Kremlin's Hybrid War Against West by Hands of International Organizations
Having started a full-scale invasion in 2022, Russian Federation (RF) constantly boasts about its blatant actions aimed at the elimination of the Ukrainian people. Their politicians, propagandists, ordinary citizens, and of course president putin, boast about Russian crimes in Ukraine.
Falling under the definition of genocide under international law, crimes committed by Russian military include the killing of Ukrainians based on their nationality, the forced mass transfer of Ukrainian children to RF and the subsequent destruction of their identity, the destruction of civilian infrastructure and as a result terror against civilian population. The president of the death cult country putin repeatedly emphasizes in his speeches that Ukrainians as a nation and the Ukrainian state do not exist.
It seemed that well-known international humanitarian organizations, which continuously mention international law and people's rights in their statutes, should be first in line to draw the attention of the international community to the flagrant crimes of the Russian army, to call for active resistance to the aggressor. However, they don't do it, but sit quietly like mice in the holes. Moreover, they are constantly looking for a reason to justify Russia with their actions or inaction.
The military operations doctrine of RF, so-called "Gerasimov’s Doctrine" (Chief of General Staff of Armed Forces of RF), dictates the achievement of the necessary strategic and geopolitical goals with the help of informational, political, economic and military methods and means. In the West, such a complex of actions is called a hybrid war.
The Kremlin pays special attention to the informational component of the hybrid warfare with the aim to undermine the society of the intended aggression, to divide it, and to undermine trust in state institutions and organizations.
Preparing the groundwork for a hybrid war against Ukraine and the West in recent decades, the RF spent huge amount of money to establish influence over various organizations, journalists, politicians and opinion leaders. International organizations were the priority targets.
Unfortunately, most international humanitarian organizations have become a tool of the Kremlin in a hybrid war against the West and Ukraine. We suggest going through the main facts that confirm this thesis.
Amnesty International
Summer 2022. An important period before the liberation of Kherson and the Kharkiv operation. The Armed Forces of Ukraine need a lot of additional weapons, supply of some of them is being negotiated. At the same time, Amnesty International representatives are heading to Ukraine with the clear aim of stopping the supply of weapons from Western countries. This organization issued a press release in which it accused the Armed Forces of endangering civilians and criminal conduct of hostilities [1,2]. Instantly, the press release is picked up by Russian propaganda, agents of the Kremlin push it into the media. Only the indignation of the world public does not allow the Kremlin to achieve its goal of blocking arms supplies. The press release was not supported by any authoritative military expert. Amnesty International's actions are a deliberate assistance of the aggressor. Should be noted that no representative of the organization has yet been held accountable.
International Red Cross
International Red Cross is another organization that showed its rotten essence during the Russian aggression. The organization must monitor compliance with the Geneva Conventions and the rights of prisoners of war (POW), locate their whereabouts. What is interesting is that in Ukraine they do exactly that – they constantly visit Russian POWs. But in Russia, the situation is completely different. Ukrainian POWs who returned home during exchanges never saw representatives of the Red Cross [3,4]. And this despite the fact that Ukrainian prisoners of war are constantly tortured, many of them did not survive this torture. Look at the photos of Ukrainian prisoners of war. Contemplating them, the prisoners of the N**i concentration camps of Auschwitz and Buchenwald come to memory. What are the actions of the Red Cross? Inactivity. Moreover, this organization does not document torture and does not collect statements of freed Ukrainian POWs. The Red Cross covers the crimes of the fascist RF [6].
During the aggressive war, RF forcibly relocated almost 20 thousand Ukrainian children to its territory, forcibly granted them Russian citizenship, forcibly adopted them into Russian families, and created obstacles for their reunification with the relatives in Ukraine. These children are being forcibly Russified. Instead of stopping criminal activities, representatives of the Belarusian Red Cross took an active part in the deportation [5]. How can you describe the actions of the Red Cross without obscene language? What is this demonic organization where local representatives steal children?
United Nations
You could write a book about the venality of the UN. Currently, this organization is a cesspool that has betrayed all its obligations. In recent years, the UN has set itself the goal of whitewashing RF on the international stage. Most of the UN reports on the Russian war in Ukraine banally do not mention the Russians and the Russian Federation as criminals. Blowing up the Kakhovskaya dam by Russian troops (the consequences are comparable to the use of tactical nuclear weapons)? The UN knows nothing: "We have a day of the Russian language – no crimes." What about the filtration camps created by the Russian Federation in the occupied territories? What actions the UN? The UN is concerned, but offers RF and Ukraine to embrace and reconcile.
Since RF is a permanent member of the UN Security Council, it has a platform for spreading its propaganda and legitimizing the occupied Ukrainian lands. In three years, the UN did not even try to deprive RF of a place or at least a voice in the organization. As in the case of the above-mentioned organizations, the criminal actions of RF are being legitimized.
"Art beyond politics"
There are many facts of systematic r**e of children and women by the Russian military, followed by their ex*****on. It seemed that after these facts the international community should understand the essence of the war of RF and its society against Ukraine as a genocide of the Ukrainian people? But representatives of the elite of the international film industry do not understand. Former Russia Today (Russia propaganda channel) journalist Anastasia Trofimova made a propaganda film with the money of Canadian taxpayers. The film "Russians at War" tells about ordinary Russian boys who have feelings, know how to smile and do not understand why the war started. As expected, the film does not mention the r**es and war crimes of the Russian military. The international and "objective" elite of the film industry is delighted. Promotes this propaganda at international film festivals. Calls to accept and forgive criminals. The Russian military just doesn't know anything. There is no doubt that these same "elite" would allow ordinary Russian boys with the smile to r**e their women and children for the sake of peace on Earth. What do you think?
In the hybrid war, time and short memory of modern society are at the Kremlin’s side. Many people remember Bucha and Izyum, civilians shot for their Ukrainian position, children's torture chambers in the occupied territories? It is enough for international organizations to sow doubt, create fog while the Kremlin destroys Ukraine. When RF is done, the dead men and women tell no tales. And impotent international organizations will shrug off their shoulders when asked about genocide: "We are worried. But look here is peace in Ukraine." Yes, such peaceful fields of graves.
Due to the inaction of international humanitarian organizations which have betrayed the values proclaimed in their charters, and, to a greater extent, the silence of Western politicians and international media, we would like to ask the international community:
– remember our children and prisoners of war in Russian prisons - they are being killed morally and physically every day
Spread information about Russian crimes against humanity in social networks and, if possible, mention the Kremlin hostages when meeting your political representatives.
– it is necessary to disband all pseudo-humanitarian organizations that parasitize on people's grief
Organizations that betrayed their statutory obligations and became PR agencies of aging dictators cannot be called humanitarian. The first step to the dissolution of such organizations is to refuse funding them both by ordinary citizens and national governments.
Most of international humanitarian organizations are hypocrites who cover their snake-like essence with statements about people's rights.
[1] Unreleased Report Finds Faults in Amnesty International’s Criticism of Ukraine
[2] Why did Amnesty International Ignore My Warnings about their Ukraine Investigation?
[3] The Red Cross "at the service" of the Russians: shocking testimony of a Ukrainian released from captivity
[4] Most Ukrainian POWs haven’t seen Red Cross while in Russian captivity, ombudsman says
[5] Global Red Cross urges ouster of Belarus chapter chief who boasted of bringing in Ukrainian children
[6] Russia Is Returning Ukrainian POW’s Bodies Without Internal Organs