Scopul nostru este de a oferi tinerilor artisti care aspira in industria de divertisment si la "Marea Scena" solutii si recomandari, strategii, pentru a evita o parte din hatisurile si capcanele industriei muzicale ce se afla in continua miscare.
..Vrem sa oferim clientilor nostri o abordare de calitate pentru a-si gasi in mod eficient o cariera in industria muzicala, sa isi atinga obiectivele a
rtistice si sa-si puna in valoare intregul potential al talentului lor creativ. Spoturi Publicitare (radio - tv)
- Reclame si spot-uri de televiziune
(numai partea audio)
- Productie emisiuni de televiziune
(numai partea audio)
- Jingle-uri (numai partea audio)
- Productie emisiuni radio
- Tracking si Voice Over
Imprimari, Mixaj , Masterizare, Restaurari Audio, Sound Design
Cursuri de Inginerie de sunet
Alte Servicii
Muzica de Film, Teatru, Seriale de televiziune, Documentare, Desene Animate, Videogames, Video-uri educationale, CD-ROM-uri, Site-uri web, Prezentari Corporate (productie audio pentru seminare, intalniri, conferinte, etc.) Consultanta privind alegerea celor mai potrivite stiluri muzicale in functie de personalitatea artistului si de cererea pietei, inclusiv sound, look etc. Oferim asistenta si informare despre contracte si gestionarea dreptului de autor.
Whether you are looking for a composer, orchestrator or sound engineer, a new sound for your music or a reliable partner for creating radio and TV commercials / soundtracks, you are in the right place. Services
… We aim to offer our customers a quality approach on building a career in the music industry, reaching their artistical goals and making the most of their potential and creative talent. Music Production (songwriting, instrumentals, lyrics, demos for emerging artists)
… Our main goal is to offer aspiring artists the best solutions and recommendations / strategies to help them avoid the twisted routes and traps of the ever-changing music industry. Radio and TV spots / commercials
- music for television commercials
- TV show production (audio)
- jingles
- Radio show production
- Tracking and Voice Over
Mixing , Mastering, Audio Restoration, Sound Design
Sound Engineering courses
Professional advice for new artists regarding the choice of genre to fit their personality / attitude and general market requests; styling & look advice etc. Advice and information about recording deals and royalties. Soundtracks for movies and theatre, sitcoms, documentaries, cartoons, videogames, educational videos, CD-ROMs, websites, corporate presentations (audio production for seminars, meetings, conferences etc.).