"Happy Kid" is a monster, multi-genre, 30 song album by Garnoo that we have been cooking for a long time. While the actual recording, mixing and mastering process took only 6 months, it was years of writing and preparation that led us to pull this off. It may look like a solo album, but the amount of people involved in this project cannot be understated. From our resident artist Anna Vixie who brought to life this amazing album cover and whose musical taste serves as a great measuring stick, to Cristian Cristea who spent countless hours helping us polish the sound and identify issues, to Sofia Marculescu & NAYAD EVE who graciously lent us their time to listen and brainstorm in the early stages of the album, to Toni Dijmarescu, Vlad Joldis, Emir Hkima, Crbrvs, Andrei Piper & Laur Mihaiu who all breathed life into the music with their unique voices, to the dozens of other friends and family members who gave us their feedback and helped us make the album as great as possible, this wouldn't have been possible without them. You can listen to "Happy Kid" on all the major streaming platforms (link the in comments) β¬οΈ