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من اعداد استاذ الإعلامي نبيل مصطفى programı hazırlayın üstat Midyeci Nebil Mustafa gözcü كوزجي


من اعداد استاذ الإعلامي نبيل مصطفى programı hazırlayın üstat Midyeci Nebil Mustafa gözcü كوزجي

Targeting the Turkmen Identity in Iraq in General and Kirkuk in ParticularThe Turkmen identity is one of the most promin...

Targeting the Turkmen Identity in Iraq in General and Kirkuk in Particular

The Turkmen identity is one of the most prominent components of Iraq's social fabric, with deep historical roots stretching back through the ages. However, the deliberate targeting of this identity, particularly in Kirkuk, reveals political and economic agendas aimed at weakening the Turkmen as an authentic community and reshaping the region’s demographics to serve specific interests.

Reasons Behind the Targeting of the Turkmen Identity

The Strategic Location of Kirkuk:

Kirkuk is not just a city but a hub rich in oil and natural resources, making it a strategic target for those seeking control over these assets.

Controlling Kirkuk provides economic and political leverage for dominating factions.

The Historical Role of the Turkmen:

The Turkmen have played a pivotal role in Iraq’s history as part of its successive civilizations.

Preserving their identity challenges forces that seek to erase cultural diversity and unify Iraqi identity under a specific ethnic or sectarian banner.

Lack of Turkmen Unity:

Despite their historical and demographic significance, the Turkmen face political divisions and lack strong representation proportional to their weight in Iraq.

Changing Demographics:

Historically, Kirkuk has been a Turkmen city. However, recent decades have witnessed systematic efforts to reduce the Turkmen presence through organized settlement policies.

Mechanisms of Targeting the Turkmen Identity

Demographic Change:

Introducing non-native families and groups into Kirkuk and other Turkmen areas to alter the social fabric and diminish the Turkmen population's influence.

Supporting this change with formal and informal policies that turn Turkmen into a minority in their own regions.

Marginalization of Language and Culture:

Reducing the presence of the Turkmen language in education, media, and official institutions.

Restricting or banning cultural events that highlight Turkmen heritage.

Political Exclusion:

Marginalizing Turkmen in key government positions, both in Kirkuk's local administration and in Baghdad.

Reducing their representation in parliament and local councils through manipulation of election results.

Assault on Historical Identity:

Erasing historical and cultural landmarks associated with Turkmen in Kirkuk, such as mosques, markets, and ancient sites.

Promoting distorted historical narratives to eliminate the Turkmen’s role in building the city.

Negative Implications of Targeting the Turkmen Identity

Social Conflict:

Causes tensions between different communities, potentially leading to internal conflicts that hinder development and stability.

Loss of National Rights:

The Turkmen lose their rights to political representation, local administration, and cultural expression.

Erasure of Identity:

Suppressive policies lead to the disappearance of the Turkmen language, traditions, and customs over time.


These schemes threaten not only the Turkmen but also the stability of Kirkuk and Iraq as a whole.

Proposed Solutions to Protect the Turkmen Identity

Implementation of the 1957 Census:

Use this census as a legal reference to determine the original inhabitants of Kirkuk.

Establish clear mechanisms to prevent the registration of new residents without thorough verification.

Turkmen Political Unity:

Form a unified political front that brings together all Turkmen parties to work on a shared national program.

Ensure strong Turkmen representation in the Iraqi parliament and local governments.

Enhancing Turkmen Education and Media:

Promote education in the Turkmen language and make it an official language in government institutions within Turkmen-majority areas.

Expand Turkmen-language media outlets, including TV channels, newspapers, and websites.

Internationalizing the Turkmen Issue:

Appeal to the United Nations and human rights organizations to expose practices aimed at erasing the Turkmen identity.

File official complaints against demographic changes and discriminatory policies.

Public Advocacy:

Organize peaceful protests and cultural events to draw attention to the Turkmen cause.

Raise awareness among the younger generations about the importance of preserving their national identity.

Engagement with Other Communities:

Collaborate with Arabs and Kurds in Kirkuk to emphasize the need for peaceful coexistence and collective rejection of marginalization policies.

Using International Media:

Leverage international media to highlight the Turkmen issue and expose the challenges this community faces.

Protecting the Turkmen identity requires a clear strategic vision and consistent efforts across political, legal, and social levels. The Turkmen must stand united to safeguard their historical presence in Iraq and ensure the failure of schemes aimed at erasing their identity in Kirkuk and other regions. The time is critical, and decisive action today is the only guarantee for the Turkmen’s future.

نظم المركز الثقافي التركماني في السويد أمسية ثقافية ومحاضرة طبية وايضا افتتاح المعرض الاول للرسم

نظم المركز الثقافي التركماني في السويد أمسية ثقافية ومحاضرة طبية وايضا افتتاح المعرض الاول للرسم

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Husie Kyrkoväg 49 A


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