Nordic conference on gender equality and diversity within the fire service

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  • Nordic conference on gender equality and diversity within the fire service

Nordic conference on gender equality and diversity within the fire service The very first Nordic Conference on gender equality and diversity within the fire and rescue service. Malmö November 6 - 7 2018. Welcome!

In the latest edition of the swedish magazin "Brandmannen" (The firefighter) you find a three page article on the nordic...

In the latest edition of the swedish magazin "Brandmannen" (The firefighter) you find a three page article on the nordic conference!


The Magazine 'Swedish Firefighters' writing an article about the conference!

We are proud to announce that the newly established Commission on Gender Equality and Diversity in the fire and rescue s...

We are proud to announce that the newly established Commission on Gender Equality and Diversity in the fire and rescue service in Denmark had it’s first meeting yesterday. The commission is among others a direct outcome of the Nordic Conference and we are very happy to see that so many stakeholders within the fire and rescue service in Denmark wants to act and further promote more gender equality and diversity within the fire and rescue service. Yay :D!!!

Så lød startskuddet for et spritnyt kommissorium om mere ligestilling og mangfoldighed i beredskabet, anført af Danske Beredskaber.

Arbejdsgruppen skal afdække og udvikle tiltag for at tiltrække en mere mangfoldig operativ arbejdsstyrke, således at vi i brandvæsenet kan udvide vores rekrutteringspulje, fastholde nye og nuværende brandfolk og sikre endnu flere kompetencer i det danske beredskab - for jo flere ting vi kan, des bedre kan vi udføre vores arbejde og sikre vores borgeres tryghed.

Kommissoriet består af repræsentanter fra hele beredskabsverdenen og i arbejdet indgår Beredskabsforbundet, Foreningen af Sønderjyske Frivillige Brandværn, Falck, Landsklubben for Deltidsansatte Brandfolk, Beredskabsstyrelsen, FOA, 3F og Danske Beredskaber, herunder en medarbejder fra Frederiksborg Brand & Redning.


Reflexions by one of our participens at the conference. The text is in swedish.

Mira Leinonen full lecture.

Mira Leinonen full lecture.

The lecture given by Mira Leinonen at the Nordic Conference on gender equality and diversity within the fire and rescue service, Malmö, Sweden, november 2018.

Keeley Foster, London Fire Brigade

Keeley Foster, London Fire Brigade

Full lecture by Keeley Foster at the Nordic Conference of gender equality and diversity within the fire and rescue service. Malmö, Sweden, november 2018

Cecilie Daae full lecture.

Cecilie Daae full lecture.

The full lecture given by Cecilie Daae, CEO DSB (Direktoratet for sikkerhet og beredskap, Norge), at the Nordic Conference on gender equality and diversity w...

Maria Karolini full lecture.

Maria Karolini full lecture.

Full lecture by Maria Karolini, Nordic Conference on gender equality and diversity within the fire service, Malmö, Sweden, november 2018

Imran Khani full lecture.

Imran Khani full lecture.

Imran Kahni full lecture at the Nordic Conference 2018, Sweden

Finally! All the talks from the conference are now available on YouTube. Feel free to rediscover, refresh your memory an...

Finally! All the talks from the conference are now available on YouTube. Feel free to rediscover, refresh your memory and share!

Vi är räddningstjänsten i kommunerna Burlöv, Eslöv, Kävlinge, Lund och Malmö. Vårt uppdrag är att förebygga olyckor i samhället och att snabbt och effektivt ...

It's easy to put people in boxes. It's us. And them.Those we share everything with, and those we share nothing with.But ...

It's easy to put people in boxes. It's us. And them.
Those we share everything with, and those we share nothing with.
But what happens when we look underneath the surface and open up who we really are?
Suddenly, there is us.

Prepare for tears and laughter- and enjoy this absolutely brilliant film by danish TV2. (You did see it at the conference during the talk by Ida Texell):

We live in a time where we quickly put people in boxes. Maybe we have more in common than what we think? Introducing All That We Share. The English version.

Ida Texell's lecture at the conference! Full version.

Ida Texell's lecture at the conference! Full version.

The full lecture of Ida Texell at the Nordic Conference on gender equality and diversity within the fire service. Malmö, Sweden, november 2018.

Tim Ole Simonsen's lecture at the conference!

Tim Ole Simonsen's lecture at the conference!

The full lecture of Ida Tim Ole Simonsen at the Nordic Conference on gender equality and diversity within the fire service. Malmö, Sweden, november 2018.

Here is the full version of Tim Ole and Ida answering your questions at the conference.

Here is the full version of Tim Ole and Ida answering your questions at the conference.

After their lectures at the Nordic Conference, Tim Ole Simonsen and Ida Texell got questions from the audience. Here is the full session.

The lecture given by Edna Eriksson at the conference.

The lecture given by Edna Eriksson at the conference.

This is the lecture given by Edna Eriksson at the Nordic Conference on gender equality and diversity within the fire service, Malmö, Sweden Noveber 6th 2018.

Highlights from the conference, now available! Due to GDPR we had to change the intro. Sorry for that, but that's life. ...

Highlights from the conference, now available! Due to GDPR we had to change the intro. Sorry for that, but that's life.

Nordic Conference on gender equality and diversity within the fire and rescue service: Highlights!



Yesterday we sent you an email containing all the information from our conference. However, we have recieved a few "unable to deliver" messages.

Therefore, if you haven't recieved a Tool Kit email from us (and you have checked your spam filter) please contact Muneeza Rosendahl at [email protected] and she will send you your Tool Kit email.

Have a fantastic day!




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