Christian Missionary Accept Islam; ;
Julie Carol Saunders"
A preacher and activist in the British church, she accepted the challenge to find errors in Islam. She searched with all her strength, awareness, and knowledge but failed to prove a single mistake in the Quran or Islam. She took responsibility for her findings, pronounced the Shahada, and embraced Islam.
Julie Carol Saunders
The church was a significant part of her life.
She once viewed Islam as a bloody and barbaric religion, and the church was deeply embedded in her daily life. However, after reading the biography of the Prophet (peace be upon him), the translation of the meanings of the Quran, and books on Sharia law, its regulations, and implementation, she ultimately stated:
“It is impossible to find any error in Islam.”
Julie Carol Saunders
In her own words, she said:
“I was raised as a Christian, living a comfortable and peaceful life with no problems. I studied medicine and became a specialist in foot care. I was highly active in the church, managing a children’s nursery, attending all prayers and lessons, and serving coffee to the elderly members of the church. The church was an integral part of my life.
I met a Muslim woman named Hamida and wanted to ‘save’ her from what I believed was a barbaric religion. I knew nothing about Islam, but I was determined to bring her out of what I saw as barbarism and into the freedom of Christianity. She was not even wearing a hijab, and I was persistent in my efforts to convert her. Eventually, she grew tired of me and challenged me:
‘If you can find a single problem or error in Islam – in Islam itself, not in Muslims – I will convert to Christianity.’
I confidently accepted the challenge, thinking it would be easy.
I went to an Islamic bookstore, but the behavior of the Muslim shopkeeper was terrible. He mocked my clothing and treated me harshly, so I left and reported this experience to Hamida. She told me:
‘That was the behavior of a Muslim, not Islam itself.’
She then directed me to a bookstore called Zamzam.
There, I found a shopkeeper wearing traditional Islamic clothing with a long beard, which initially made me nervous. However, he turned out to be extremely kind and respectful. I bought three books, including The Life of the Prophet by Martin Lings. Later, at a restaurant, I opened my bag and found seven books instead of three. I sent my son back to return the extra books and apologize, but he returned with a message from the shopkeeper:
‘These books are a gift.’
I was shocked—this never happens in English bookstores.
I read The Life of the Prophet, which gave me the right perspective, and the shopkeeper had also gifted me a translated copy of the Quran in English, along with a book on Islamic dress. I read all seven books and found no errors. This was completely contrary to my expectations, so I decided to dig deeper.
I began researching the punishments in Islam, such as stoning and cutting off hands. I thought, Here, I will find the flaw in Islam.
Two months later, I returned to the same bookstore and asked for books on Islamic law. The shopkeeper hesitated, saying, These books are complex for someone new to Islam. But I insisted and bought a book on Sharia law.
After reading it, I realized that just 100 years ago in England, punishments were much harsher. At that time, stealing a sheep could result in ex*****on, and even stealing to feed one’s family led to hanging. Compared to that, the punishment of cutting off a thief’s hand seemed less severe.
Then, I researched stoning and was surprised to learn that it applies only in cases of adultery. In England, centuries ago, women who committed adultery were drowned.
I studied Islam intensely for a full year. During that time, Hamida would remind me of the challenge:
“Have you found an error in Islam?”
I kept saying, “I will find an argument against Islam.” But eventually, I grew exhausted.
Then I thought:
“Instead of searching for faults in Islam, why not re-examine Christianity?”
I didn’t need to read an entire book—just a few discussions about contradictions in the Bible were enough.
After reading a book by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, I finally said to myself:
“This is it. I am Muslim.”
I hadn’t realized the extent of errors in Christianity. Throughout history, Christianity has been altered many times. The Bible is no longer the word of God, but Islam has remained unchanged since its revelation. There are no contradictions in Islam.
• Hijab is an honor for women.
• We are beautiful, and our beauty is for our husbands—not for every man in the street.
I searched for the miracles of the Quran and was astonished by what I found. Many scientific discoveries made only in the last 50 years were already mentioned in the Quran.
I realized that Islam is the true religion.
A Final Note
After converting to Islam, her car was set on fire, and the police did nothing. She was forced to leave Northamptonshire in central England and move to London, where she could practice Islam safely and wear her hijab freely.
Julie Carol Saunders
Islamic name: Jamila Carol Saleh
May Allah grant her steadfastness and beneficial knowledge.
Muslim Diary