کمپیوٹر، آی پیڈ، ٹیبلیٹ یا سمارٹ فون پر پڑھ سکتے ہیں۔ ان کتابوں کا کوئی وزن یا حجم نہیں اور آپ انہیں کہیں بھی ساتھ لےجا سکتے ہیں۔
تفصیلات کے لئے پر کلک کریں۔

بُری نظرسائیں سُچّا کی نئی کتاب ' بُری نظر' میں دس تازہ ا فسانے ۔یہ کتاب ای-بُک (e-Book) اور پی ڈی ایف (PDF) میں دستیاب ...

بُری نظر
سائیں سُچّا کی نئی کتاب ' بُری نظر' میں دس تازہ ا فسانے ۔
یہ کتاب ای-بُک (e-Book) اور پی ڈی ایف (PDF) میں دستیاب ہے جنہیں آپ کسی کمپیوٹر، آی پیڈ، ٹیبلیٹ یا سمارٹ فون پر پڑھ سکتے ہیں۔ ان کتابوں کا کوئی وزن یا حجم نہیں اور آپ انہیں کہیں بھی ساتھ لےجا سکتے ہیں۔
تفصیلات کے لئے پر کلک کریں۔

Vudya Kitaban Förlag has released books since 1985. Having its site in Sweden and publishing books, besides Swedish, in ...

Vudya Kitaban Förlag has released books since 1985. Having its site in Sweden and publishing books, besides Swedish, in English, Urdu and Punjabi have been a problem for the distribution and transportation of the books.

Now, we have solved the problem by converting the books into PDF and e-Book format that allows us to deliver the books anywhere in the world within days of receiving payment.

Read the books yourself or give them as a gift – we just need an e-mail address or a Messenger connection on Facebook for the delivery.

Notice that these books are not printed on paper. They are readable on your computer, iPad, tablet or surf-pad and the smart-phone connection.

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Vudya Kitaban Förlag has released books since 1985. Having its site in Sweden and publishing books, besides Swedish, in English, Now, we have solved the problem by converting the books into PDF and e-Book format that allows us to deliver the books anywhere in the world within days of receiving payment. Read the books yourself or give them as a gift – we just need an e-mail address or a Messenger connection on Facebook for the delivery. Notice that these books are not printed on paper. They are readable on your computer, iPad, tablet or surf-pad and the smart-phone connection. We would appreciate feedback by our readers directly on our page, Vudya kitaban förlag, or on your own Facebook/ Instagram. Log in to: to order books.

Vudya Kitaban Förlag has released books since 1985. Having its site in Sweden and publishing books, besides Swedish, in English, Urdu and Punjabi have been a problem for the distribution and transportation of the books.

Now, we have solved the problem by converting the books into PDF and e-Book format that allows us to deliver the books anywhere in the world within days of receiving payment.

Read the books yourself or give them as a gift – we just need an e-mail address or a Messenger connection on Facebook for the delivery.

Notice that these books are not printed on paper. They are readable on your computer, iPad, tablet or surf-pad and the smart-phone connection.