How do you know the ice concert hall is safe? - You drive a 8-ton snow cat on top. Stress test by local authorities. #icemusicitaly
The concert hall is almost done! This time in the Italian Alps #icemusicitaly
Tim is getting interviewed by The Weather Channels top ten serie about weather wonders
From tonight's concert the "Games of Thrones" about 1000 people in the audience. Great night. Tomorrow: The Max Martin tribute in Ice!
I härligt vårvinterväder bjöd vi idag in till en RIV-ig lunchsoppa när traktorn kom för att hjälpa Iskonserthallen på sin väg tillbaka till vatten.
#icemusic #luleå #swedishlapland #springwinter #circleoflife #kretslopp
Spring is coming and we are helping the Ice Concert Hall to get back to nature... ❄➡💧
#icemusic #luleå #swedishlapland #kretslopp
Mini Ice Music concert outside the ice hockey arena just before the home game starts. /Minikonsert på Lule Hockeys hemmamatch ikväll med violinist Karl-Bertil Norlén och gitarrist Andreas Eriksson
A Swedish folk tune played last night at the Ice Bar, London On ice guitar Andreas Eriksson and ice violin Elin Thorsell. Enjoy!
Anton is checking out the ICEstruments for tonights concert. From what movie is this theme? First right answer winns a ticket!