Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Battle of the Fans, Club LeStudio - Şoseaua Orhideelor nr. 3, Bucharest.
Club LeStudio - Şoseaua Orhideelor Nr. 3
General information
Concursul „Battle of the Fans” isi propune ca timp de 6 luni, 2 sau 3 zile pe saptamana sa puna la dispozitia acestora un spatiu pentru concert generos in care incap 1000 de spectatori, o instalatie de sunet profesionala, un backline pe masura , o serie de canale media prestabilite pentru promovare si cele mai mari premii din istoria moderna a muzicii din Romania. De asemenea vom pune la dispozitia trupelor inscrise spatiu pe site-ul „Battle of the Bands” unde isi vor putea incarca cantece proprii, date personale, video-uri cu prestatii proprii, unde vor putea comunica cu sustinatorii, si unde, sustinatorii care nu pot ajunge la concert la data (stabilita prin tragere la sorti) acestuia, pot urmari in live streaming concertul, contra unei sume de bani platibila on-line (paypall sau card) sau prin SMS. Sloturile astfel platite vor fi contorizate ca bilete vandute. Biletele vandute vor avea culori diferite, vor fi inseriate, vor avea inscriptionat numele trupei pe ele, la sfarsitul actiunii vor intra intr-o tombola care va desemna mai multi castigatori al unor premii oferite de sponsori. Biletele virtuale vor participa de asemenea la tombola. REGULAMENTUL CONCURSULUI: BATTLE OF THE FANS este o competitie deschisa oricarei trupe, din Romania sau orice alta tara, care poate sustine un recital de minimum 45 si maxim 60 de minute alcatuit din cel putin 60% piese proprii, in conditii decente, organizatorii rezervandu-si dreptul de a decide eligibilitatea unei trupe pe baza unui pachet demo. Numarul de trupe admis la Battle of the Fans este de 68, care vor fi repartizate in fiecare joi si vineri a saptamanii de pe 24 Februarie pana pe 24 Iunie, prin tragere la sorti. Perioada de inscriere incepe luni 24 ianuarie si se va incheia pe 17 martie. Pe parcursul perioadei de inscriere se vor efectua mai multe trageri la sorti pentru a se stabili ordinea intrarii in concurs. Trupele vor participa la tragerea la sorti in ordinea inscrierii. Perioada de inscriere ia sfarsit atunci cand sunt completate toate cele 68 de sloturi disponibile, dar nu mai tarziu de 17 martie. Trupele interesate vor depune „cererea de inscriere” completata un cd cu 3-4 inregistrari audio si/sau o inregistrare video cu prestatia trupei, la o adresa care va fi comunicata pe site-ul Battle of the Fans. Cererea de inscriere va putea fi descarcata de pe site-ul Battle of the Fans. Se vor putea face inscrieri si prin posta si on-line. Trupele concurente vor fi anuntate in 24 de ore daca sunt admise, si vor fi contactate in vederea tragerii la sorti. Competitia se va desfasura in doua faze, respectiv FAZA SEMIFINALA, care se va desfasura in perioada 24 februarie – 24 iunie, in fiecare joi si vineri a saptamanii, si care va consta in sustinerea unui recital de 45-60 de minute, cate doua trupe pe seara intr-o ordine stabilita prin tragerea la sorti mai sus mentionata. Fiecare trupa are la dispozitie 2 saptamani de promovare in on-line si nu numai, si are ca scop aducerea a cat mai multi sustinatori/fani platitori de bilet. Biletele vor fi de doua culori (rosu si albastru) si vor avea inscriptionate numele trupelor. Costul unui bilet va fi de 10 lei pentru toate trupele. Este interzisa promovarea cu mai mult de 2 saptamani inaintea concertului, concurentii care vor proceda astfel putand fi descalificati. Battle of the Fans va pune la dispozitia trupelor o serie de canale media (tv, radio. print si on-line) pentru autopromovare. Este admis orice gen de promovare, in limitele decentei si in afara cadrului propus de Battle of the Fans, cu conditia ca aceasta sa se desfasoare pe raspundererea si cheltuiala concurentilor. Battle of the Fans asigura cazare (1 noapte) pentru trupele din provincie si din strainatate (4 camere a 2 paturi), costurile de transport si de masa intrand insa in sarcina concurentilor. Fiecare recital va fi inregistrat Video si Audio (pe track-uri), la finalul competitiei 12 melodii vor fi selectionate pentru un CD compilatie Battle of the Fans. Drepturile conexe obtinute din vanzarea Cd-ului vor reveni trupelor incluse pe acesta. Materilaul inregistrat si masterizat va intra si in posesia trupelor gratuit. In fiecare seara se va desemna o trupa castigatoare care va primi 50% din valoarea tuturor biletelor dupa deducerea taxelor si impozitelor. Ambele trupe cat si sustinatorii pot primi premii din partea sponsorilor. Primele 10 trupe ca numar de bilete vandute (dar nu mai putin de 100 fiecare), desemnate la sfarsitul Fazei Semifinale se vor califica in FAZA FINALA. FAZA FINALA Faza Finala va avea loc la Arenele Romane in perioada 25 August – 5 Septembrie (vor fi doua zile) si va consta intr-un concert la care vor participa toate cele 10 trupe calificate. Scopul concurentilor va fi acelasi, respectiv aducerea a cat mai multi sustinatori la concert. Vor fi 2 seri de concert a cate 5 trupe. Recitalurile vor dura 45-60 de minute pentru fiecare trupa. Se vor pune in vanzare bilete in 10 culori cu numele trupelor inscriptionate pe ele. Costul unui bilet va fi de 30 de lei . Finala Battle of the Fans va fi transmisa si prin live streaming si poate chiar pe TV. Va exista o sala de concerte virtuala, pe site-ul Battle of the Fans, unde sustinatorii din provincie si din strainatate vor putea cumpara bilet (Paypal, card de credit sau SMS). Biletele virtuale vor fi contorizate. Perioada de promovare pentru faza finala va fi cuprinsa intre 1 Iulie si 25 August. In aceasta perioada este permis orice tip de promovare, pe orice canal, in conditii decente. Castigatoare va fi trupa care va avea cei mai multi sustinatori/bilete vandute. La sfarsitul Finalei se vor trage la sorti premiile pentru sustinatori oferite de sponsori. • Premiul Battle of the Fans – Un setup complet pentru sala de repetitii format din 2 monitoare active, mixer 12- 24 canale, 3 microfoane + stative, set complet de tobe + stative, statie + boxa bass, statie + boxa chitara, cabluri, in valoare de 10000 Euro. Contract pentru productia unui album + fixarea materialului pe suport (2000 unitati) + videoclip + distributie. • Premiul 2 – Setup studio format din microfon studio, compresor voce, stativ, monitoare, mixer, statie de lucru, placa de sunet, software, cabluri. In valoare de 3000 Euro. • Premiul 3 – o chitara si o chitara Bass in valoare de 1500 Euro. ====================================================================================================================== Rules of the contest: BATTLE OF THE FANS is a competition open to any band, from Romania or any other country, which can sustain a live performance of at least 45 minutes and a maximum of an hour, performance based on a 60% original tracks, in decent conditions, the organizers having the reserved right to decide the eligibility of a band with the help of a demo-pack. The number of bands to be admitted for Battle of the Fans is 68 – split in each and every Thursday and Friday of every week, starting 24th February and ending on 24th June, by a random withdrawal. The registration period starts Monday, 17 January and will end on 17th March. During the registration period there will be several withdrawals in order to establish the order in the contest. The bands will have the right to pick an order ticket based on the first registered - first pick.The Registration Period will end when all the 68 available slots will be taken, but will not be extended over the date of 17th March. The interested bands will fill in the Admission Form with a CD containing three or four audio recordings and one video with the band`s performance, and send it to an address soon to be communicated on the Battle of the Fans site – this Admission Form will be available for download on the same site. The organizers will receive both mail and e-mail admissions. The contestants will be announced within 24 hours if they have been registered in the contest and will be contacted for the first withdrawal. The competition will have two major steps: The Semifinals – which will take place between 24 february – 24 june, in each Thursday and Friday of the week – and will consist of a live 45-60 minutes performance, two bands per night in the pre-set order. Each band has a two-week period for promotion, both online and offline, in order to gain as many fans as possible and bring them to the concert. The tickets will be red and blue and will have the band`s names on them. A ticket will be 10 lei for each band. The promotion with more than two weeks ahead is forbiden, the bands risk being disqualified. Battle of the Fans offers to each band a package of media channels (tv, radio, print and online) for self-promotion. Any type of self-promotion is accepted, if the bands mind the limits of decency – even outside the channels offered by the contest, but on the band`s own expense. Battle of the Fans also offers accomodation – 1 night – for non-local bands and foreign bands – in four rooms, two beds each. Transportation and meals have to be supported by the contestants. In each night of the semi-finals, the winning band will receive 70% of the sold-tickets cost, after taxes being payed. Both bands and their fans wil receive prizes from the sponsors. The first ten bands – counting their ticket sales, with no less than 100 tickets each – will go to the FINALS. THE FINALS The Finals will take place at Arenele Romane during 25th August – 5th September (two days for the final performances) and will consist of a concert for each of the 10 qualified bands. The same target, getting as many fans to come to their concert and buy a ticket. There will be two concert nights – five bands each night. 45-60 minutes for each band. The selling tickets will have 10 colours and the band`s names on them. 30 lei for one ticket. The Finals can be watched also through live-streaming and maybe on TV. There will be a virtual concert hall, where the fans could also buy a ticket through a card, PayPall or text message. The virtual tickets will also be taken into consideration. The self-promotion period for the finals will be during the 1st of July and 25th August. During this period, any way of self-promotion is permitted, as long as decency is taken into consideration. The winner is the band with the most sold tickets. At the end there will be one last withdrawal that will settle the fan prizes offered by the sponsors. • The Battle of the Fans Prize – A complete setup for a rehearsal studio, 2 active monitors, a 12-24 channel mixer, 3 mics and stands, full set of drums and stands, station and bass woofer, station and guitar woofer, cables at a total worth of 10 000 euros. Plus an album production contract, 2000 units of recorded material, a videoclip and distribution. • 2nd prize – Studio Setup – one studio mic, a voice compressor, a mic stand, sound monitors, mixer, work station, sound software, cables – total worth of 3 000 euros • 3rd prize – a guitar and a bass guitar with a total worth of 1 500 euros
Opening Hours
Thursday | 21:15 - 01:00 |
Friday | 21:15 - 01:00 |
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