Who Took The Sun Away - page 8
Who Took The Sun Away - page 7. Drawings by Klaus Lyngeled, words by Olov Redmalm.
We love cardboard! #cardboard #art #gamedev
We are making a clay horror game! #gamedev #clay #clayart
Who Took The Sun Away - Part 6. 🌲🌟”There was one star out that night and it glowed a cold red. “Who took the sun away?” the Murkle asked it. But it was too distant so she could not hear its reply, if it had one. The Murkle had never felt so empty and alone. Lost in quiet despair, she managed to open up to the winds and followed their gentle push south, down The Midnight Walk, and to the Darklands…”
Our intern Frida Sköld is rocking her first clay model for The Midnight Walk! With over 700 models handcrafted for our game we thought we were DONE! But then this little guy popped up and we just had to let it into our world. What would you call it and what do you think it eats? And don’t say clay! ☝️
Who Took The Sun Away - Part 5. A Moonhood Christmas tale in 15 parts. ”The Murkle had taken a nap that lasted two decades. (Now that counts as oversleeping even by Murkle standards.) She had awoken anxiously this time, feeling misplaced and confused. And the confusion grew further into panic when she was greeted, not by the sun’s life-giving caress… but once again by the silently mocking night sky.”
Who Took The Sun Away - Part 4 🌌”Where was the sun? Where its warm rays should’ve been there was only the vast night sky with not a star on its face.’Well,’ the Murkle mumbled softly to herself. ’Winter was late…so now the sun must be late, too!’ Proud over her sound logic, she went back to her lair to take a complementary nap…”
🕯️ Who Took The Sun Away - Part 3. A Moonhood Christmas Tale in 15 parts. ”And so she woke with a yawn so big it could’ve devoured the sun. She had slept for just about a decade - a decent nap by Murkle standards. She smacked her dry lips, looking forward to what the new dawn had to offer as she left her lair and went out into the cool night. ’Wait a minute.’ she exclaimed…”
Who Took The Sun Away - part 2
Who Took The Sun Away
Join us around the 🔥 for this 15 part Moonhood Christmas carol. Who Took The Sun Away - Part 1