Green Horse Games

Green Horse Games Green Horse Games We are a talented mobile gaming studio, committed to delivering great gaming experiences that reach and connect people all around the world.

The company was founded in 2013 and our headquarters are located in Bucharest, Romania. Our team is formed by an open-minded and passionate group of people who share the same vision for creating social and gamified worlds for sports fans. At Green Horse Games, we believe and share the same core values:
- Growth;
- Ownership;
- Empathy. Our #1 game is Football Rivals, a project built around a simpl

e idea: to bring football fans together. Here, players from all over the world can connect with each other, build friendships, create the best football teams and fight together for the same goals. In Football Rivals, teamwork makes the difference! We continuously invest in our team and game projects and we’re constantly looking for creative solutions as we strive for bringing the best game experiences for our users. If you share the same passion for gaming and want to get involved in our next successful games, join us and be a Green Horse like us! For more detailed information, please visit

⛰️ Here's to creating unforgettable experiences, together!

⛰️ Here's to creating unforgettable experiences, together!

🤝 Proud to collaborate with Translating for Humanity on a project that’s saving lives worldwide! 🫶 Together, we’re empow...

🤝 Proud to collaborate with Translating for Humanity on a project that’s saving lives worldwide!

🫶 Together, we’re empowering students to develop their skills and provide vital translations during medical emergencies.

Ieri a fost o zi specială pentru noi, deoarece ne-am dat întâlnire cu studenții entuziaști ce fac practică în cadrul Translating for Humanity. 🤝

Un număr de 26 de studenți din cadrul facultăților de profil din Timișoara, Cluj și București au ales să își dezvolte abilitățile de viitori traducători sau interpreți profesioniști în cadrul asociației noastre. Aceștia au aflat câte puțin despre cele mai bune practici atunci când vine vorba de traducerea documentelor medicale alături de Monica Stinghe, profesoară și traducător autorizat, și Roxana Bodea, interpret și traducător autorizat. Astfel, ne bucurăm că acest proiect contribuie la integrarea studenților în piața muncii și la ajutorarea celor ce se află în căutare de expertiză medicală în afara granițelor. 🌍

Studenții beneficiază de recomandări, fișe de evaluare, certificate de voluntariat, iar voluntarii, prin expertiza și altruismul de care dau dovadă, oferă șansa la viață persoanelor aflate în stadii avansate de boală. 📝💙

Le mulțumim atât studenților entuziaști ce ni s-au alăturat ieri, cât și Green Horse Games pentru susținerea în cadrul proiectului - Stagii de practică - traduceri medicale pro bono.

Așteptăm cu drag următoarea întâlnire! 🤗

Meet the Green Horse Games team!Exploring, cultivating, and investing time in childhood passions can pave the way for su...

Meet the Green Horse Games team!

Exploring, cultivating, and investing time in childhood passions can pave the way for successful careers.
Discover Adi's journey, our exceptional UI/UX Designer 🏎️, who's infusing our games with his creative flair.

“I’ve always been creative and inventive - While my friends were drawing the Pokémons they saw on TV, I was inventing and creating new Pokémon. I liked to draw since I was little, and I remember watching a documentary about the animation process at Walt Disney in 1938. The fact that they had a light table to make the pages transparent and drew the movements frame by frame fascinated me. After seeing that, I started to tinker around, making my own "light table," and drawing frame by frame. That’s how drawing and animation became my new hobbies.

As I grew up, I also discovered the world of video games, which I have not let go of to this day, being one of my passions. I can say that I have lived through their entire evolution from 8-bit to next-gen.

My passion for drawing led me to attend art school, arts high school, and then a Graphic Design University where I discovered Digital Art. This was an important discovery because it led me to develop games and create art for them. By the time I graduated, I already had completed and developed 2 games in Unity.

Later, I continued my work in the gaming industry which led me to Green Horse Games, where I’ve been working for the last 4 years as a UI/UX Designer. I can proudly say that over the years I have also worked in areas such as Concept Design, Prototyping, Animations, Marketing Ads, Video Ads. Every day is a new challenge, and the fact that I am doing what I love motivates me to get involved in many areas - know that nothing can stop you when you are part of the right team.

I believe that personal development starts from a young age, and toys, games, and the things around us have a significant impact on us. Lego helped me develop my creative side, drawing taught me patience and focus, and video games helped develop my reaction speed. Like any boy, I had toy cars when I was young, but as I grew up, they became a passion for me. What relaxes me the most is being behind the wheel of a special car on a winding road where patience, concentration, and reaction speed are required (the exact combo from when I was young).”

Thank you, Adi, for being a cornerstone of our team and always offering your ideas when needed. 💚 Here's to many more years of developing games together!

May your Easter be filled with laughter and memorable moments! 🐰

May your Easter be filled with laughter and memorable moments! 🐰

🎮 Dev.Play Conference is happening on June 3rd & 4th!Let's connect, learn, grow, and have fun together. See you there! 💪

🎮 Dev.Play Conference is happening on June 3rd & 4th!

Let's connect, learn, grow, and have fun together. See you there! 💪

Introducing our 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬! 🌟

We're happy to kick off our series with one of our Platinum sponsors: Green Horse Games , a major player in mobile gaming💚🐎

🎮 The company is committed to creating mobile games that inspire and bring people together globally. They are experts at developing popular multiplayer social games that are making waves in the market. As a tech company, they place a high value on cooperative gaming and captivating teams.

Their name signifies their dedication to delivering new products, fostering creative ideas, and employing like-minded individuals.


This month, our game, Football Rivals, celebrated its 4th anniversary. 🎂

We're so grateful for these four years filled with passion, memorable matches, and enduring friendships within our amazing community.

A huge thank you to all our amazing players!

🤝 We're honored to collaborate with Translating for Humanity again, empowering young translators to make a difference in...

🤝 We're honored to collaborate with Translating for Humanity again, empowering young translators to make a difference in medical emergencies around the globe.

💚 Together, we're saving lives worldwide!

Primăvara aduce oportunități noi! 🌸 Din 21 martie, Translating for Humanity a deschis porțile către lumea traducerii: stagii de practică și voluntariat exclusiv online, create special pentru studenții și traducătorii în devenire.
La prima întâlnire online, 20 de tineri entuziaști au luat parte.
Cu un program flexibil adaptat nevoilor individuale și o durată minimă de 25 de ore, fiecare participant își poate construi propriul parcurs de dezvoltare.
La final, toți participanții vor primi o scrisoare de recomandare, un certificat de voluntariat și o evaluare a performanței.
Alătură-te și tu călătoriei noastre! [email protected]💼💡

Meet the Green Horse Games team!Can a childhood hobby lead to a career? Absolutely! Let's find out how from Claudia 🦄, o...

Meet the Green Horse Games team!

Can a childhood hobby lead to a career? Absolutely! Let's find out how from Claudia 🦄, our talented Social Media Manager, who's successfully blending her love for the vibrant world of gaming with her social media skills.

“As a child, I used to spend hours on end playing different games until I knew each one by heart.
When I discovered the Internet, a whole new world of possibilities opened before my eyes, and I was drawn by the social aspect of the games. I immersed myself in different communities, and dreamed about working in the industry. So, that’s exactly what I have been doing for the past 5 years.

I have always been fascinated by the way gaming and social media connect people from all around the world and I am grateful that I get the chance to combine both of these passions as a career.
I thrive on being creative, and nothing beats the feeling of seeing players enjoy the content I help create or witnessing them bond in the communities I've had a hand in building.

Joining Green Horse Games a little over a year ago was one of the best decisions I've ever made. The culture here is incredibly supportive of innovation, but we also prioritize having fun.
I am surrounded by a talented team that’s eager to share knowledge and brainstorm, and supports my wildest ideas - A team that inspires me to be the best version of myself every single day.”

Thank you, Claudia, for bringing your energy, positivity, and inspiring ideas to the table every day. Your enthusiasm is contagious and makes our team better.
We hope you'll keep making us and our communities smile for a long time ahead! 💚

Board games + Team = Big laughs! 🎲Teamwork makes the dream work, especially when conquering kingdoms and trading resourc...

Board games + Team = Big laughs! 🎲

Teamwork makes the dream work, especially when conquering kingdoms and trading resources. 🏰

💐 Happy Women's Day to the amazing women in our team and across the globe.🥂 Here's to celebrating the women who inspire ...

💐 Happy Women's Day to the amazing women in our team and across the globe.

🥂 Here's to celebrating the women who inspire and make a difference every single day.


Together with Narada, we're turning dreams into reality. 🎸

Denisa's journey proves that, with support, talent knows no bounds. 💪

🫶 Helping young individuals fulfill their dreams is important to us.☀️ Together with Narada, we're dedicated to building...

🫶 Helping young individuals fulfill their dreams is important to us.

☀️ Together with Narada, we're dedicated to building a brighter future.

✒️ Despre 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐚 v-am mai povestit. Este acea tânără talentată, extrem de inspirată ce scrie poezii cu un condei magic.
Mai mult decât atât, studiază arta actorului la Liceul de Artă din Brăila și se arată în calea ei un viitor colorat în culorile curcubeului.

📖 Nici măcar negura grijilor de acasă nu o împiedică, cu atât mai mult cu cât, prietenii noștri de la Green Horse Games au decis să o sprijine pentru a-și atinge potențialul maxim prin educație.

"Admirăm la Alexandra capacitatea sa de a înfrunta cu optimism toate provocările, de aceea ne bucurăm să fim parte din călătoria ei și dorim să o sprijinim în realizarea visurilor sale.
Noi, cei din echipa Green Horse Games, susținem cu încredere tinerele talente și ne propunem să le inspirăm să-și urmeze pasiunile, asigurându-le că pot găsi sprijin în comunitățile din care fac parte."

Say hello to Cristina 🧚‍♀️, our enthusiastic Product Manager! Explore the ins and outs of her role and uncover the essen...

Say hello to Cristina 🧚‍♀️, our enthusiastic Product Manager! Explore the ins and outs of her role and uncover the essential qualities for success in this field, straight from her experience.

“I embarked on my thrilling journey in the gaming industry almost a decade ago, I started by breaking things as a game tester. Now, in my role as a dedicated Product Manager at Green Horse Games, I am fervently crafting and elevating our products with a user-centric flair. 🚀

What I find most exhilarating about my job is the chance to unravel assumed questions about users and devise solutions to their problems.
Along the way, from challenging the status quo to fostering innovation, I've learned that curiosity and an insatiable thirst for knowledge are the keys to evolution and reaching our goals in this dynamic industry.
This collaborative journey of problem-solving and perpetual learning is what truly elevates the fulfillment in my role.
But you know what else? An ambitious, supportive, and creative team like I have at Green Horse Games. This is beyond important and reveals some superpowers you didn't know you had.

Being a Product Manager is akin to navigating a diverse landscape – requiring a bit of design knowledge, a touch of QA, a sprinkle of social media and marketing, a substantial dose of project management, a keen eye on analytics, and a solid understanding of business dynamics. It's the complexity of this role that not only makes it interesting but also incredibly challenging. Embracing this multifaceted nature keeps me on my toes, and I thrive on the dynamic and ever-evolving challenges that come with it.

Here are a couple of cherished pieces of advice:
Continuously test and refine your ideas; early and frequent testing is the pathway to success. 🕹️🛠️
Always remember, you're creating for the users, not for yourself. ✨

And here's an additional nugget of wisdom: Find yourself a team that helps you grow, shares the same values, supports you no matter what, and never forgets to have fun. 🤝🎉”

It’s a pleasure to have you with us, Cristina! 🥂 Here's to a journey of crafting unforgettable experiences, and developing games that connect people from all around the world.


In our first project of the year, we continue to stay true to our commitment to empower the next generation and support its dreams. 🫶

For this, we’ve teamed up with Narada, and we're happy to extend a helping hand where it’s needed. 🤝

Meet the Green Horse Games TeamLet's shine a spotlight on Adriana, our User Acquisition magician 🪄, as we celebrate her ...

Meet the Green Horse Games Team

Let's shine a spotlight on Adriana, our User Acquisition magician 🪄, as we celebrate her impressive one-year journey with us. Adriana tells the story of our games through captivating Ads.

“I've been part of the Green Horse Games team for exactly one year, and it's been an incredible journey!

Making the switch into the gaming industry was a big deal for me, but also an amazing opportunity to learn more about why games hold such a special place in people's hearts.

I am a creative person and I love that I get to channel that creativity into my work here - Brainstorming Ad ideas, running campaigns on different Social Platforms and fine-tuning them for top-notch results, and I also get to roll up my sleeves for some analysis and a bit of copywriting.

The most rewarding about it is that I am constantly growing and I'm becoming the best version of myself!

At Green Horse Games, I'm surrounded by a talented and inspiring team. It’s a place where learning never stops, and everyone is eager to share their knowledge.”

Happy workiversary, Adriana, it's a pleasure to have you with us! We hope that you will present the thrilling universe of our games to players for years to come! 💚

Best wishes for the New Year from the Green Horse Games team! ✨Here's to all of you, and here's to another fantastic yea...

Best wishes for the New Year from the Green Horse Games team! ✨

Here's to all of you, and here's to another fantastic year ahead! 🥂

Happy Holidays from all of us at Green Horse Games! 🎄May your days be filled with joy and heartwarming memories! 🫶

Happy Holidays from all of us at Green Horse Games! 🎄

May your days be filled with joy and heartwarming memories! 🫶

Meet the Green Horse Games TeamIntroducing Cosmin, our Graphic Designer wiz 🧞, who turns ideas into visual masterpieces....

Meet the Green Horse Games Team

Introducing Cosmin, our Graphic Designer wiz 🧞, who turns ideas into visual masterpieces. Let’s find out what fuels his creative designs:

“As long as I can remember, I was always attracted by art and the way an idea can come to light in so many forms and shapes. At the same time gaming was a huge part of my childhood and it was only natural to aspire to a job in the design aspect of gaming.

My journey started at various gaming studios as a Graphic Designer, until one of my best friends told me about Green Horse Games. He spoke very highly about the ambitions of the studio and the team spirit. I immediately applied because I wanted to be part of the amazing team I kept hearing about.

Two years later and I can truly say it was one of my best decisions to join Green Horse Games. Here I found a place where I can test all my creative ideas, come up with new ones, implement them and be valued. It is a place where the only obstacle you'll find is your own imagination.

We constantly push each other in an endless pursuit for better and I think this is the mindset that made me so happy here.”

Thank you, Cosmin, for always going above and beyond, and for always lending a helping hand when needed. 💚 Here’s to many more years of growing together!

We asked our colleagues to sum up the vibe at Green Horse Games in just one word. Here's the summary: Friendship, Teamwo...

We asked our colleagues to sum up the vibe at Green Horse Games in just one word. Here's the summary: Friendship, Teamwork, Growth.. And more! 🫶

Here is your chance to find out more about George, our CEO. 😎“I started Green Horse Games, alongside my cofounder, Alex,...

Here is your chance to find out more about George, our CEO. 😎

“I started Green Horse Games, alongside my cofounder, Alex, 11 years ago. We simply wanted to create games that form friendships and strong connections between people. And we’ve done this for the past 11 years. Best time of my life!

Most of my work, to be honest, is about talking with people. As a CEO I have to support, guide and be there whenever a colleague needs me.

There are many things that I love about my work, but the thing I love the most is that we are making so many people feel emotions on a daily basis. Happiness, ambition, even frustration and, my favorite, the sense of belonging to a group of people with a common goal. These are things that our players do feel while playing our games.

At Green Horse Games, we are a diverse group of people, with different superpowers depending on each person. But there are common values that each one of us possess: our ambition to grow as a team and as an individual, our results oriented attitude, and our empathy towards players and towards each other.”

Thank you, George, for talking about what makes Green Horse Games special. 🥂 Here's to our bright future!


🥰 Our Company Retreat was a journey through friendship, teamwork, karaoke and good vibes!

📽 Take a peek at the wonderful moments and heartfelt smiles we shared.

Join our team as a Growth Marketing Manager! 📈If you have a passion for marketing, a knack for strategy, an eye for crea...

Join our team as a Growth Marketing Manager! 📈

If you have a passion for marketing, a knack for strategy, an eye for creativity, and a leadership mindset, we want to meet you! 😎

Apply now and let the adventure begin! 👉

🌴 Laughing, bonding, and thriving together at our Company Retreat! 🫶 Grateful for our amazing team and the beautiful mom...

🌴 Laughing, bonding, and thriving together at our Company Retreat!

🫶 Grateful for our amazing team and the beautiful moments we're sharing.

Fueling up for our next creative adventures! 🔋 🏖

Fueling up for our next creative adventures! 🔋 🏖

🌟 We thrive on growth and learning! 🎮 Our colleagues attended the How to Web conference, keeping up with the new industr...

🌟 We thrive on growth and learning!

🎮 Our colleagues attended the How to Web conference, keeping up with the new industry trends and latest news.

🎮The How to Web conference is always a good opportunity to stay ahead of industry trends.In this latest edition, George,...

🎮The How to Web conference is always a good opportunity to stay ahead of industry trends.

In this latest edition, George, our CEO, shared some insights on adding value to your business. 💼💡

⚠ Full-Time Employee vs Freelancing: A conversation you don’t want to miss!🗣️ Cristina, our HR Manager and Labor Law exp...

⚠ Full-Time Employee vs Freelancing: A conversation you don’t want to miss!

🗣️ Cristina, our HR Manager and Labor Law expert, will discuss the differences, challenges and essential skills.

Secure your spot now for the Women in Games Play panel and get all your questions answered 👉

Today and everyday, we are greateful for the wonderful communities built around our games! 🎮Cheers to the friends that m...

Today and everyday, we are greateful for the wonderful communities built around our games! 🎮

Cheers to the friends that make every journey unforgettable! 🥂

Join us as a 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐭! 🚀Picture this: You, a key part of our team, shaping marketing strategies in the e...

Join us as a 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐭! 🚀

Picture this: You, a key part of our team, shaping marketing strategies in the exciting mobile gaming world.

Your mission?📊Dive into data, find insights, and boost our marketing efforts with data-driven ideas.

👉 Read more about the role, and apply here if you think it suits you:

Know someone who's a perfect match? Share this post or tag them in the comments below.

Meet the Green Horse Games team!Our amazing HR Manager, Cristina 🦸‍♀, shares her insights on HR in the gaming industry a...

Meet the Green Horse Games team!

Our amazing HR Manager, Cristina 🦸‍♀, shares her insights on HR in the gaming industry and reveals what fuels her unstoppable drive!

“For me, HR is more than a passion, it's my way of life - finding solutions, having the courage to face the elephant in the room, focusing on the results and less on pointing fingers.

At Green Horse Games I get the chance to combine my professional career with one of my hidden passions: gaming. For those who work in the field of Human Resources, gaming is not something new, we have been using gamification in recruitment for several years now.

What really matters to me in a company is its organizational culture - it must fuel creativity and innovation.
Green Horse Games gives me the opportunity to contribute to the creation of unique and captivating experiences for gamers. Having the chance to interact with gamer communities and getting to know their passions helps me better understand the trend in the evolution of the labor market.

My biggest motivation? Joining forces with my colleagues to shape game development. Together, we drive innovation and positive change within the gaming industry,”

Cristina, your unwavering support and commitment to our personal and professional growth never go unnoticed. 💚
Thank you for always looking out for each of us and ensuring we shine in the spotlight!




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