5 frågor om designsprintar
&friends 🧡 designsprintar
Hur är det egentligen att vara med under en av våra designsprint-veckor och vad är det som gör en sprint lyckad?
Vi frågade Magdalena Blomqvist från Volvo Group University som vi just gjort en designsprint tillsammans för i samarbete med Nexer Maverick.
Anna-Maria & Christer
The one who's not moving forward are going backwards
Preparing a workshop day with our awesome friends at Maverick by Sigma. Time to aling on goals for the future, and find what steps are to be taken on Monday to reach those goals.
Those who do not move forward and *act* are not standing still – they are moving backwards. Are you moving forward?
Creative & Teamwork Toolbox
Two days with the new amazing Yrgo Event Marketing class to try out several creative & teamwork tools and processes. September 2019.
The Campfire by &friends
From one project to the next to the next to the next... Back-to-back projects are killing team engagement. Enter The Campfire.
The Campfire is our series of powerful and engaging end-of-project tools that help teams pause to celebrate achievements and reflect on how to help each other grow.
Want to know how you can use The Campfire with your team? Buy us lunch and let’s talk!
Lightning Decision Sprint at Creative Cluster, Borås
This is a Lightning Decision Sprint – a super short two hour demo of the design sprint week – we did with our friends at Creative Cluster in Borås.
Want us to do a Lightning Decision Sprint with your team as well? Shoot us a message!
Lightning Decision Sprint with Maverick
Last week we did a Lightning Decision Sprint – a super short two hour demo of the design sprint week – with our friends at Maverick. Moving fast and making decisions even faster. And having a blast while doing it! 😃
Want us to do a Lightning Decision Sprint with your team as well? Shoot us a message. We’re totally up for it!
Campfire days with Yrgo Art Director / Copywriter
The first of two Campfire days with the art director and copywriter students at Yrgo to reflect on their first six months at the school and discover their high and low points – and to see what needs to be tweaked going forward.
The Campfire is our series of powerful and engaging end-of-project tools that help teams pause to celebrate achievements and reflect on how to help each other grow.
Want to know how you can use the Campfire tools in your organization? Buy us lunch and let’s talk!