AI On Web

AI On Web Full-service digital marketing and web development solutions for small and medium businesses.

Agentie de digital marketing orientata catre livrarea de rezultate, calitate si solutii inovatoare de dezvoltare a business-urilor online. Anticipam trendurile din online si implementam servicii complexe, adaptate particularitatilor fiecarui business.

Noi nu facem magie, noi facem ca lucrurile imposibile sa devina posibile! 💪Iți mulțumim Lorenzo Cristian Magic pentru ca...

Noi nu facem magie, noi facem ca lucrurile imposibile sa devina posibile! 💪

Iți mulțumim Lorenzo Cristian Magic pentru ca ne-ai ales ca parteneri pe partea de optimizare site, dezvoltare și promovare, iti multumim pentru încrederea acordată!🙏

Let the MAGIC begin!✨

🆕''Facebook is adding Shops to its social network and Instagram in its biggest move into e-commerce yet.''🌐https://bit.l...

🆕''Facebook is adding Shops to its social network and Instagram in its biggest move into e-commerce yet.''


Facebook is starting to go up against Amazon and eBay as it attempts to encourage people to buy things on its social network.

Intr-o lume in plina transformare si presarata de incertitudini, practicile de marketing pot face diferenta.💯➡️Care sunt...

Intr-o lume in plina transformare si presarata de incertitudini, practicile de marketing pot face diferenta.💯

➡️Care sunt optiunile pentru mediul de business la nivel macro si cm se pot minimiza pierderile? Un punct de vedere prezentat de Business Harvard Review in articolul de mai jos.

👉Click on the link:

BIG day in  🛒 e-commerce history!

BIG day in 🛒 e-commerce history!

Today, we’re introducing checkout on Instagram. When you find a product you love, you can now buy it without leaving the app.   When you tap to view a product from a brand’s shoppi…


Home Alone with the Google Assistant 😎


Agent Vanzari - Servicii Marketing Online

Candidatul ideal

Cautam o persoana energica, vorbareata pentru a se alatura echipei noastre pe pozitia de “Agent Vanzari” pentru promovarea serviciilor de web design, solutii de dezvoltare aplicatii software si marketing online ale agentiei noastre.

- Studii Medii Liceale (Diploma de Bacalaureat)/Superioare finalizate sau in derulare: Marketing, Comunicare si Relatii Publice, Facultatea de Comert, Administrare a Afacerilor, Facultatea de Litere, Limbi Straine - Engleza, Business, Vanzari;
- Minimum 2 ani experienta pe o pozitie de Operator Call Center sau Agent Vanzari;
- Limba engleza – nivel avansat;
- Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel);
- Abilitati excelente de comunicare si scriere in limba romana – scris corect gramatical, vocabular bogat, exprimare naturala, comunicare eficienta;
- Atitudine pozitiva si placere de a comunica cu potentiali clienti, atat prin telefon, cat si prin email;
- Promptitudine, seriozitate, atitudine flexibila;
- Abilitati de lucru in echipa si de relationare cu colegii si clientii;
- Orientare catre realizarea targetului de vanzari stabilit;
- Bune abilitați de vanzare, de negociere si focus pe solutii.

Descrierea jobului

- Promovarea serviciilor agentiei catre potentiali clienti, oferirea de informatii relevante si corecte si trimiterea de oferte personalizate cu scopul de a incheia contracte solide;
- Contactarea potentialilor clienti, prin telefon si alte mijloace de comunicare, pentru prezentarea oportunitatilor oferite de catre echipa noastra. Vrem sa ne facem cat mai multi prieteni!
- Recontactarea potentialilor clientilor d**a trimiterea ofertelor si convingerea acestora in vederea incheierii contractelor de colaborare;
- Realizarea targetului stabilit si depasirea acestuia (astfel te vei bucura de comisioane si bonusuri de performanta).


- Oportunitatea de a lucra intr-un mediu profesional, intr-o echipa tanara si dinamica;
- Proiecte si servicii interesante;
- Birou modern, situat pe Bulevardul Decebal, foarte aproape de statia de metrou Piata Muncii;
- Pachet salarial motivant (salariu fix + comision si bonusuri din valoarea vanzarilor generate);
- Majorari salariale periodice pe masura confirmarilor si a plusului de valoare adus firmei, dovedit practic;
- Suport pentru dezvoltare profesionala (cursuri, training-uri);
- Diversitate de proiecte, activitati, servicii, clienti;
- Posibilitatea de a-ti pune in practica propriile idei si strategii de vanzare;
- Stabilitate;
- Posibilitatea de dezvoltare profesionala;
- Distractie (nu este optionala);
- Atmosfera de lucru placuta;
- Posibilitatea de promovare in cadrul agentiei;
- Program 8 ore - 09:00 si 18:00 (de luni pana vineri)/ Program 4 ore;
- Program flexibil.

Vrei sa ne cunoastem? Asteptam CV-ul tau. Daca intrunesti conditiile, te invitam la o cafea sau la un ceai cald!

From Bower to Microsoft Library Manager!LibMan is a tool that helps you download common libraries from the Internet to u...

From Bower to Microsoft Library Manager!

LibMan is a tool that helps you download common libraries from the Internet to use in your web project.

The Library Manager is a lightweight tool that makes it easy to acquire client-side libraries. Developers can retrieve libraries like jQuery, bootstrap, Vue....

YouTube for action ads at 10 seconds, not 30Google says the new attribution will better reflect the role of video in the...

YouTube for action ads at 10 seconds, not 30
Google says the new attribution will better reflect the role of video in the customer journey.

YouTube announced it is changing the attribution criteria for TrueView for action video ads. TrueView for action ads are designed for performance advertisers and feature call-to-action banners at the base of the video ads.

What’s changing? There are two key attribution points that are changing:

YouTube will now count an ‘Engagement’ whenever a user clicks or watches 10 seconds or more of a TrueView for action ad when using maximize conversions or target CPA bidding. That’s a change from 30 seconds.
A ‘Conversion’ will be counted, by default, when a user takes action on an ad within 3 days of an ‘Engagement.’ If you want this changed, you will have to ask your Google rep to customize this time frame. That’s a change from 30 days.
For users who click your ad, YouTube will still attribute conversions according to the conversion window you have set (the default is 30 days).
Why the change? YouTube says it is changing the default attribution window from 30 seconds and 30 days to 10 seconds and 3 days to better reflect “the relationship between video ad exposure and conversions.”

Nicky Rettke, YouTube group product manager, wrote, “We conducted large-scale experiments to analyze the incremental conversion volume driven by TrueView for action ads across a broad range of advertiser industries and conversion types.”

What it means for advertisers? The shorter engagement-to-conversion window will mean faster ramp up times for target CPA campaigns and more current reporting, says Google.

Advertisers are charged on an engagement basis for TrueView ads, but because TrueView for action campaigns that use Target CPA and Maximize Conversions, are optimized to drive the most conversions at the target price set by the advertiser, they will continue to be billed on an impression basis. Advertisers will need to monitor their TrueView for action campaigns to understand the impact of this change on their budgets and performance.

🆒 Very proud to announce great marketing results for our customer, Sisteme Ortopedice. Our software engineers created a ...

🆒 Very proud to announce great marketing results for our customer, Sisteme Ortopedice. Our software engineers created a responsive design for their website. Responsive Design allows a website to respond or adapt to the format the user is surfing for, whether they are using a desktop, a tablet or a smartphone. Statistics show that in the last quarter of 2017, nearly 52% of all global web traffic came from mobile devices.
⭕ What stands behind a responsive design? A responsive website can be managed with a single set of hypertext links, reducing the time spent maintaining the website, increasing its visibility in search engines and loading faster on all devices.
⏩ All these involve an increase in time spent on the website and a decrease in the bounce rate, which refers to the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after seeing a single page only.
⏩ More time on the website and lower bounce rates create a better user experience and build trust, leading to better conversion rates.
🔝 The responsive design and our strategic SEO approach propelled our customer's website on the first position within its niche in Google organic search, decreased the bounce rate and increased the sales by about 40%.

🔴 The concept of content marketing has gained great popularity since 2007, according to Google Trends. You are probably ...

🔴 The concept of content marketing has gained great popularity since 2007, according to Google Trends.
You are probably asking yourself what content marketing is about since it is different than traditional product marketing efforts like sales collateral and other product-specific info.
Well, it includes things like educational articles, e-books, videos, entertainment, and webinars that answer specific questions people have and provide them with something they can’t get somewhere else.
🔴 What's in it for you?
Using content marketing helps you turn your product, no matter how common, into something that is not like everyone else’s. By becoming a credible, authoritative resource on topics that matter to potential customers, your business is more likely to get discovered by the right audience and earn their loyalty and trust – which, in turn, enables your brand to strengthen its customer relationships, grow an active and engaged subscriber base, and even increase its profits.
🔴 Don't know how to manage all these? Contact us - Email: [email protected] | Phone: +40743160974
More info:

📢📢📢Suntem in cautarea unui Specialist in Vanzari - Agent Call Center 📈pentru promovarea serviciilor agentiei.✔️Daca te r...

📢📢📢Suntem in cautarea unui Specialist in Vanzari - Agent Call Center 📈pentru promovarea serviciilor agentiei.
✔️Daca te regasesti in descrierea de mai jos, suntem nerabdatori sa te cunoastem.😀
🤩Asteptam CV-ul tau la adresa de mail:
📧 [email protected]

Cautam o persoana energica, vorbareata pentru a se alatura echipei noastre pe pozitia de “Operator Call Center - Agent Vanzari” pentru promovarea serviciilor agentiei AIONWEB: servicii de marketing online, solutii de dezvoltare aplicatii software, web design etc..

Oferim un loc in echipa, unde sa te simti bine si sa evoluezi, unde ideile tale sunt apreciate, iar efortul rasplatit. Punem pret pe loialitate, diplomatie, inteligenta, ambitie, respect si buna dispozitie.

- Studii Medii Liceale (Diploma de Bacalaureat)/Superioare finalizate sau in derulare: Marketing, Comunicare si Relatii Publice, Facultatea de Comert, Administrare a Afacerilor, Facultatea de Litere, Limbi Straine - Engleza, Business, Vanzari;

- Minimum 2 ani experienta pe o pozitie de Operator Call Center sau Agent Vanzari;

- Limba engleza – nivel avansat (obligatoriu)J;

- Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel);

- Capacitate de a organiza in mod eficient volumul de munca, de a prioritiza activitatile de lucru si de a respecta termenele stabilite;

- Abilitati excelente de comunicare si scriere in limba romana – scris corect gramatical, vocabular bogat, exprimare naturala, comunicare eficienta;

- Abilitatea de a acumula informatii despre serviciile agentiei pentru a le prezenta si explica potentialilor clienti;

- Atitudine pozitiva si placere de a comunica cu potentiali clienti, atat prin telefon, cat si prin email;

- Promptitudine, seriozitate, atitudine flexibila;

- Abilitati de lucru in echipa si de relationare cu colegii si clientii;

- Bune abilitați de vanzare, de negociere si focus pe solutii;

- Persoana ambitioasa, competitiva, muncitoare si dornica sa-si depaseasca limitele. Lucram din greu atunci cand trebuie, dar ne si distram ori de cate ori avem ocazia!


- Promovarea serviciilor agentiei catre potentiali clienti, oferirea de informatii relevante si corecte si trimiterea de oferte personalizate cu scopul de a incheia contracte;
- Stabilirea si implementarea unor strategii eficiente (prin folosirea de tool-uri automatizate interne) de vanzare si abordare a noilor clienti (cu ajutorul echipei de marketing sau dezvoltare web);
- Contactarea potentialilor clienti, prin telefon si alte mijloace de comunicare, pentru prezentarea oportunitatilor oferite de catre echipa noastra. Vrem sa ne facem cat mai multi prieteni!
- Prezentarea serviciilor companiei noastre catre potentiali clienti. In unele cazuri, se vor stabili intalniri impreuna cu reprezentantul departamentului (marketing sau dezvoltare web), insa de cele mai multe ori prezentarea o poti face telefonic sau prin email;
- Recontactarea potentialilor clientilor d**a trimiterea ofertelor si convingerea acestora in vederea incheierii contractelor de colaborare;
- Raportarea periodica si prezentarea performantei strategiilor de vanzari implementate.

• Oportunitatea de a lucra intr-un mediu profesional, intr-o echipa tanara si dinamica;
• Proiecte si servicii interesante;
• Birou modern, situat pe Bulevardul Decebal, foarte aproape de statia de metrou Piata Muncii;
• Pachet salarial motivant (salariu fix + comision si bonusuri din valoarea vanzarilor generate);
• Majorari salariale periodice pe masura confirmarilor si a plusului de valoare adus firmei, dovedit practic;
• Suport pentru dezvoltare profesionala (cursuri, training-uri);
• Diversitate de proiecte, activitati, servicii, clienti;
• Posibilitatea de a-ti pune in practica propriile idei si strategii de vanzare;
• Stabilitate;
• Posibilitatea de dezvoltare profesionala;
• Distractie (nu este optionala);
• Atmosfera de lucru placuta;
• Posibilitatea de promovare in cadrul agentiei;
• Program intre orele 09:00 si 18:00 (de luni pana vineri, cu pauza de masa 1 ora);
• Program flexibil.


"The Social Swipe" - crazy wonderful fundraising campaign!😍👍🤩
Amazingly clever invention that will hopefully make a big positive difference for a lot of people in need.

🔴 The marketing world has changed in recent years and Google AdWords is one of the platforms creating this change. It is...

🔴 The marketing world has changed in recent years and Google AdWords is one of the platforms creating this change. It is one of the most effective type of paid online advertising, used by thousands of small, medium and large organizations. If you're asking which are the advantages of using Google Adwords, let's see some of them:
▪ it increases leads and customers as it focuses on people who are searching for products or services companies have to offer.
▪ it is suitable for all kinds and sizes of organizations and it is compatible with different types of marketing platforms and software systems.
▪ it helps businesses get a high return on investment as companies pay only for ads people click on. If campaigns are optimized on a consistent basis, the results may be surprising.
▪ results are transparent and come fast. The system offers clear information about the ads clicked, keywords entered by website visitors, cost of clicks etc.
▪ it drives high quality traffic on companies' websites.
▪ it allows companies to find out what customers think about their services or products.
🔴 Do you have questions? We have answers!
Contact us - Email: [email protected] | Phone: +40743160974
More info:

Our customer, Haine Delight, left us a review about our long-term collaboration.  Thank you for your appreciation, we ar...

Our customer, Haine Delight, left us a review about our long-term collaboration. Thank you for your appreciation, we are glad to contribute to the growth of your business. We strongly believe that the recipe for success is not to get customers but to make partners. Our aim is to improve our work and knowledge continuously as well as to deliver innovative marketing and IT solutions.

"Collaboration with A.I. On Web Team helped us to develop and be one step ahead of the competition. In recent years, the fashion market has grown considerably, and competition has become more and more fierce. To survive in a growing environment, you must constantly adapt to new trends and use the most appropriate marketing tools and techniques. The marketing mix based on Facebook and Google promotion campaigns, affiliate marketing and email marketing strategies, as well as constant site optimization has helped us increase brand awareness and sales, but also strengthen our relationship with our customers. Automating internal processes with customized tools developed by the IT team has optimized the time spent on order management and primary accounting. The A.I. on Web is made up of involved and passionate people, always up-to-date with marketing and IT news and ready to find innovative solutions to achieve the set goals. A.I. on Web is more than just a service provider, it is a trusted partner, with whom we have consolidated our brand over the last 4 years. Thank you for your dedication." - Cristina B., owner


Se spune ca in acest moment datele sunt cea mai pretioasa resursa, acestea depasind ca valoare pana si petrolul. Niste resurse atat de valoroase pot face obiectul unor actiuni ilicite prin simplul fapt ca folosirea acestora poategenera venituri uriase pentru cei ce le detin, in detrimentul titularil...

🆕 We are excited to announce that we've just launched, a platform that offers complete solutions ...

🆕 We are excited to announce that we've just launched, a platform that offers complete solutions (legal & IT) to implement GDPR security requirements effectively.

⌛ The clock is ticking! There are only 30 days left to prepare for GDPR. Are you ready?

🕵‍♀ Do you have questions? We have solutions!

Contact us: Email: [email protected] | Phone: +40743160974
For more details, please visit:
You can also find us on: GDPR Advisors


Good marketing! 😀



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00




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