Editura Universităţii de Vest este o editură cu profil academic, universitar, înfiinţată în anul 2001, cu scopul de a contribui la creșterea prestigiului Universității de Vest din Timișoara. Pentru a asigura calitatea conținutului, cărțile publicate la EUV sunt selectate printr-un proces de peer-review riguros. Acestea acoperă numeroase domenii de studiu și de cercetare: Antropologie, Etnologie, F
ilologie, Filosofie, Fizică, Matematică, Psihologie, Sociologie, Studii Culturale, Științe ale Comunicării, Științe ale Educației, Științe Economice, Științe Politice, Teologie, Traductologie. Publicul căruia ne adresăm este format din studenți, masteranzi, doctoranzi, profesori universitari și cercetători, dar și din profesioniști ai mediului socio-economic. Academically oriented, the West University Press (Editura Universităţii de Vest - EUV), is one of the most important university presses in Romania. It was founded in 2001 in order to contribute to raising the prestige of the West University of Timisoara. EUV places a particular emphasis on the scientific value of its books, which are meant to add to Romanian and international scholarship. It sets out to bring to market authors who have the potential to become landmarks for both academic and professional communities, in whatever research fields they might represent. In order to ensure content quality, EUV selects its books by a rigorous peer-review process. The General Catalogue of the West University Press includes over 1000 titles, covering a wide range of study and research fields: Anthropology, Ethnology, Philology, Philosophy, Physics, Mathematics, Psychology, Sociology, Cultural Studies, Communication Sciences, Educational Sciences, Economic Sciences, Political Sciences, Theology, Translation Studies. The books published by EUV address the needs of BA, MA and PhD students, researchers, academics and professionals in the socio-economic environment. In their pages, they will all encounter various aspects of scientific and cultural, national and international life. Every single title published by EUV contains up-to-date information, significant and necessary for the - initial or continuous - professional training of our readership.