Saga Film

Saga Film One of the biggest production companies in Romania with over 18 years of experience in national, international and service high quality video production.
(26) Our Values guide the way we do business, in order to maintain a high level of quality and grow sustainably. People are our most important resource. We aim to be a place where people can grow and achieve their maximum potential. We consider our customers and suppliers our partners in creating truly valuable productions. Our portfolio speaks in our behalf, so we put our

best efforts into each and every one of our materials. We recognize the importance of being a highly productive, fast-adapting organization. We aim to maximize long-term profit, stemming from recognized quality services. We believe there is always room for improvement.


Drumul greu si provocarile ne duc de fiecare data mai departe! A fost un proiect tare fain cu care ne mandrim!

Here we are, in the desert, cooking something new together with  , Radu Muntean, Tudor Mircea &  . Stay tuned for more!

Here we are, in the desert, cooking something new together with , Radu Muntean, Tudor Mircea & . Stay tuned for more!

Ne vedem la Animest, Împreună, trup și suflet 🫶

Ne vedem la Animest, Împreună, trup și suflet 🫶

Exclusive news from Locarno Film Festival about our upcoming documentary Eight Postcards from Utopia. Thanks to Variety ...

Exclusive news from Locarno Film Festival about our upcoming documentary Eight Postcards from Utopia. Thanks to Variety 👇

Berlin Golden Bear winner Radu Jude, whose latest feature, “Do Not Expect Too Much From the End of the World,” premieres Aug. 4 in competition at the Locarno Film Festival, is in post-production on…

We are very proud to be part of so many award winning projects this year! Hard work eventually pays off😁                ...

We are very proud to be part of so many award winning projects this year! Hard work eventually pays off😁
Cheers to all the people involved and congrats to all the winners!

🌟 Celebrating our Short Animation "Together, Body and Soul"! 🎬🌍We're thrilled to announce that our short animation "Toge...

🌟 Celebrating our Short Animation "Together, Body and Soul"! 🎬🌍
We're thrilled to announce that our short animation "Together, Body and Soul" is making its way to two film festivals this month: the International Animation Film Festival Golden Kuker-Sofia and Mecal Pro Barcelona International Short Film Festival.

This achievement wouldn't have been possible without the dedication and talent of our amazing team. We want to take a moment to express our gratitude for their hard work and commitment over the years.

Here's a special shout-out to the brilliant individuals behind the scenes:

🎥 Screenwriter & Director: Vasile Alboiu
🎬 Co-director: Liviu Dinu
🎨 Animation Supervisor & Art Director: Liviu Gabriel Dinu
🎵 Original Score: Alexei Turcan
🔊 Sound Design & Mixing: Sebastian Zsemlye
🎬 Producer: Alexandru Teodorescu, SAGA FILM
💻 Co-producer & CG Supervisor: Alin Dumitru, Static VFX Studio

🎙 Voices by Sandu Mihai Gruia, Aida Economu, Corneliu Ulici, Ecaterina Ladin

Last but certainly not least, a heartfelt thank you to all our amazing contributors who have supported us throughout this very long and sometimes difficult journey.

If you happen to be in London tomorrow, you must come and see our wonderful short film "Intercom 15" by Andrei Epure. Ma...

If you happen to be in London tomorrow, you must come and see our wonderful short film "Intercom 15" by Andrei Epure. Many, many thanks to the Romanian Cultural Institute in London for making this happen. Cheers!

EUNIC London and the European Union in the UK , in partnership with LEEDS 2023, Leeds International Film Festival - LIFF and the Institut français du Royaume-Uni are pleased to present the 5th edition of In Short, Europe Short Film Festival, highlighting the outstanding short film work from 24 European countries in animation, fiction and documentary.

📆SAVE THE DATES: 12-13 May 2023 at Cine Lumiere

This edition, entitled , is organised into four strands: Explore, Grow, Surround and Dream and invites you to imagine new beginnings, reflect on your past experiences and dare to dream of a brighter future.

Ellie Hales, Film Programmer Leeds International Film Festival - LIFF has curated the programme.
Check the programme & get your tickets here:

Intercom 15, Romanian short film created by Andrei Epure will be featured in this year's In Short Europe: Awakening short film festival, taking place in Leeds on the 21-22 April and in London 12-13 May at Ciné Lumière London.
An unconscious woman is found outside an apartment block by residents who know she lives on the third floor, but realise they know nothing else about her. Through this realisation, they reflect on how there can be such detachment among people living so close. A stark look at human connection and unfulfilled dreams.
Tickets and full programme:
London tickets link:
Supported by Romanian Cultural Institute in London EU Delegation Leeds2023


Enjoy our latest work for Vodafone Romania. The story about gadgets making their way home!

Agency: McCann World Group Romania
Director: Radu Muntean
DOP: Tudor Panduru
Producer: Vlad Semenescu
Production Coordinator: Alex Zamfir
Art Director: Anca Lazar
Costume Styling: Eliza Frone
1st AD: Adriana Itu
Editing & Color Grading: Andu Radu -
Graphics: Frames


We did this amazing project using led wall virtual production technology for Xiaomi’s global launch on February 2023 and we are very proud of it!

Cheers to all the great people involved in this one!

Congrats Leo Burnett Bucharest & Banca Transilvania!!🤩

Congrats Leo Burnett Bucharest & Banca Transilvania!!🤩

Acum, ca a inceput cu adevarat iarna si se vede un fel de zapada pe acoperisuri, avem decorul potrivit pentru a vorbi de cele mai bune reclame din...

Christmas Magic is still in the air 🥹

Christmas Magic is still in the air 🥹

Client: Carrefour Agency: Publicis Romania Production Agency: Saga Film Character Animation: FrameBreed Studio


Internetics - 1 gold și 7 silver. 🥳
Mulțumim, Leo Burnett Bucharest, Publicis Romania, v8 interactive, Fashion Days, OLX, Kaufland și Pizza Hut pentru încredere și parteneriat!

Happy producer news: ZAVERA se vede în premieră de la 20:30 pe CINEPUB🤩

Happy producer news: ZAVERA se vede în premieră de la 20:30 pe CINEPUB🤩

Zavera este cel de-al treilea lungmetraj al regizorului Andrei Gruzsniczki și reprezintă o incursiune în procesul de doliu al unui bărbat în urma morții celui mai bun prieten al său.

Acum ne găsiți și pe Twitter! Nu doar că vom posta și aici proiectele noastre, dar vom interacționa cu casele de producț...

Acum ne găsiți și pe Twitter! Nu doar că vom posta și aici proiectele noastre, dar vom interacționa cu casele de producție internaționale, iar voi veți putea afla despre campanii și noutăți de peste tot!
Ne vedem pe link-ul atașat:

One of the biggest production companies in Romania with over 18 years of experience in national, international and service high quality video production.


Carrefour revine cu în Episodul 4 care ne reunește cu un aliment foarte îndrăgit, brâââânza!
🧀 Linkul către episod îl găsiți în comentarii!

"Fiind în juriu la secțiunea Film, aici cel mai important lucru este să evaluezi mariajul dintre idee și execuție. De ce...

"Fiind în juriu la secțiunea Film, aici cel mai important lucru este să evaluezi mariajul dintre idee și execuție. De cele mai multe ori, o idee briliantă nu este suficientă, are nevoie și de o execuție pe măsură care să o completeze și să o desăvârșească și nu orice tip de execuție se potrivește oricărei idei." - Alex Teodorescu, Fondator și Producător Executiv, Saga Film
Alex jurizează, alături de alți patru lideri ai industriei, la Cannes Lions, acest an.

Împreună cu Leo Burnett Bucharest  &, lansăm “Descifrat” – o inițiativă Banca Transilvania de normalizare a disc...

Împreună cu Leo Burnett Bucharest &, lansăm “Descifrat” – o inițiativă Banca Transilvania de normalizare a discuției despre un subiect tabu în România: banii.

Pe parcursul a 10 episoade, ne conectăm cu oameni care scriu despre, cântă despre, fac bine cu ajutorul lor, îi analizează, dar vorbesc mai rar despre bani.

Descifrat este inițiativa BT prin care deschidem o conversație pe tema unui subiect tabu: banii și cm ne raportăm la ei. De obicei, noi, oamenii nu vorbim ...


Un spot foarte fresh pentru Emag Genius 🥳 Cu o trecere de la mov la roz, și ne pigmentează feedul puțin și ne dau energie! Aveți două caractere diferite, două mooduri de online shopping. Pe care o preferați?

Agentie: Jam Session Agency
Client: eMAG
Regizor: Alex Cotet
DOP: Tudor Mircea
Producator: Cătălin Matei
Asistent Producție: Cristian Mateiu
AC: Emy Stanciu
Video Assist: Cătălin Gheorghiu
Sceno/Art Department - Raluca Ioanovici
Make-up: Dana Angelescu
Sound: Octavian Albu
Color: Stefania Grigorescu
Cast: Ana Odagiu și Monica Odagiu
Producție: Saga film


📍Vă lăsăm aici un teaser pus la cale de Carrefour împreună cu Familia Maruță și Alexandrescu Bogdan cel Dexter!
𝘊𝘶 𝘴𝘶𝘴𝘶'𝘯 𝘫𝘰𝘴 chiar de mâine, 28 aprilie!
Agentie: Publicis Romania
Regizor: Alex Cotet
DOP: Zoran Simulov
Production: Saga Film❣️


Weekendul acesta avem tot meniul Saga Film la capitolul proiecții. Vă așteptăm la Cinema Union cu cele mai recente scurtmetraje!
Azi dela 15:30, sau Sâmbătă și Duminică de la 13.
🎥 𝕀𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕠𝕟 𝟙𝟝
🌒 ℙ𝕠𝕒𝕥𝕖 î𝕟𝕥𝕦𝕟𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕦𝕝 𝕞ă 𝕧𝕒 𝕒𝕔𝕠𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕚
🌏 𝔹𝕦𝕔𝕦𝕣𝕖ș𝕥𝕚𝕦𝕝 𝕧ă𝕫𝕦𝕥 𝕕𝕖 𝕤𝕦𝕤
✨ Î𝕞𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕦𝕟ă 𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕡 ș𝕚 𝕤𝕦𝕗𝕝𝕖𝕥

Cine vine cu noi? Biletele le puteți lua de la casierie sau de pe eventbook.

Tazovsky straight up 💦Cheers to such a great team!Agency:  Producer:  Production Manager:  Production Coordinator:  Dire...

Tazovsky straight up 💦

Cheers to such a great team!
Production Manager:
Production Coordinator:
1st AD: .bordeanu
Art Director:
Props Master: Mihai Alex
Make-up & Hair:
Gaffer: Răzvan Grigoraș
Grip: Adrian Șerban
Color Grading:


Roman Jirnih, the director behind the last Telekom production, is talking about the situation in Kiev. It is incredible to see how his team adapted to these times, helping out as much as possible.
We stand with Ukraine and we hope that peace will be there soon.
We thank Roman for his words and we are inspired by his solidarity!
Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


🇺🇦We understand how difficult it is to manage the current situation in Ukraine. We are trying our best to be a resource for the refugees and help the people who are in need. We can only imagine what it's like to leave your country and life behind. Our office is a beautiful co-working space that is ready to welcome the advertising and film community who are searching for a place to carry on their productions despite the situation. We invite the refugees to contact and work with us! If you need our help of any kind, please use the contact below:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +40744355781
Share this post to Ukrainians!
You are welcome to Romania!


Luna februarie vorbește despre iubire, despre gesturi autentice. Reclama de la Telekom ascunde o poveste reală a celor care rămân îndrăgostiți și celebrează acest lucru împreună cu noi. Cristian și Andrada ne spun “Câteodată te obișnuiești cu realitatea cotidiana, astfel reclamele ne-au adus aminte cât de mult ne distram împreună.”. Ei sunt împreună de 6 ani, și Zoe e noua adiție la familie! Check them out:

O poveste în care iubirea pășește dincolo de aparență. Mulțumiri


"It’s not like the country evolved to something totally new, the quality of set life is just great. Everything is produc...

"It’s not like the country evolved to something totally new, the quality of set life is just great. Everything is produced well, we get it done. Shooting abroad is always interesting." -Director Roman Jirnih


"It's been very tough but we made it through!"
Giovanni Fantoni Modena the director of the Telekom Romania Mobile Online Park commercial is touching on the production challenges we encountered when shooting in the amusement park, at the start of the pandemic situation in Romania. 🇷🇴

When the DoP and the director have such a reaction to the playback, you know that things went better than planned! Thor ...

When the DoP and the director have such a reaction to the playback, you know that things went better than planned!
Thor Saevarsson and Alexandru Dorobantu ⚡️


Dimitrie Racovita, No. 8

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday 09:00 - 21:00
Friday 09:00 - 21:00




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