Since I haven't recorded my latest jumping sessions, here's a series of fails from a few weeks ago.
Happy weekend everyone!🌞
#jumpropeeverywhere #jumpbrigade🇷🇴 #fridayfails
How a jump rope session looks like😅
#JumpRopeChallenges #jumpropejourney #jumpbrigade🇷🇴
If you're looking for adventure or just a peaceful place to jump, Romania has plenty of them!
This is Vânturătoarea Waterfall in the Cerna Mountains—a perfect place for an adventure, admiring nature, climbing the magnificent rock wall, or even bathing under the waterfall. Since I don’t climb and it was too chilly for a dip, I settled for a hike and a short jump rope session! 🪢🥾
Come and see Romania!🇷🇴
And if you ever visit, please get in touch with me—I’d be so excited to show you around!
#jumpropeeverywhere #visitromania #jumpbrigade🇷🇴
Freestyle jump rope has me crossing, twisting, and turning—just like life sometimes.😉
Have a great week, everyone!
Get out there, twist it up, and surprise yourself with what you can achieve!
#mondaymotivation #jumpbrigade🇷🇴 #româniasarecoarda
Throwing it back to one month ago, when we were jumping our hearts out in Porto at the international meetup! 🎉✨
Feels like just yesterday we were having fun with jump rope games and cheering each other on during the competition.🏆Such an incredible weekend filled with love🩷 and joy, I’ll never forget.
I miss you all!🫶
Have you started planning for next year?
#jumpropecommunity #jumpropemeetup #jumpropefamily
În ianuarie 2023 am încheiat provocarea de 30 de zile de sărit coarda și aveam nevoie de un alt obiectiv decât să bat recordul de sărituri din ziua anterioară.
Am dat un search pe Instagram după „jump rope” și am văzut că sunt atât de multe trucuri și dansuri pe care le poți face cu coarda, așa că am decis că vreau și eu să fac asta.
Am descoperit astfel nu doar un mod amuzant de a face cardio și de a rămâne în formă, ci și o comunitate extraordinară care m-a motivat, m-a inspirat și m-a încurajat în această aventură.
Îmi doresc să împărtășesc bucuria săritului corzii în România și mă gândeam să organizez întâlniri săptămânale de sărit coarda la Cluj.
Dacă ai vrea să participi, să înveți să sari coarda sau să testezi diverse tipuri de corzi, scrie-mi.
#JumpRopeJourney #jumpbrigade🇷🇴 #cardionfun
One moment I'm having a low-impact jump rope session practicing releases, and then one of my favorite DJs drops a fire track in my headphones, pushing me to the outer limits.🤯
Jump rope and my favorite music are the perfect escape—a form of meditation, moments that make me feel happy and free🌈🌞
#jumpropejoy #jumpropejourney #notonlyjumps
Found this while clearing out my phone.
Just a quick jump rope combo to take my mind off daily chores.
#jumpropegirls #jumpropecommunity #jumpbrigade🇷🇴
🌄 Morning vibes at #TOLDGathering!
Went camping this weekend and I took some time for jump rope tricks with the beautiful surroundings.
What a perfect start to the day! 🌲☀️
#roamersexperience #jumpropeeverywhere #poweredbydlot
Fooling around at sunset.
Funny that I danced like nobody was watching but then I noticed my neighbours roaming around.
#jumpbrigade🇷🇴 #jumpropejoy #dancelikenooneiswatching
Trying various types of releases into mamba.
Recording and watching my jump rope sessions helps me spot and fix weak points. This time, I'm noticing that I need to improve the mamba.
#jumpropetricks #jumpropepractice #jumpbrigade🇷🇴
Can you spot the tricky toad?
#JumpRopeJourney #jumpripetricks #JumpBrigade🇷🇴