Business Arena Publishing Group

Business Arena Publishing Group Evenimentele organizate de Business Arena Publishing Group: Gala Most Admired Business Women Awards,

Business Arena Magazine is a monthly English-language business magazine published by Business Arena Publishing Group SRL. The magazine was launched in October 2009, and, since then, it has gained reputation as a valuable source of information and analyses for business people and professionals, offering a wide range of exclusive interviews, feature stories and reports, market analyses and special columns.

Nivelul rezervei de aur s-a menţinut la 103,6 tone. În condiţiile evoluţiilor preţurilor internaţionale, valoarea aceste...

Nivelul rezervei de aur s-a menţinut la 103,6 tone. În condiţiile evoluţiilor preţurilor internaţionale, valoarea acesteia s-a situat la 5,345 miliarde de euro.

În cursul lunii au avut loc intrări de 5,152 miliarde de euro, reprezentând: modificarea rezervelor minime în valută constituite de instituţiile de credit la BNR; alimentarea conturilor Ministerului Finanţelor (inclusiv … Learn More


In fact, improved gender equality in decision-making is the main driver of progress in the EU, according to the latest Gender Equality Index from the European Institute for Gender Equality … Learn More


The all-important letter V: Virus, Vaccine, Vacation
Oddly enough, yet most conveniently, the moment coincided with the time of the year when every working soul was gearing up for vacation and therefore, the politicians pompously decreed that “we need to restart the economy.” At least now, one year later, we are no longer hypocritically pretending that, we simply acknowledge that we had enough of this pandemic and the time has come for “relaxation”.


Western Balkans nation sets out ambitious goals
Through swift government action and proactive business community response, North Macedonia hopes to overcome the Covid-19 crisis and focus on its major national objectives. Starting EU entry talks and creating a modern and prosperous society are high on the priorities list. In an interview with Business Arena, Gabriel Atanasov, the Ambassador of North Macedonia to Bucharest, speaks about his country’s efforts to contain the effects of the pandemic and create new opportunities for businesses and investors.


CEC Bank powers through With a team strongly committed to modernizing and streamlining its operations, CEC Bank is in a good position to reach its growth goals. In an interview with Business Arena, Bogdan Neacsu, General Manager and...


With a team strongly committed to modernizing and streamlining its operations, CEC Bank is in a good position to reach its growth goals. In an interview with Business Arena, Bogdan … Learn More


How would you characterize Armenian – Romanian relations and what areas need improvement? Relations between Armenia and Romania have a solid historical basis, mainly due to the millennial presence of the … Learn More


The Book of Excellence 2020


Digital transformation saves the day
In spite of the heightened lending risks, macroeconomic threats and legislative unpredictability, Idea::Bank powers through the economic downturn, relying on solid online products and services, and a sound development strategy. In an interview with Business Arena, Idea::Bank CEO Mioara Popescu shares some of the efforts the bank has put in place to ensure a safe environment for both employees and customers and further development prospects.


Digitalization and online access to banking and financial products and services shape the future of the industry, while the coronavirus pandemic has had a significant contribution to speeding up the … Learn More

With its strong tradition in recognizing and encouraging business excellence, achievements and overall success, Business...

With its strong tradition in recognizing and encouraging business excellence, achievements and overall success, Business Arena celebrates innovation, resource­fulness, perseverance and a culture of responsible risk-taking demonstrated by ladies that make a difference in the economy and contribute to the country's general development.

With its strong tradition in recognizing and encouraging business excellence, achievements and overall success, Business Arena celebrates innovation, resource­fulness, perseverance and a culture of responsible risk-taking demonstrated by ladies that make a difference in the economy and contribute t... gala celebrates successful brands
Awards gala celebrates successful brands

Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s millions of monthly readers. Title: Brand-new awards gala celebrates successful brands , Author: Business ...

Editorial - Europe begins slow return to normalityBy Cristian CojanuAs the continent slowly emerges from long COVID-19 l...

Editorial - Europe begins slow return to normality
By Cristian Cojanu
As the continent slowly emerges from long COVID-19 lockdown, the European Commission's Spring 2020 European Economic Forecast paints a sobering picture of economic tough times ahead.
"In the current quarter, economic output in the EU is set to be almost 16% lower than in the last quarter of 2019. Although activity is expected to pick up again with the just-initiated, gradual easing of containment measures, the contraction in EU GDP this year is expected to be 7½%, far deeper than during the financial crisis in 2009," Maarten Wervey, Director General Economic and Financial Affairs, wrote in the foreword to the report.
The report expects the EU's GDP to rebound in 2021 by 6%. "The COVID-19 crisis is a symmetric shock hurting all Members States. Their strong economic interconnectedness is magnifying the aggregate demand and supply shocks. While the recovery looks set to be incomplete in almost all countries, the impact of the crisis and the way Member States will emerge from it is set to be uneven."

The editorial is also available in our print edition of Business Arena.


Banking in times of health crisis
A robust banking system can provide the economy with the strength needed for a quick recovery from crisis. At the same time, crisis situations create unexpected opportunities and Steven van Groningen, President and CEO, Raiffeisen Bank, hopes the banking community can exploit those favorable circumstances to its advantage. In an interview with Business Arena, the Raiffeisen Bank official looks at the challenges and prospects in the context of the coronavirus epidemic.


Ambasadorul SUA la Bucureşti Adrian Zuckerman a afirmat, la întâlnirea anuală a membrilor Camerei de Comerţ Americane din România, că Partidul Comunist Chinez s-ar folosi de moartea a mii de europeni pentru a înmâna măşti marca Huawei deghizate în donaţii umanitare, ceea ce este 'inadmisibil' şi a avertizat autorităţile române că 'aceasta este o companie căreia nu i se poate încredinţa securitatea naţională' şi care pune în pericol libertatea. El a elogiat măsurile luate de autorităţile de la Bucureşti pentru a opri criza provocată de epidemia de coronavirus şi a afirmat că la ieşirea din această criză România va putea deveni lider în multe domenii, lucru care se poate realiza doar prin adoptarea unor legi şi reglementări de afaceri raţionale, prin încetarea corupţiei endemice şi prin creşterea transparenţei. Ambasadorul american a definit Rusia şi China drept a


The time of the doomsday preachers and hope
This is the time of the doomsday preachers, the moment when all the ones that predicted and preached the end of the world (as we know it) could stand proud in the middle of any empty square in any empty city and shout to the empty world 'I've told you so!'
This is the time when The Evil One sacrificed the lust for grandeur on the efficiency altar, opting – in his battle with the Good - for a minuscule yet deadly virus rather than a magnificent and brilliant war. So far, the THING is doing its job with an infectious competence: almost 2 billion people around the world confined at home, in self-imposed house arrest, a quarter of a million people infected (as we write), 5% in serious condition, and 30,000 killed during the first 3 months of the confrontation. But what makes the fight with the Covid-19 different from the similar situations in history is that DEATH on medical grounds has become somehow unacceptable and we are valuing LIFE of the individual as high as never before.


Analistii CFA Romania anticipeaza o depreciere a leului in urmatoarele 12 luni, pana la 4,9400 lei/euro, in timp ce rata anticipata a inflatiei pentru orizontul de 12 luni, martie 2021/martie 2020, a inregistrat o valoare medie de 3,67%.
"In ceea ce priveste cursul de schimb EUR/RON, 85% dintre participanti anticipeaza o depreciere a leului in urmatoarele 12 luni (comparativ cu valoarea actuala). Astfel, valoarea medie a anticipatiilor pentru orizontul de 6 luni este de 4,8626, in timp ce pentru orizontul de 12 luni valoarea medie a cursului anticipat este de 4,9400. Rata anticipata a inflatiei pentru orizontul de 12 luni (martie 2021/martie 2020) a inregistrat o valoare medie de 3,67%", se arata intr-un comunicat al CFA Romania.

Viitoarele rețele 5G vor fi autostrăzi și rute ale economiei digitale

Viitoarele rețele 5G vor fi autostrăzi și rute ale economiei digitale globale

Rețea 5G reprezintă o infrastructură esenţială pentru economia secolului XXI
Huawei reprezintă o cale greșită pentru dezvoltarea 5G. Contrar marketingului și a percepţiei publice generale distorsionate, 5G nu este sinonim cu companiile chineze. Companiile americane, europene și sud-coreene conduc calea dezvoltării 5G pe piețele din întreaga lume. Tehnologia 5G oferă oportunităţi, dar, aflată în mâini greșite, ameninţă securitatea naţională. După cm a spus Secretarul de Stat, Mike Pompeo, competiţia cu China pune în discuţie libertățile fundamentale pe care fiecare dintre noi le preţuieşte.

The Book of Excellence In keeping with our expansion strategy, we are happy to introduce The Book of Excellence 2020. We...

The Book of Excellence
In keeping with our expansion strategy, we are happy to introduce The Book of Excellence 2020. We have decided to build the new publication around our dynamic award events, and showcase their winners. Our readers deserve to know more about these successful people and organizations, so more than 30 business leaders, entrepreneurs, highly-regarded professionals, companies, and banks will be included in our first edition, with interviews, biographical details and company profiles. The Book of Excellence will cover the most dynamic business sectors in this country, including banking, car manufacturing, IT&C, real estate, agribusiness, hospitality, retail, pharmaceuticals and so on. It will have a company profile section, lists of top companies in multiple categories and of course exclusive interviews.

Business Arena Media Group is the publisher of well established business publications, recognized for their insightful a...

Business Arena Media Group is the publisher of well established business publications, recognized for their insightful and in-depth reports that have found a loyal following in Romania's business leaders, key decision makers and opinion influencers. Moreover, the Group has a rich portfolio of business events and awards and a diversified online presenece.

Business Arena Magazine is a monthly English-language business magazine published by Business Arena Publishing Group SRL. The magazine was launched in October 2009, and, since then, it has gained reputation as a valuable source of information and analyses for business people and professionals, offering a wide range of exclusive interviews, feature stories and reports, market analyses and special columns.
While high production costs and dwindling advertising revenues have forced many newspapers and magazines to migrate online and end their printed versions to save money, Business Arena is committed to preserving its tradition, offering a diverse and generous content in a high-quality, glossy magazine. We provide our readers with a fresh take on the domestic business environment in our 64-80-page monthly magazine, which is distributed in Bucharest and 15 major cities in Romania.

Business Arena online
Business Arena has gradually strengthened its online presence, offering reliable information and opinions on international and domestic news, business, finance,
science and technology. Our websites, and, publishes the main articles from our print edition, but it also offers a variety of web-only content.
For successful communication in the modern multi-media world a mix of all available channels is essential.

The Book of Excellence
In keeping with our expansion strategy, we are happy to introduce The Book of Excellence 2020. We have decided to build the new publication around our dynamic award events, and showcase their winners. Our readers deserve to know more about these successful people and organizations, so more than 30 business leaders, entrepreneurs, highly-regarded professionals, companies, and banks will be included in our first edition, with interviews, biographical details and company profiles. The Book of Excellence will cover the most dynamic business sectors in this country, including banking, car manufacturing, IT&C, real estate, agribusiness, hospitality, retail, pharmaceuticals and so on. It will have a company profile section, lists of top companies in multiple categories and of course exclusive interviews.

Financial Leaders’ Hall of Fame
Business Arena proudly recognizes the achievements and successes of banks, financial institutions and business leaders that have found the winning strategies in a challenging business environment.

Most Admired Business Women Awards
Business Arena recognizes the creativity and leadership of women in the workplace and their vital contribution to the success of business and banking activities throughout Romania. The event recognizes the efforts and achievements of ladies who have gained prominent roles in various sectors of the economy and contributed to the development of Romania’s economy throughout the years.

Business Arena Awards for Excellence
Innovation, resourcefulness, perseverance and a culture of responsible risk-taking have helped many overcome major challenges. Thus, the Awards for Excellence gala brings recognition to individuals and organizations in business, culture, sport and civil society that recorded outstanding results and achievements.

Brand Excellence Hall of Fame Awards
With its strong and diverse tradition in creating new platforms for the business community to share their views and ideas, and in recognizing business success and achievements, Business Arena is launching a new project designed to expand the scope of its annual award ceremonies, adding a new gala to its events calendar.Thus, the new awards gala recognizes organizations that have achieved outstanding results through initiatives that demonstrate excellence in brand management.




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