Galaxy FM Sweden

Galaxy FM Sweden Galaxy FM 91.6 FM & online will give you the very best in R&B Hip hop grime and dance of all style.

Galaxy FM. 91.6 FM is a radio station in Kristianstad Sweden thay plays
R&B & Dance & Grime Hip-Hop & Some Top classics in the Urban Style




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Galaxy FM Sverige

Vårt mål är att leverera det bästa inom soul,rnb,reggae och Dance.Vi på Galaxy fm Sverige har några av de bästa Dj inom dessa genrer.Galaxy fm Sverige har också en systerstation i Spanien, www.galaxyfm.seVårt huvudkontor är i Kristianstad, Sverige.Galaxy fm kom först till Sverige 1997 och levererade sedan musik i världsklass.Kontakta oss gärna på Galaxy fm: [email protected] 91.6fm eller på We rock FM [email protected] 99.4 fm

Galaxy FM Sweden

Our aim at Galaxy FM Sweden is to give you the listener the best in soul RnB Reggae and Dance and some great classic hits of the 90s and 2000s and without all the adverts all the time. Yes, we need adverts but what's the point in filling a station up with news and adverts? it will not work for the advertiser or you the listener. We at Galaxy FM Sweden have some of the best DJs in this style of music. Galaxy FM Sweden also has a sister station in Spain playing classic rock hits 24/7 Our head office is in Sweden Kristianstad. Galaxy first came to Sweden back in 1997 and we were just doing our thing of playing good music. please feel free to contact Galaxy FM at [email protected] 91.6 FM

Galaxy FM Sweden Team.

Övriga Radiokanal i Kristianstad

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