RECAR Europe

RECAR Europe Erasmus+ project with the aim to increase the efficacy of career counseling delivered to people with

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Please read our last newsletter!

The last partner meeting of Recar took place in Paris in June. With a few things left to do, for instance reports, docum...

The last partner meeting of Recar took place in Paris in June. With a few things left to do, for instance reports, documentation and dissemination activities, we can look back at a successful project that ends in August.

WHAT IS WOT ABOUT?Europe 2020 objective requires that 75 % of the population aged 20-64 should be employed. At the EU le...

Europe 2020 objective requires that 75 % of the population aged 20-64 should be employed. At the EU level, about 47% of persons with disabilities are employed compared to 72% of persons without disabilities. The national employment rates of people with disabilities range from 20% (Croatia) to 59% (Sweden), according to ANED 2013 and CUS 2013. According a study of the WHO 2011 the employment of people with disabilities differs according to gender, similarly to trends in overall employment.
The main aim of WOT is to promote inclusive entrepreneurship for people with disabilities by developing a methodology based on job shadowing, mentoring and coaching of people with physical disability willing to become entrepreneurs or free lancers by entrepreneurs and free lancers. Preference for mentors will be given to entrepreneurs and freelancers with physical disability, but also entrepreneurs and freelancers without a disability could act as mentors.
WOT - Work-based Entrepreneurship Training for People with Disabilities promotes the key competence sense of initiative and entrepreneurship by an innovative methodology based on job shadowing, mentoring and coaching of people with physical disabilities to become entrepreneurs or freelancers.
• Guide in the field of inclusive entrepreneurship development for mentors of people with disabilities,
• E-learning course for mentors,
• Guide in the field of developing own business for people with disabilities,
• E-learning course for people with disabilities in this field.

For more information, please visit:

Final Conference for Recar project in Sweden1st of June a conference about the Recar project was held in Örebro, Sweden....

Final Conference for Recar project in Sweden
1st of June a conference about the Recar project was held in Örebro, Sweden. Over 90 visitors got to hear about Recar and the products and also got the chance to read and discuss a case. Two lectures took place: Johanna Gustafsson, Dr in Disability Research, telling about the results of a study of the effects of Supported Employment, made by the Swedish Social Insurance Office and The Employment Office. Then Eric Donell, talking about neuro-psychiatric disabilities, how to live with it, how to use strategies to cope and how this target group could be better included in society.

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Please read our newsletter!


¡Hoy es el Día Mundial del Síndrome de Down! De hecho es el séptimo año que se celebra esta fecha, que ya cuenta con el reconocimiento de las Naciones Unidas.

¿Sabías que se eligió precisamente el 21 de marzo (el mes 3) porque simboliza la triplicación del cromosoma 21?

Desde Docete Omnes queremos colaborar en la difusión de un mensaje para la inclusión de personas con Síndrome de Down. ¿Nos ayudas compartiendo? ¡Gracias!

Press review Italy. Two local newspaper speaks about RECAR project and the training courses for career counsellors. http...

Press review Italy. Two local newspaper speaks about RECAR project and the training courses for career counsellors.

Corso di formazione online gratuito per chi vuole diventare counsellor dell’inserimento lavorativo delle persone con disabilità e per i counsellor già con esperienza che vogliono migliorare le loro capacità e competenze. L’opportunità è offerta dall’agenzia formativa Aforisma di Pisa, partner del pr...

Today a workshop took place in Örebro, Sweden, where employees from The Employment Service and municipalities in the cou...

Today a workshop took place in Örebro, Sweden, where employees from The Employment Service and municipalities in the county got information from Bertil Johansson and Åsa Engström, Actíva, about the Recar project, the casebook and the e-courses. The participants tried the platform and discussed a specific case. A very enthusiastic and nice group made the workshop very worthwhile! Thank you all for participating!

RECAR Project Workshop with Trainers of Career Counsellors of people with disabilities on March 2, 2017 in La Blanca Pal...

RECAR Project Workshop with Trainers of Career Counsellors of people with disabilities on March 2, 2017 in La Blanca Paloma Vocational Center, La Zubia (Spain)


A wide range of job coach responsibilities requires that they constantly broaden their skills, improve their competencies and expand their knowledge.

A wide range of job coach responsibilities requires that they constantly broaden their skills, improve their competencies and expand their knowledge.


The job coach competency profile is extensive as they perform a wide range of tasks. It should pertain to three fundamental areas such as personal traits, knowledge and skills.

The job coach competency profile is extensive as they perform a wide range of tasks. It should pertain to three fundamental areas such as personal traits, knowledge and skills.

Bertil Johansson, Actíva, was 16-18th of February in Malta at the "European conference on inclusive Workplaces", where h...

Bertil Johansson, Actíva, was 16-18th of February in Malta at the "European conference on inclusive Workplaces", where he got the opportunity to inform the visitors about the Recar project.

Please read our latest newsletter!

Please read our latest newsletter!

Bertil Johansson, Actíva, informed about Recar project at Actíva´s annual conference 16-17 of November 2016 in Örebro, S...

Bertil Johansson, Actíva, informed about Recar project at Actíva´s annual conference 16-17 of November 2016 in Örebro, Sweden.

Project meeting in Granada!

Project meeting in Granada!


Landbotorpsallén 25A


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