Donnojanne & Maecs

Donnojanne & Maecs Origin of Joxfield ProjeX. Established 1965.

Kul med kommunikation:"Hello, I am a graduate student from China studying electronic music composition. I heard your wor...

Kul med kommunikation:

"Hello, I am a graduate student from China studying electronic music composition. I heard your work granulator sound scape. Did you use the granulator in ableton live for this work? Has this work been performed or won any awards?"

Most of the albums on the Tin Can Music Bandcamp site consist of music made by both me (Stefan Ek) and Janne Andersson. But, the Granulator Soundscape is mainly made by Janne so I forwarded your question to him and here's the answer:"

This piece was made quite some time ago, January 2012. It is from a studio session for something called ‘Titans of March’. It is made in Ableton with the Granulator version at that time (in fact a couple of them – one per track). Unfortunately no award yet, but we will be happy to receive one (if available). If you want to use the music in your study or performance please feel free. And should you receive any positive feedback please share it with us."

from the album Primo Secondo

I would never say that Joxfield plays jazz. We don't. We love jazz and listen to it a lot. But, I wouldn't say we have t...

I would never say that Joxfield plays jazz. We don't. We love jazz and listen to it a lot. But, I wouldn't say we have the skills to play it. Nevertheless we've always improvised a lot, a hell of a lot, most basic structures of our music comes from improvisations. Like "Modern Sea", an improvisation recorded in Kolpebo June 2007. One single take which you can hear here. Just keyboard and guitar. Later it was edited, overdubed, etc, to finally end up on Numbers & Letters 2010. I think it's rather beautiful.

from the album Abstract & Concrete - The Mystery Of Numbers & Letters Revealed

New Joxfield album out today on WHY KEITH DROPPED THE SCheck it here!

New Joxfield album out today on WHY KEITH DROPPED THE S
Check it here!

5 track album

I början av juli 2017 gjorde Joxfield sin "Live Exploration 2" i Bråna, Dalsland, det vill säga en utforskning huruvida ...

I början av juli 2017 gjorde Joxfield sin "Live Exploration 2" i Bråna, Dalsland, det vill säga en utforskning huruvida vi i en live-situation skulle klara av att presentera vår musik på ett sätt vi själva skulle kunna vara nöjda med. Janne hade en ljudkonstruktion, en pattern som hette "Crackle" som vi använde som grund. Det blev ett antal olika varianter på grundtemat fast med stora variationer då vi, som vanligt, lätt blev uttråkade av ensidig upprepning. Allt blev inspelat och 2021 klippte vi ihop 6 goda ögonblick från inspelningarna och släppte albumet "Live Joxfield Vol. 1".
Det har under åren varit ett par Live Explorations till men något liveband är vi inte ännu. Men nyss fyllda 70 planerar vi att om tio år göra vår första världsturné så om ni vill boka oss var ute i god tid, vi arbetar långsamt.
"Live Joxfield Vol. 1" kan man lyssna på här
Vill man få tag i en enkel, self-printed CDr så finns den här

Idag kan man lyssna på den här, "Live Joxfield Vol. 1" (Tin Can Music 2021).Under fyra dagar i juli 2017 spelade vi in s...

Idag kan man lyssna på den här, "Live Joxfield Vol. 1" (Tin Can Music 2021).
Under fyra dagar i juli 2017 spelade vi in samma låt i ett antal olika versioner i vardagsrummet i Bråna, Dalsland. De basala strukturerna i låten var desamma men vår ovilja till att spela samma sak likadant flera gånger gjorde att det lät lite olika varje gång. Det hela var en del av ett experiment huruvida vi egentligen skulle kunna funka som ett liveband. Allt spelades som vanligt in för dokumentation. Några år senare editerades s*x av versionerna kraftigt och sattes ihop till en svit, "Crackle". Inte alls dumt om jag får säga det själv. Bandcampversionen hittas här (med Bandcamps små pauser mellan varje del). Vill man höra den i ett svep finns den på olika streamingtjänster. Vill man ha en enkel, self-printed CDr ska man söka sig hit:

6 track album

Idag kan man lyssna på denna agentlåt med Joxfield. Ursprungligen var det en tio minuters improvisation inspelad i Kolpe...

Idag kan man lyssna på denna agentlåt med Joxfield.
Ursprungligen var det en tio minuters improvisation inspelad i Kolpebo 2007 med bara Janne och mig och som sedan efteråt hårt bearbetades, omstukturerades, editerades, fick en massa tillägg, och så vidare. Slutligen skickades den över till Geoff Leigh som adderade sin sopransax, både i solo och i snygga arrangemang som han bidrog med. Och ça va! Låten var klar och lät som den numera gör. Ge den ett öra!

from the album Numbers & Letters

Check it up!

Check it up!

The home of Tin Can Music Netlabel & Assorted Joxfield ProjeX stuff


In many ways it's been a hellish year for many people around the globe.

We can't but hope for a better year 2021 to come.

If our music can help cheering you up a bit and make some of the days more bearable you can stream it and listen to most of it for free from our Bandcamp Site here:

Merry Jox-Mas 2020 & A Better And Happier Year 2021


Today, on a dull Tuesday, you can feel the sound of the beats, the drones, the angry guitar and the encouraging saxophon...

Today, on a dull Tuesday, you can feel the sound of the beats, the drones, the angry guitar and the encouraging saxophone.
"Insult On The Dance Floor 2020" is a reworked version of the original 2012 album. Now with addition of great Malin Wättring on the album's two main tracks "Befjädrad Flykt" & "Den Behornade".
You'll find it on any streaming services or here:

5 track album

AmbientDarkWhite is a Joxfield moniker when they do non-JoxfieldProjeX music, whatever that is?The track is taken from 3...

AmbientDarkWhite is a Joxfield moniker when they do non-JoxfieldProjeX music, whatever that is?
The track is taken from 3 disc set "Death of a Sirloin Steak" (Santos Production 2013)
It was sold in and edition of 30 or 50 copies, actually I don't know which, and are sold out since long.
I see one (1) copy for sale on Discogs. That's all!

Music by Joxfield ProjeX Video by Alter@art / A Farkas György AmbientDarkWhi...

Right On!!!!!!

Right On!!!!!!

A Swedish label run by Joxfield original members Janne Yan Andersson & Stefan Oax Ek since 2005. Tin Can Music mainly focus on releasing music by anyone of them or both. Their consisting motto is "a dynamic duo producing avant-whatever music for nice open-minded people" which also represent the labe...

“Baroque or Odd” by DJ&M – A Joxfield ProjeX AssociateIn 1968 Janne & Stefan of Joxfield had made music together for a c...

“Baroque or Odd” by DJ&M – A Joxfield ProjeX Associate
In 1968 Janne & Stefan of Joxfield had made music together for a couple of years as DJ&M, short for DonnoJanne & Maecs. Simple music just like kids do, but sometimes with an experimental touch. Even though they didn’t have any tape recorders until autumn 1969 they composed and organized albums as if it was for real. Having heard The Beatles’ self-titled “White Album” they were inspired by the concept of doing a double album, which they thus also did. Between December 1968 and February 1969, they wrote the 30 songs that became the DJ&M “virtual” double album “Baroque or Odd”. To override The Beatles DJ&M added a four track EP to the double LP. Cover art and various inserts were made in two copies, one each, as usual, but no recording. As usual. Janne had just turned 15, Stefan had four months left before his 15th birthday. Just kids.
As The Beatles’ “White Album” celebrated it’s 50th anniversary November 22 2018 the idea came up of making a constructive and creative interpretation of the 34 songs of “Baroque or Odd”. The music had been written down in a self-invented note system where you could see which note it was, but not its value. You had to memorize the specific melodies.
Sheets for 32 of the 34 songs were found in a closet. Most of the melodies were forgotten, but by reading and playing the self-invented note system various parts of the songs could be remembered, recovered and become the starting point of the interpretations of the songs. One of the songs, “Jar”, was a description of a cut-up sampled piece and this way of making music became inspiration for the two lost songs on the album ("I Am Embittered" & "With A Blue Balloon").
Between late November 2018 and January 2019 recordings, mixing and masters were done. 41 tunes in 85 minutes (the four track EP became five, the last song of the album is in seven parts, all in all 41 tracks). A double LP with an EP. Some kind of experimental progressive pop.
As Bandcamp have a short stop between tracks the tracks B4 & B5 here presents as one, as well as the BoO EP's five tracks is presented as one, and finally the 7 parts of D4 Guinea Pigs Song suite is presented as one single tune. Future physical releases will split these tracks into individual pieces
Released on February 7 2019 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of its making
Listen to it! Enjoy!
(c) & (p) Tin Can Music

30 track album


30 track album

Watch! Read!

Watch! Read!

The home of Tin Can Music Netlabel & Assorted Joxfield ProjeX stuff

Some old long summer reading. How it all begun with Joxfield ProjeX

Some old long summer reading. How it all begun with Joxfield ProjeX

Though the origins of Joxfield ProjeX are rooted in the late 1960s, The Swedish duo of Stefan Ek (aka Oax) and Janne Andersson (aka Yan) will surely understand if people have not heard of them. The two conducted their experiments with improvisational music until 1975, and then went into a 30 year "l...




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