Cardinal Shipping Services

Cardinal Shipping Services We are a Digital Recruitment and Talent Acquisition organization, offering Human Resources Outsourcin Online Proctoring (Worldwide) with digital certification.

Recruitment & Talent Acquisition for Cruise Ships.

- Deck & Engine;
- Hotel & Restaurant Personnel (all kind);
- Medical Department (Doctors & Nurse) for Carnival Cruises, Princess Cruises, Holland America, P&O Cruises, and Seabourn Cruises;
- Welders, Carpenters, Mechanics, Asst. Electricians for projects (1-3 months);

General Recruitment (ashore)

Long-term Human Resources planning, finding a

ppropriate resourceful candidates for positions that require a very specific skills, abilities, and potential. Marlins English Language Test (Approved Test Centre) for: Cruise Industry, General, and Offshore Industry. Human Resources Management
- Strategic approach to the effective management of people in a company for achieving success through people, and career planning and development.
- Employing, training, compensating, and developing policies, performance and strategies to retain employees.

Căutăm (5) Wipers și (5) OS pentru 3 proiecte temporare, desfășurate la bordul unor nave de croazieră de lux:Perioadele ...

Căutăm (5) Wipers și (5) OS pentru 3 proiecte temporare, desfășurate la bordul unor nave de croazieră de lux:
Perioadele contractelor:
11.03 – 01.04.2025 (imbarcare Italia)
08.04 – 29.04.2025 (imbarcare Italia)
15.04 – 06.05.2025 (imbarcare Vancouver, se cere C1D visa sau iti oferim suport pentru aplicare).

- Cazare în cabine de 2 persoane�
- 3 mese pe zi�
- Pauze de cafea și recreere după program
Salariu: $1,894/lună – bani pe care îi poți economisi!
😃 Ai ocazia să lucrezi într-un mediu pozitiv, alături de oameni voioși!
📩 Ești interesat? Trimite CV-ul în limba engleză pe adresa de email: [email protected]

Căutăm un Mechanic/Fitter specializat în sisteme hidraulice pentru angajare in industria offshore. Cunostiinte medii de ...

Căutăm un Mechanic/Fitter specializat în sisteme hidraulice pentru angajare in industria offshore. Cunostiinte medii de limba engleza, carnet de marinar. Contract: 2 luni ON/2 luni OFF, prin rotatie, platit si acasa si pe mare. Suntem o echipă frumoasă, care respectă oamenii.
Dacă ești la fel, așteptăm CV-ul tău pe adresa de email: [email protected]
👉 Poate fi job-ul care îți oferă stabilitate, respect și apreciere, într-un mediu calm și organizat.
ℹ️ Este valabil și pentru cei care nu dețin încă un carnet de marinar – dacă îți dorești, te îndrumăm cm să devii posesor.

We are hiring AB and Bosun with STCW II/5 certification for luxury megayachts/small cruise ships, with opportunities for...

We are hiring AB and Bosun with STCW II/5 certification for luxury megayachts/small cruise ships, with opportunities for rotation and long-term stability (total 8 ships).
The job involves working 10 hours per day. Salaries are offered on an on/off basis, with additional tips available onboard. Interested candidates are encouraged to send their CVs to [email protected]. Positions are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Astazi, oriunde v-ați afla, noi suntem mândri pentru ca sunteți adevărați ambasadori ai României, peste mari și oceane. ...

Astazi, oriunde v-ați afla, noi suntem mândri pentru ca sunteți adevărați ambasadori ai României, peste mari și oceane. Noi știm ca fiecare zi petrecuta departe de familie este un sacrificiu, dar și o dovada de curaj și responsabilitate! România va datorează recunostiinta pentru munca și dedicarea voastră! Pentru voi, cei care duceți numele României pe ape și pentru o țară demnă și unită!

Join Our Team as a Wiper on a Prestigious Cruise Ship! We are seeking motivated and hardworking individuals for the posi...

Join Our Team as a Wiper on a Prestigious Cruise Ship!

We are seeking motivated and hardworking individuals for the position of Wiper aboard our world-class cruise ship. This is your chance to work in an exciting and dynamic environment, exploring the seas while contributing to the smooth operation of our vessel.

Joining Dates:
4th January 2024
18th January 2024

Key Responsibilities:

- Assist in maintaining and cleaning the engine room and machinery spaces
- Perform routine maintenance tasks as directed by engineering staff
- Ensure a safe and efficient working environment by following safety protocols

- Valid STCW certificates (Basic Safety)
- Seafarer's Medical Certificate
Previous experience in a similar role is an advantage but not mandatory
A proactive attitude and ability to work as part of a team

What the Company Offers:
- Competitive salary and benefits
- Travel opportunities to stunning destinations
- A supportive and multicultural working environment for 8 hours daily work.

Apply Now: If you are ready to embark on a rewarding maritime career, please send your CV and relevant documents to [email protected] with the subject line "Wiper Application – [Preferred Joining Date].

We are looking for a skilled Second Engineer to join our team onboard luxury cruise ships, offering stability and career...

We are looking for a skilled Second Engineer to join our team onboard luxury cruise ships, offering stability and career growth in an exciting and dynamic environment.
Why Join Us?
• Stability & Long-Term Contract: Enjoy a secure, long-term position onboard, with guaranteed contracts for peace of mind.
• Attractive Salary: Earn a competitive salary that reflects your skills and experience.
• 3 on / 3 off Rotation: Work 3 months on, followed by 3 months off, giving you plenty of time to relax, travel, and spend time with family/loved ones.
• STCW courses are reimbursed, ensuring you won’t incur any costs for these expenses.
• Annual Leave Pay: Get paid annual leave, so you can fully unwind during your time off.
• Salary Increases: Your commitment is rewarded with an annual 3% salary increase to help you grow financially.
• Work-Life Balance: Enjoy working only 8 hours a day while onboard, ensuring a healthy balance of work and rest.
• Promotion Opportunities: The company values its crew and provides clear paths to promotion, encouraging career development and growth.

If you're looking to transition from commercial fleet to cruise ships, come aboard with us!

Join us for a career at sea where you’ll experience the world, be part of a dynamic team, and enjoy the stability and benefits of working onboard a prestigious cruise line.
Send your CV at [email protected]. We’re excited to share all the details with you!

Cautam tapiteri sau tamplari care stiu tapiterie (sa coasa la masina de cusut). Se efectueaza reparatii simple.

Cautam tapiteri sau tamplari care stiu tapiterie (sa coasa la masina de cusut). Se efectueaza reparatii simple.

INFORMATIE IMPORTANTA! Navigatorii romani pot sa-si creeze identificare biometrica prin ROeID ( Tr...

Navigatorii romani pot sa-si creeze identificare biometrica prin ROeID ( Trebuie descarcata aplicatia in telefon (Apple sau Android) si sa aveti buletinul la indemana. Crearea contului ROeID va ajuta sa efectuati digital operatiunile de care aveti nevoie. Institututiile sunt in proces de digitalizare. Deocamdata ANR are serviciul activ, momentan se poate opera numai pentru obtinerea foii matricole. Dar serviciile vor fi functionale treptat, inclusiv inregistrarea voiajelor ( Cel putin va familiarizati cu sistemul de lucru. Va urez succes!

Opportunity for an Upholsterer aboard a cruise ship. Salary: $3,086, with a rotation contract of 6 months on/2 months of...

Opportunity for an Upholsterer aboard a cruise ship. Salary: $3,086, with a rotation contract of 6 months on/2 months off. Interested candidates are invited to send their CVs via email: [email protected].
Other candidates for other positions are waiting too.

ETO (STCW III/7 or STCW III/6) Position on Dutch Flag Cruise Ship, joining date 4 Nov 2024.Enjoy a 2.5 months on / 2.5 m...

ETO (STCW III/7 or STCW III/6) Position on Dutch Flag Cruise Ship, joining date 4 Nov 2024.
Enjoy a 2.5 months on / 2.5 months off rotation.
Enjoy a competitive salary of €286/day gross (€220/day net).
Benefit from social security, pension, and health insurance premiums.
Proficiency in English
Previous cruise ship experience is valuable but not mandatory.
Please send your CV to [email protected].

Second Engineer position available on a luxury cruise ship. Enjoy a respectful and appreciated work environment with 3 m...

Second Engineer position available on a luxury cruise ship. Enjoy a respectful and appreciated work environment with 3 months on/3 months off, 8-hour workdays, numerous benefits, and opportunities for career advancement.

2nd Engineer experience
STCW III/2 certification
Proficient in English

To apply, please send your CV to [email protected]. We will provide you with more details and answer any questions you may have.

On this special day dedicated to St. Mary, we honor your courage, dedication, and the sacrifices you make to keep our wo...

On this special day dedicated to St. Mary, we honor your courage, dedication, and the sacrifices you make to keep our world connected. Your tireless work ensures the smooth flow of goods and cruising across vast oceans, contributing significantly to the global trade and tourism.
Your profession is demanding, filled with challenges and risks. Yet, you face them with unwavering spirit and professionalism.
May St. Mary's blessings be with you, guiding you safely on your voyages and protecting you from all harm.
Happy St. Mary's Day!

Oportunitate pentru pozitia de Wiper in echipe de reparatii. Salariu 1894$ cu crestere 2% anual, program de munca 8 ore/...

Oportunitate pentru pozitia de Wiper in echipe de reparatii. Salariu 1894$ cu crestere 2% anual, program de munca 8 ore/zi. Contracte de la 21 zile - 4 luni, in functie de proiect si nave, cu posibilitate de prelungire. Contractele sunt pe perioada permanenta: se pleaca intr-un proiect, apoi acasa si se pleaca in urmatorul infunctie de disponibilitatea fiecaruia. Conditii minime: experienta minim 1 an in domeniul mecanic daca lucreaza la uscat sau pe functia de Wiper daca are experienta pe mare. Cei interesati pot trimite CV-ul pe email: [email protected]. Exclus ofiterii in devenire.

We're seeking a talented and dedicated 2nd Engineers to join our team aboard the luxurious cruise ship! This is your cha...

We're seeking a talented and dedicated 2nd Engineers to join our team aboard the luxurious cruise ship! This is your chance to explore the world while working in a supportive and positive work environment.
Here's what makes this opportunity stand out:
- Enjoy a fixed rotation with a structured 4-watch system working 8 hours a day and Predictable Schedule - 3 months on/3 months off;
- Work-Life Balance and stability;
- Positive Crew Culture: We foster a collaborative and supportive environment where you'll feel valued and respected.
- Competitive Compensation: We offer a competitive salary and benefits package.

Send your CV at [email protected].
Don't miss your chance to be part of our crew!

Vă urăm Paște Fericit și vă transmitem cele mai sincere urări de bine! Ne gândim la voi, cei care navigați pe mările lum...

Vă urăm Paște Fericit și vă transmitem cele mai sincere urări de bine! Ne gândim la voi, cei care navigați pe mările lumii, departe de casă și de cei dragi!

We're looking for 2nd Ventilation Officer:Minimum of 3 years' experience in a similar role.Strong technical skills and t...

We're looking for 2nd Ventilation Officer:
Minimum of 3 years' experience in a similar role.
Strong technical skills and troubleshooting expertise.
Excellent leadership and communication abilities.
Teamwork mentality and a positive attitude.
Ability to work in a demanding environment.

What awaits you:
- Challenge yourself: Oversee the maintenance and operation of complex ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems for thousands of passengers and crew.
- Lead and inspire: Be a key player in a dedicated team, ensuring optimal comfort and air quality aboard the ship.
- Embrace adventure: Travel the world while working – explore vibrant cities, soak up exotic cultures, and create unforgettable memories.
- Enjoy exceptional benefits: Competitive salary, comfortable accommodation, delicious meals, onboard facilities, and travel opportunities.
- Career progression: Gain valuable experience, develop your skills, and advance your career in the exciting world of maritime engineering.

Contracts 3/3 rotation, salary starting with the second contract) $4,250 paid every month (x 12 months). Yearly the salary is increase with 3%, paid vacation pay and leave pay, paid STCW courses and more benefits.The first contract is paid only onboard ($7,539).

Become a 2nd Ventilation Officer on a luxurious cruise ship, sending your CV to [email protected] and get ready to set sail for your dream career.

We're looking for Environmental Officer:Certified 2nd Engineer Officer, STCW III/2 or Master STCW II/2.In-depth knowledg...

We're looking for Environmental Officer:
Certified 2nd Engineer Officer, STCW III/2 or Master STCW II/2.
In-depth knowledge of maritime environmental regulations.
Understanding of safe and responsible waste management practices
Effective communication with crew members, shore-based personnel, and regulatory authorities.
Teamwork mentality and a positive attitude.
Problem-solving and decision-making skills

Enjoy exceptional benefits: Competitive salary, comfortable accommodation, delicious meals, onboard facilities, and travel opportunities. Starting with second contract, the salary is $5,000 each month (x 12 months) with a rotation 3/3. The first contract is paid only onboard period. The company is offering training onboard for 5 weeks, other courses and workshops.

Become a Environmental Officer on a luxurious cruise ship, sending your CV to [email protected] until Monday, 26.02.2024, and get ready to set sail for your dream career.

We're looking for:- Certified 2nd Engineer Officer, STCW III/2.- Minimum 1 year experience in a similar role.- Strong te...

We're looking for:
- Certified 2nd Engineer Officer, STCW III/2.
- Minimum 1 year experience in a similar role.
- Strong technical skills and troubleshooting expertise.
- Excellent leadership and communication abilities.
- Teamwork mentality and a positive attitude.
- Ability to work in a demanding environment.

Enjoy exceptional benefits:
- Competitive salary, comfortable accommodation, delicious meals, onboard facilities, and travel opportunities. Starting with second contract, the salary is $4,250 each month (x 12 months). Increased salary with 3% yearly, paid vacation pay and leave pay, reimbursements of SCTW courses (when extended) and more benefits. The first contract is paid only onboard period.
- Career progression: Gain valuable experience, develop your skills, and advance your career in the exciting world of maritime engineering.

Become a 2nd Engineer on a luxurious cruise ship, sending your CV to [email protected] and get ready to set sail for your dream career.



Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 16:30
Tuesday 09:30 - 16:30
Wednesday 09:30 - 16:30
Thursday 09:30 - 16:30
Friday 09:30 - 14:00




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Cardinal Shipping Services mission

Cardinal Shipping Services is a true HR professional company, with expertise to high standards, and well-known since 2000, authorized by Romanian Authorities, and certified by Bureau Veritas. CSS works to promote the positive contribution that quality recruitment makes to companies. It leads this work by setting standards for the industry.

Besides HR Management umbrella, other types of business functions become important as a company grows: Business Management Consultancy, Marketing Management Consultancy, Customer Service, and Financial intermediary.