Mohamed Elsayed

Mohamed Elsayed My ultimate aim is to inspire people to live a healthier, happier and a more fulfilling life. I'm a high school student based in Sweden.

I'm someone who is obsessed with helping people, especially students of all ages, to learn faster, achieve their career goals and actually start accomplishing the things they aim to do. I do this through my weekly newsletter "The Secret to Success" where I explore the strategies and ways that help us live a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. On the side, I work as a study coach & mentor

where I provide students with adequate guidance to deepen what they have been taught in a subject as well as training in skills and procedures necessary to perform tasks. I also help students develop and achieve their desired academic goals by assisting them to cultivate good study habits/techniques, preparing them for complex assignments and exams, and evaluating their progress. In addition, I provide students with guidance, motivation, self-confidence, and emotional support.




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