(Jesus Christ) have more in common with Islam than much of modern Christianity. You can now insult me. While I follow Yeshua, and I am NOT a Muslim, I believe wholeheartedly in the Islamic doctrine of Tawhid, which for those who do not know, simply means the Oneness of God, without any partner or equal. The Trinity is the most blasphemous, evil and satanic doctrine in existence and has nothing to do with either Moses or Yeshua. Both our Saviour, Yeshua, and Moses taught exactly what the Muslims teach as Tawhid.
European pagans invented the word Trinity, and its concepts. It did not emanate from Scripture. Scripture agrees COMPLETELY with Tawhid in Deuteronomy 6:4:
"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one."
Men, like you and I, sat down in Nicaea, in modern-day Turkey, and invented this doctrine in May 325 AD. And over the next century, they systematically killed, banished, imprisoned, overtaxed, and even castrated people who refused to believe in the Trinity.
And it is not just the Trinity. Christmas, Easter, and Godliness as a means to financial gain are other additives that have contaminated the pure following of Yeshua. None of these doctrines emanated or are supported by Scripture. They are all European pagan additions. But sadly, my people are too used to adjusting Scripture to suit their doctrines instead of adjusting their doctrines to suit Scripture.
If you are annoyed, please kindly stop following me. Truth is bitter but better.
When those who have been brainwashed by European paganism passing off itself as Christianity, are given Scriptural proof that contradicts their church doctrine, they begin to go spiritual, and claim they have a Rhema (spiritual insight that is esoteric and not available to the unbelieving). But read 2 Peter 1:20:
"No prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation."
A Rhema that tells you something contrary to Scripture is suspicious, even if it agrees with your church doctrine.
I have read Scripture in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. I have read Scripture in multiple English translations. There is nothing like Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, Baptist, Protestant, Calvinism, and so on in Scripture. There is only the Ekklesia (the gathering of believers).
There is scarcely a place mentioned in Scripture that I have not physically visited, not because I have money or want to boast, but because of genuine love for God. That is my only motive. I am looking for what God's Word says and that is why I have gone as far as Ethiopia, Manchester (John Rylands University Library), Israel, Rome, and Egypt, in search of the original Scriptures.
Therefore, it is unwise to allow church doctrine to shift you away from what Scripture says. You respect men too much. If anybody brings you any doctrine, no matter how eloquent and philosophical, that does not emanate from Scripture, INCLUDING ME, donate to that person a very hot slap and go your way. Let them carry their Trinity, purgatory, Christmas, Easter, forbidding men to marry, and so on, and keep it in their Europe, where their own people are rejecting these lies in record numbers.
What Yeshua (Jesus) taught is very simple. It is men who want to make it complicated. Yeshua was a Jewish Rabbi who taught as follows.
I am not God, and only God is good-Mark 10:18.
God sent Me-John 3:16.
If it were left to Me, I would not have allowed men to kill Me. I did it to obey God. It was not My desire. It was His-Matthew 26:39.
I am the Way to God. But I am not Myself God-John 14:6.
I sit on the right Hand of God-Mark 14:62.
On My Own, I can do nothing except what God tells Me-John 5:30.
Just as you pray to God, so do I also pray to God-Matthew 27:46.
I am not equal to God-John 14:28.
I know a lot, but I don't know everything like God-Matthew 24:36.
The popular way is DEFINITELY the wrong way-Matthew 7:13.
Even in heaven, I am still subject to God-1 Corinthians 15:28.
Oya, start to insult me. Am I the first person you will insult? What did my Master say?
"It is enough for students to be like their teachers, and servants like their masters. If the head of the house has been called Beelzebul (satan), how much more the members of his household!"-Matthew 10:25.