#ExperienceTheDanubeDelta: Discover this UNESCO heritage site through the lenses of a beautiful resort placed in the heart of Tulcea. @lebada.luxury.resort.spa
#InsidioMedia #TheSymphonyofCommunication #TV #Promo #Antena3CNN #DeltaDunarii #HappyClient #Resort #Romania
We always enjoy the beautiful results achieved with our clients. The #REVERSIBLE campaign is our soul campaign and Alina Tănase, representative of the Anadolu Medical Center in Romania, shares her experience working with #InsidioMedia team.
#TheSymphonyofCommunication #HappyClients #Anadolu #Reversibil #Testimonial #Media #Marketing #Campaign #Teamwork
Am avut plăcerea să organizăm împreună cu Părintele Dan Damaschin probabil cel mai mare eveniment caritabil din România! Pe parcursul celor 3 zile de festival, la #INIMO au cântat artiști de top pentru un public de peste 50.000 de oameni 🎶🎵
#InsidioMedia #TheSymphonyofCommunication #INIMO #ParinteleDanDamaschin #Iasi #FestivalulInimo #Antonia #AndreeaMarin #HoriaBrenciu #Voltaj #TrupaIris #DamianDraghici #Smiley #ConnectR #Concert #Caritabil #Copii #AjutorCopii #Muzica #Festival #Partners #GlasulVietii #GascaZurli #Directia5 #IrinaRimes #Andia #MarioFresh #AnaBeregoi #DanNegru