
Utblick Utblick is a student magazine under the umbrella of the Gothenburg Society of International Affairs

We are politically and religiously unaffiliated and our main aim is to question and debate - with you! Our magazine is published two times a year and distributed at university departments, libraries and cafés around Gothenburg, as well as online. Meanwhile, we publish articles and features on our website several times a week year round, so keep yourself updated on global issues and events in Gothe

nburg right here: utblick.org
Feel free to contact us at any time, we are always looking for curious and critical voices! Editors-in-chief are Guery Maranon Alarcon and Laurin Zils, responsible publisher is Guery Maranon Alarcon


Sprängkullsgatan 25


Var den första att veta och låt oss skicka ett mail när Utblick postar nyheter och kampanjer. Din e-postadress kommer inte att användas för något annat ändamål, och du kan när som helst avbryta prenumerationen.

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