AWAreness Leadership Helena Källström

AWAreness Leadership Helena Källström Dipl. samtals- och hypnosterapeut samt coach för personlig utveckling. Tel. 070-630 93 63
Mail; inf Av mig får du hjälp till självhjälp genom terapi och coaching.

I en värld av ständig förändring är vårt personliga ledarskap nyckeln till hur vi mår och agerar. De är lätt att gå vilse, tappa fokus och motivation och att hamna i situationer som vi inte riktigt hade tänkt oss. Vill du få tillbaka kärleken till dig själv, livsglädjen, nyfikenheten, skrattet och skapa en högre livskvalitet? Jag ger dig verktyg och blir ditt stöd genom hela processen till önskad förändring. Jag möter dig där du befinner dig, varmt välkommen.

Fina Rachel Yoga Girl på tv4❤️

Fina Rachel Yoga Girl på tv4❤️


Memory lane!
Av förklariga skäl så finns det vissa företag som ligger närmare hjärtat än andra❤️
Lifecap utbildar skickligaste terapeuterna och har webutbildningar för alla❤️

Lifecap AB


A strong woman is not here to fix you, but you will be empowered to improve and become more if you dare to walk beside.
A strong woman is not here to be liked she is soul ripped wide open heart.
A strong woman doesent please, she speaks the truth as she turns weakness into strengths.
A strong woman stumbles and falls and she expect you to stand tall behind.
A strong woman gives all that she has and everything she knows.
A strong womans heart doesn"t have blinds - she loves you with the softness and strenght that you have never tasted.
A strong woman walks in the light of love, but she is also clean up the crap and get real ❤️


How to find love ❤
Available at;
Barnes & Noble
Hay House
Balboa Press
Baker & Taylor
The American Book Center


How to find love is for all of you seeking the right partner or has a tendancy to find the wrong one. It is for you who doesn't know if you should stay or if you should go. But it is also for you who feels an emptiness or longing for someting more in your life. If you are looking for change, this book can provide you with the insights you need. How to find love covers diffrent areas that will help you choose love and get better relations❤
Available at;
Barnes & Noble
Hay House
Balboa Press
Baker & Taylor
The American Book Center


My book in the 2018 catalog. It's almost surreal❤


The only relationship book you need ❤

How to find love will be displayed and sold at the Gallery and you can read a featured spot in the author solutions book catalog.

The fair will be at Miami Dade College in Miami, Fla., Nov. 16 - 18, 2018.


Are you ready for love?
How to find love will be displayed and sold at the Gallery and you can read a featured spot in the author solutions book catalog.

The fair will be at Miami Dade College in Miami, Fla., Nov. 16 - 18, 2018.


Dreams come true❤

My book "How to find love" is going world wide.

I can hardly belive that I just signed publishing agreement with Hay house/Balboa press.

My book will be sold as paperback, hardcover, and as an e-book at Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Baker & Taylor, Ingram the largest book wholesale distributor in the world, Booktopia in Australia and be featured in Hay house catalog❤

Personal growth comes from challenging your fears ❤

Personal growth comes from challenging your fears ❤


Lediga tider för terapi samtal på telefon finns nu på måndag 27/3 500 kr/1 tim. Boka på 070-630 93 63 eller mail [email protected]


Lediga terapi samtal på telefon finns nu på fredag. 500 kr/1 tim. Boka på 070-630 93 63 eller mail [email protected]




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