
Pensky OCD & ADHD i GBG AB Pensky is a creative agency and a production company in Gothenburg.


GOD JUL önskar Pensky AB! Och Gott Nytt!


"Ni är ju inte ungdjävlar, så visa det” kan också vara ett sätt att öppna ett samtal. Följ med när Anders Frisk och Masoud Owji pratar med unga om bränder, och får det att bli knäpptyst i hela aulan.

Lyssna på Det brinner! alldeles för mycket i våra skolor, med våra programledare Mattias Delin och Caroline Bernelius Cronsioe. Nytt avsnitt ute nu!


Heurlins Plats 1A


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The Story about Pensky Agency

Pensky is the original and locally very famous result of the two multitalented media makers Mattias Hammarin and Jonathan Mattebo. The two founders first meet through Youtube, Vine and Twitter and ultimately in flesh and blood in an (at the time very hip) office-café aka coffice. They founded their advertising boutique in a hurry during a storm in March 2015 (at the peak of the pop-up era) and named it after an American sitcom classic and, by mistake, also an international truck provider. Pensky Agency is in no way associated with Penske Trucks.

The Pensky team has matured a lot since those first wabbling days, but the dancing shoes are still on and now they are even thinking about writing a company mission statement! It will probably contain words like diamonds, creative and honest. Maybe also... contemporary. Yeah, I like the sound of that.

Root for, have fun and prosper with these intelligent guys. I know I do. / Twyla Sacco, A&R at Elverton Rec and Angel Investor

PS If you want to come in contact with others customers and partners of theirs for reference I can get you in contact with the people of Way Out West, Scandic Hotels, The Tourist board of WestSweden, Gothenburg Film Festival et cetera. Just holla!