Monolit-speakers Sweden AB

Monolit-speakers Sweden AB betonghögtalare Betonlautsprecher concrete loudspeakers Monolit utvecklar och bygger betonghögtalare.

Det unika med monolits betonghögtalare:
+ Överlägset ljud. I monolits högtalare byggs bara förstklassig teknik in.
+ Tidlös design med möjlighet till många färgval. Monolits boxar tillverkas monolitiskt – det vill säga med en enda gjutning - av specialbetong. Alla högtalare från monolit färdigställs i Sverige (Höör) i små upplagor, med hängiven hantverkskonst och stor kärlek för detaljer. Monolit

entwickelt und baut Betonlautsprecher. Das einzigartige von monolit Lautsprechern sind:
+ überlegener Klang. In monolit Lautsprechern wird ausschließlich erstklassige Technik eingebaut.
+ Zeitloses Design mit freier Farbwahl. Monolits Lautsprecher werden monolithisch - also aus einem Guß - aus Spezialbeton hergestellt.

Hope you all have a nice summer. We are expanding and building a new workshop and showroom. And in the spring we plan to...

Hope you all have a nice summer. We are expanding and building a new workshop and showroom. And in the spring we plan to introduce a whole new range of concrete speakers.

Greetings ...

Jürgen Kuhn and the Monolit team.


In the last time, we sold a number of C-Boxes. Thanks to all of you! What makes me proud is, that one pair found a very happy customer in Australia. So the only continent, where we have not sent monolit loudspeakers is antarctica so far


See you in Columbia!Abacus-electronics managed to change the voltage to American conditions. This pair is for a nice cus...

See you in Columbia!
Abacus-electronics managed to change the voltage to American conditions. This pair is for a nice customer in Columbia.

For all of you with 110 - 120 V AC, the C-Boxes are available now.


Happy New Year!

The last month we got an unsual high ordervolume of the C-Box 3. Thanks to all customers! The picture shows the three st...

The last month we got an unsual high ordervolume of the C-Box 3. Thanks to all customers! The picture shows the three standard color variants: white, grey and black (in the picture it is my black C-Box 2, the precessor model). The C-Box 3 is something like the standard studio monitor in Germany because of it's totally linear frequency response, low distorsion and very deep punchy base (linear down to 35 Hz) in a tiny closed cabinet of roughly 1 l.
For me the monolit C-Box 3 is not only the best desktop loudspeaker on the market but also the nicest.

The picture shows the C-Box 3 with concrete bases for positioning next to your desktop.


Many of you asked about a presentation of DSP vs analogue crossover. So the next event will deal exaclty about this. We will built a pair of loudspeakers and play this with an analogue filter and a miniDSP filter. I will also present how to setup such a filter with miniDSP. We have to built a loudspeaker first (probably an audiophile PA speaker) and find a date that might fit most of you. So stay tuned.


Even it is some days ago, I wanted to thank the paritcipants of the last death metal session for a great and very
interesting event.
We have a number of death metal fans in Höör who wanted to listen to different musik through very good loudspeakers in a nice environment. We used the monolit Solo 50 full range speakers, ABACUS prepino and ampino amplifiers and a Scarlett DAC.
Well, the music is mercyless, so are the loudspeakers. Good recordings sound great and totally compressed mixtures sound like totally compressed mixtures. Here is our playlist of bands we listened to:
1. defeated sanity
2. gruesome
3. gorguts
4. nile
5. seance
6. cannibal co**se
7. six feet under
8. bolt thrower
9. carcass

The first concrete QRD diffusor is hanging on the wall. Scatter frequency: 150 Hz, diffuse: 300 Hz, cutoff: 3440 Hz,  11...

The first concrete QRD diffusor is hanging on the wall. Scatter frequency: 150 Hz, diffuse: 300 Hz, cutoff: 3440 Hz, 115 x 115 x 55 cm. Floor concrete (Basil) on styrofoam.


Last week I talked to Åse-Marie Nilsson from Lokaltidningen Mellanskåne. I think some extracts of the interview will be published this week.

nya modeller i vit betong

nya modeller i vit betong

Impressioner från Stockholm.Vielen Dank allen, die da waren und dafür gesorgt haben, daß wir alle viel Spaß an guter Mus...

Impressioner från Stockholm.

Vielen Dank allen, die da waren und dafür gesorgt haben, daß wir alle viel Spaß an guter Musik hatten.

ein paar Photos von den Jubiläumsfeierlichkeiten, die von ABACUS zur Verfügung gestellt worden sind

ein paar Photos von den Jubiläumsfeierlichkeiten, die von ABACUS zur Verfügung gestellt worden sind

monolit C-Box. Eine Gemeinschaftsproduktion von abacus-electronics und monolit-speakers Sweden AB. Die Elektronik kommt ...

monolit C-Box. Eine Gemeinschaftsproduktion von abacus-electronics und monolit-speakers Sweden AB. Die Elektronik kommt von Abacus, die Gehäuse von monolit.


Videgränd 8


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