The Lake

The Lake Listen to The Lake – a place for experimental and inspiring music, sound and radio – at or find our shows in your podcast app.

The Lake is a place for music and sounds. The radio stream runs all hours of the day and is randomized. No one knows what The Lake plays next. Every week, talk programs, concert recordings, interviews, mixtapes and more are broadcast and released as podcasts. Find us at or in your preferred podcast app. The Lake is driven and curated by a group of Copenhagen-based artists and

radio producers, with the aid of a long list of kind contributors and collaborators. TUNE IN - BLISS OUT

SHAPE+: Eugène Blove - Broadcasting tonight at 20:00 CET 🎼 The next SHAPE+ mixtape is from Eugène Blove. A multi-faceted...

SHAPE+: Eugène Blove - Broadcasting tonight at 20:00 CET 🎼

The next SHAPE+ mixtape is from Eugène Blove. A multi-faceted French artist who’s connecting the dots between brooding abstraction, electronic aggression and wistful Neo-folk in the most captivating way. Thrashing all protocols to explore the fragmented whereabouts of modern (dark-)pop and dysfunctional electronics, Blove beckons us onto a path of cathartic abandon and deep inward gaze.

Listen to this mix of almost an hour of dying whistles, transparent hatred and burning castles!

Eugène Blove is an artist of the SHAPE+ platform for innovative music and interdisciplinary art, co-funded by the European Union and Pro Helvetia.

Live kl 12:00 Mellemrum  #10: KH7Thorbjørn besøger KH7 Artspace i Aarhus og hører om deres helt specielle sted - deres v...

Live kl 12:00 Mellemrum #10: KH7

Thorbjørn besøger KH7 Artspace i Aarhus og hører om deres helt specielle sted - deres vilkår, passion, ambitioner, deres udfordringer og de mange muligheder indenfor denne boblende del af kunstscenen.

Medvirkende: Stine Kloster

This year's first episode of My House In Your Haustonight at 20 CET on already in the app sphereDee...

This year's first episode of My House In Your Haus
tonight at 20 CET on
..or already in the app sphere

Deep in the air, we ride the world on dreams. Through a lightbath we take baby steps to recognize "every moment, I am". This is the start of something new, of 2025. Love, maybe, we feel the vibration of the music, the deep and the promising, the soft and the sound, eager for speed. Can't turn back the clock. Can't re-arrange the map. What's our mood other than rosa, brave and uncertain? I'm broadcasting from Berlin, from a room with a view, through a modded clip-on mic. Let's be hopeful and colorful. Welcome to MHIYH.

Your host: Phtalo

BLIR DET GODT? BLIR DET DÅRLIGT?? DJ Brevet og Mixi har aftalt at "Hallo hvem er det?" nu sender hver tredje uge indtil ...

BLIR DET GODT? BLIR DET DÅRLIGT?? DJ Brevet og Mixi har aftalt at "Hallo hvem er det?" nu sender hver tredje uge indtil videre. Erfaringen fra dengang de sendte ring ind-programmet "DJ Brevets brevkasse" (2019-2021), er, at det betyder en del for interaktions-kulturen når udsendelsen ikke er et ugentligt ritual. En hyppigere udsendelse kan desværre ikke lade sig gøre pt., da de begge er ved at lægge livets kabale på ny (arbejde mv.). Lyt med i aften kl. 19 for mere padlen rundt i livets plummervand. Ring ind på 4266 8029.

Lyt med i dag kl 14:00 når vi sender det seneste afsnit af serien Mellemrum. Thorbjørn besøger På Den Anden Side, på Møn...

Lyt med i dag kl 14:00 når vi sender det seneste afsnit af serien Mellemrum.

Thorbjørn besøger På Den Anden Side, på Møn og hører om deres helt specielle sted - deres vilkår,
passion, ambitioner, deres udfordringer og de mange muligheder indenfor denne boblende del af
Medvirkende: Morten Bencke, Balz Isler, Elisabeth Kiss
Fotos: På Den Anden Side.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!The bells chime to a new year, and to round it off we asked each other: Whats the best thing you heard th...

The bells chime to a new year, and to round it off we asked each other:
Whats the best thing you heard this year?
Tune in to new drops today at 16:00 to find out.
Here’s to another year of our ever running radio 💖
Thank you for listening.

ONE FROM THE ARCHIVE: I mit orgels hus  #1 ~ Broadcasting tonight at 20:00 CETOn the occasion of our 10 years in the air...

ONE FROM THE ARCHIVE: I mit orgels hus #1 ~ Broadcasting tonight at 20:00 CET

On the occasion of our 10 years in the air, we spotlight an old podcast from The Lake’s rich archive every Tuesday night.

'I mit orgels hus' with Jan Høgh Stricker' is a wonderful series of broadcasts that seeks to open the door to a world where the organ reigns supreme. The organ in an expanded field: synthesizers, water organs, pedal organs, pipe organs, harmoniums, the organ as a memory engine and time machine, organs that are broken or fall into disrepair. We are broadcasting the first episode tonight, but we encourage you to listen to this entire enriching series no matter how well you already know the organ. The podcast is in Danish.

Tune in at 20:00 CET tonight as we broadcast the show, or listen now in your preferred podcast app.


Ok, we head downtown and fly into a circle inside a circle, just to get lost in this terrible and surrealistic world. We...

Ok, we head downtown and fly into a circle inside a circle, just to get lost in this terrible and surrealistic world. We go back to black, you heard it, we’re doing house music today, and we parade to be seen in our longing for something better. It’s deep house while in deep s**t. Some would call it chaos, halfway to xmas. Less talk in this episode, more bells. Every day looking forward to my nocturne. I’ll be back next year, take care and stay soft. Ay-ay from captain Baldur.

New episode of My House In Your Haus with Phtalo tonight at 20 CET on or already on the dance floor of your touch screen

Broadcasting at 20:00 CETMusik i Hjernen - HukommelseI aften sender vi sidste afsnit af serien Musik i Hjernen. Stor tak...

Broadcasting at 20:00 CET

Musik i Hjernen - Hukommelse

I aften sender vi sidste afsnit af serien Musik i Hjernen. Stor tak til Tim Hinman, og for den fascinerende podcast.

Tim Hinman tager dig med på en sonisk rejse ind i dit hoved sammen med professor Peter Vuust, leder for Center for Music in the Brain ved Aarhus Universitet, for at finde ud af hvordan musik påvirker hjernen.

Tilrettelæggelse, research og produktion: Tim Hinman, Julie Bang, Anne Obel, Anna Thaulow.

Musik i Hjernen er støttet af Lundbeckfonden.

Broadcasting today at 10:00 CETNew Drops  #16 - Nanna RuusThis episode comes to you from Nanna Ruus, booker at the Copen...

Broadcasting today at 10:00 CET

New Drops #16 - Nanna Ruus

This episode comes to you from Nanna Ruus, booker at the Copenhagen venue Alice. The mix is caring and warm while also being hardcore and rough, like a hug that picks you up and tosses you around.
We are delighted to have Nannas picks, added to our ever growing lake of sound.

Broadcasting tonight 20:00 CETfelicita: Spælarkle08Tonight we bring you a mix from  to celebrate the release of Spælarkl...

Broadcasting tonight 20:00 CET

felicita: Spælarkle08

Tonight we bring you a mix from to celebrate the release of Spælarkle a new three-disc remix album.
Spælarkle is a sprawling, psychedelic flip of 2023’s album
Spalarkle, released by and featuring Caroline Polacheck
Kero Kero Bonito, and YoungQueenz.

SHAPE+: Daniel Szwed ( PL) –  Broadcasting tonight at 20:00 CET or listen now in your preferred podcast appThe next SHAP...

SHAPE+: Daniel Szwed ( PL) – Broadcasting tonight at 20:00 CET or listen now in your preferred podcast app

The next SHAPE+ mixtape is from Daniel Szwed. He is the co-founder of the BNNT collective (with Konrad Smoleński), with whom he has been working in the sphere of sound and image since 2008 and is now debuting with solo material. Szwed's mixtape will include a collection of released and unreleased tracks by the Hiss Label run by Mateusz Rosinski (Jessica), Patryk Daszkiewicz (DMNSZ), Krystian Piotr, and Daniel Szwed himself. Enjoy!

SHAPE+ is a platform for innovative music and audiovisual art, co-funded by the EU.

Fra i dag og indtil vintersolhverv den 21. december kan du høre The Lake Radios bud på en julekalender, når vi hver dag ...

Fra i dag og indtil vintersolhverv den 21. december kan du høre The Lake Radios bud på en julekalender, når vi hver dag kl. 17:00 sender Kom Post, et hørespil, hvor du møder et søskendepar, der sammen forsøger at afvikle og aflyse en fælles jul gennem talebeskeder. Konflikterne vokser indtil en af dem modtager en pelset pakke i postkassen. Dernæst begynder andre ting at vokse...

Kom Post er skrevet, indtalt og produceret af Vandetnisk Stammagi aka. Asta Herta og Magda Skytte, musik af Ellen Vejlsgaard.

Lyt til den hver dag frem til solhverv på eller find første afsnit allerede nu via din podcast-app i din lomme.

Live i aften kl 20:00 CETMusik i Hjernen - ForandringerTim Hinman tager dig med på en lydrejse ind i dit sind sammen med...

Live i aften kl 20:00 CET

Musik i Hjernen - Forandringer

Tim Hinman tager dig med på en lydrejse ind i dit sind sammen med professor Peter Vuust, leder af Center for Music in the Brain ved Aarhus Universitet, for at undersøge, hvordan musik påvirker hjernen.

Tilrettelæggelse, research og produktion: Tim Hinman, Julie Bang, Anne Obel og Anna Thaulow. Musik i hjernen er støttet af Lundbeckfonden.

ONE FROM THE ARCHIVE: KORET  #1 ~ Broadcasting tonight at 20:00 CETOn the occasion of our 10 years in the air, we spotli...

ONE FROM THE ARCHIVE: KORET #1 ~ Broadcasting tonight at 20:00 CET

On the occasion of our 10 years in the air, we spotlight an old podcast from The Lake’s rich archive every Tuesday throughout the next couple of months.

In the podcast series KORET, author Fine Gråbøl invites a range of artists, singers, musicians, and composers to discuss the significance of choirs and the types of sonic communities choirs create – or complicate.

In the first episode of KORET, broadcasting tonight, we meet organist and former boys’ choir singer Stephan Nørklit Roed for a conversation about finding comfort in disciplined communities, about Mozart’s Requiem and Hits for Kids, and about singing his final solos with a substitute standing by when his voice could no longer reach the highest notes. We recommend you to listen to the entire series.

KORET is created and produced by Fine Gråbøl, Timmy Olivia Thyge Johansen, and Louise Tandrup Esbensen. The podcast is in Danish.

Oda Haugerud til lineup på årets Works for Radio⚡️Oda Haugerud er en Malmö-baseret billedkunstner der arbejder tværfagli...

Oda Haugerud til lineup på årets Works for Radio⚡️

Oda Haugerud er en Malmö-baseret billedkunstner der arbejder tværfagligt med installation. Hendes arbejde antyder kunstnerens rolle som medskaber ved at lade omgivelserne sive ind i værkerne gennem AI-generative, samarbejdende og stedsspecifikke tilgange. Hendes værker bevæger sig konstant mellem intime følelser, standardiseringsteknologi og industrielt produceret aflagt materiale. Vi kan ikke vente med at høre hendes værk i morgen, 26. november, når Works for Radio 2024 løber af stablen i Cinemateket...

Billetter via story eller

Om Works for Radio
Radiokunst har en lang tradition i public service, hvor kunstnere, forfattere og komponister har skabt værker specifikt til æteren. Med Works for Radio har The Lake siden 2016 gentænkt dette undervurderede format ved at invitere til intense lytteoplevelser i biografsalens mørke og kommissionere nye lydværker, der udfordrer radioens kunstneriske potentiale. Works for Radio 2024 er støttet af Koda Kultur.

Årets kunstnere er blevet udvalgt af The Lake Radio i samarbejde med Retreat radio & Seydisfjordur Community Radio 🖤

Live i dag 12:00 CETThorbjørn besøger Institut Funder Bakke nær Silkeborg og hører om deres helt specielle sted - deresv...

Live i dag 12:00 CET

Thorbjørn besøger Institut Funder Bakke nær Silkeborg og hører om deres helt specielle sted - deres
vilkår, passion, ambitioner, deres udfordringer og de mange muligheder indenfor denne boblende
del af kunstscenen.

Mellemrum er en podcast om den uafhængige scene for udstillingssteder og projektrum i landet.
Thorbjørn besøger nogle af udstillingsstederne og hører om deres helt specielle sted - deres vilkår,
passion, ambitioner, deres udfordringer og de mange muligheder indenfor denne boblende del af

Fotos: Institut Funder Bakke / Jordan Whitewood-Neal.

SHAPE+: Dali Muru & The Polyphonic Swarm ( FR/DE/UK) – Broadcasting tonight at 20:00 CET, or listen now in your preferre...

SHAPE+: Dali Muru & The Polyphonic Swarm ( FR/DE/UK) – Broadcasting tonight at 20:00 CET, or listen now in your preferred podcast app

First of this month's SHAPE+ mixtapes is from the poet, filmmaker, and vocalist Dalia Neis, producer Enir Da, and multi-instrumentalist Charles Lmx aka. Dali Muru & The Polyphonic Swarm. Guided by the spell of the spoken word, minimal percussive refrains, and oneiric textures, they channel cinematic images, enigmatic narratives, and spiritual frenzy through a fusion of troubadour poetics, film soundtracks, and primordial electronics. Lean back and tune in to this magical stream of music and sound...

SHAPE+ is a platform for innovative music and audiovisual art, co-funded by the EU.muru_polyphonic.swarm


Griffenfeldsgade 7A


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The Lake

The antithesis of commercial radio. The Lake is a place for music and sounds. The radio stream runs all hours of the day and is randomized. No one knows what The Lake plays next.

The Lake is driven and curated by Mads Brauer, Casper Clausen, Rasmus Stolberg, Jan Høgh Stricker, Kasper Vang, Rasmus Cleve Christensen, Anne Dalby, Asger Kudahl, Jan Sneum, William Kudahl, Sandra Borch, Mei Bao, Frederik Heidemann, Louise Esbensen, Niels Malte Lundsgaard, and Asta Louisa Bjerre, with the aid of a long list of kind contributors and collaborators.

The music broadcasted via is made available with permission from KODA/NCB & Gramex.

All shows are available for podcasting via iTunes: TUNE IN - BLISS OUT !