New Political Review

New Political Review A page about political issues. Global and specific. Pragmatic and Academic. Promoter of good Public Policy It will also promote good Public Policy issues.

This page is meant to inform on issues concerning Politics.


Pequenos pensamentos acerca de acontecimentos políticos Portugueses. Burocracia gera mais buroracia. Para além disso gera complexidades que alimentam polémicas e discussōes jurídicas estéreis e mecanismos anti-productivos. A burocracia deve no futuro ser minimizada e, se possível, substituída por automatismos tecnológicos a desenvolver.


Recentes acontecimentos na política Portuguesa e além fronteiras convencem-me cada vez mais que a operacionalidade e os procedimentos nas instituções políticas democráticas devem transferir-se cada vez mais para automatismos e automação con Inteligência Artificial e deixar os seres humanos criarem riqueza, Valor e serem apenas agentes de gestão desse valor. Seu e da Sociedade. Até o próprio escrutínio poderá um dia ser totalmente automatizado e talvez polémicas que também enchem bolsos de jornalismos de conveniência melhoraria e transformar-se-ia para melhor... 🙂 (post Script: not really kidding... 🤣)


Liberal Thoughts. I think it is wrong and culturally uninformed to think that Liberalism leads to less State (in the exclusively political sense) or a worse State. The issue is more complex. What we want from the State institution is what must be decisive. As the fundamental institution for the creation, preservation and improvement of public goods, the State must form itself and inform itself with the best possible content about the Society in which it emerges. Therefore Liberalism is compatible with the best possible State, in fact perhaps the political doctrine that can best defend it.

And we are not even understanding all this in a moderate-extremist dichotomy. It may very well happen that we have a good State (in this case more efficient) with extremist political positions (history proves this, in some cases unfortunately...), and have a bad State in a moderate context of political moderation. The current historical context in Western Democracies is particularly sensitive to these reflections.

Palantir's CEO can be a somewhat controversial person in his opinions. Here with a short interview in CNBC   is another ...

Palantir's CEO can be a somewhat controversial person in his opinions. Here with a short interview in CNBC is another exaample, but there are interestingly insightful points to think about what is said, and was actually written in a co-authored book:

Palantir CEO Alex Karp: Everything you learned in school about the world is intellectually incorrect

Palantir co-founder and CEO and ‘The Technological Republic’ co-author Alex Karp joins 'Squawk Box' to discuss his new book, why he believes the West has los...


Great quote by great Minds.You see, sometimes the semantics of sentences can be brilliantly orchestrated by great minds,.What seems like a 'La Palisse' trivial truth hides underneath a deeper truth. The quote below by Napoleon is a good example. The interplay between the face value meaning of the words yell, noise and silent, hides other words and meanings, like focus, determination, engaged compromise, deception and distraction. A multitude of people speaking quietly or completely silently can be more focused and determined than a small group who yells, trying to give an image of powerful determination. Brilliant!
.. And it also hides an understanding of the dynamics of human behaviour to a higher degree.
We could also understand 'noise' as power or influence and 'yell' as a misguided 'moral authority'.

Napoleon on speaking up:

“Ten people who yell make more noise than ten thousand who keep silent.”

Want to re-appreciate Nietzsche's thinking about the Will to Power, and why it helps us understand the World we live in ...

Want to re-appreciate Nietzsche's thinking about the Will to Power, and why it helps us understand the World we live in ? The exposition in the video below, with art illustrations, was a good reappraisal to me.

Quite appropriate for our current times. The tricky question here is how do we judge those in position of power: whether theirs is the interestingly good Uber Mench version or the other malign version, which can lead to tragedy and oppression. Be aware and judge/choose well.

Why Do the WORST PEOPLE Seem to Succeed? – Nietzsche and the Truth About Power

Why do the worst people seem to succeed while the good ones struggle? Friedrich Nietzsche had a radical perspective on power, morality, and success. He belie...

Good read here in  . It might be insightful for aspiring leaders, business or political. And I thought it was quite rele...

Good read here in . It might be insightful for aspiring leaders, business or political. And I thought it was quite relevant for European leaders that might be teaching leadership skills wrongly in the past decades. Embrace more uncertainty, more contrasting views and fast decision-making in our fast pace times, and less 'small-dopamine-driven' rewards or an exclusive human values only leadership style setup (not to discard those completely, obviously).

The Neuroscience of Leadership Is Wrong, Here's What Works

Embracing strategic discomfort, leveraging uncertainty, and using emotional contrast can inspire innovation, drive team performance, and elevate your leadership.

Must listen! What's in stock for the future of Artificial Intelligence ?! Let us get sure it is all to the right good ou...

Must listen! What's in stock for the future of Artificial Intelligence ?! Let us get sure it is all to the right good outcomes... WoW! :) (Y)

‘Godfather of AI’ predicts it will take over the world | LBC

Nobel Prize winner Geoffrey Hinton, the physicist known for his pioneering work in the field, told LBC's Andrew Marr that artificial intelligences had develo...


Great quote for your Sunday. And for everyday, by the way. 🙂

" Toni Morrison on beauty:

“I think of beauty as an absolute necessity. I don’t think it’s a privilege or an indulgence, it’s not even a quest. I think it’s almost like knowledge, which is to say, it’s what we were born for. I think finding, incorporating and then representing beauty is what humans do. With or without authorities telling us what it is, I think it would exist in any case.

The startle and the wonder of being in this place. This overwhelming beauty—some of it is natural, some of it is man-made, some of it is casual, some of it is a mere glance—is an absolute necessity. I don’t think we can do without it any more than we can do without dreams or oxygen." "

Good read here with the Politics section of  . Beware of those misjudging true Liberalism by only resorting to Negative ...

Good read here with the Politics section of . Beware of those misjudging true Liberalism by only resorting to Negative Liberty. Both are important, and without Positive Liberty, that values Community, Responsibility and interdependence between people and persons there's no true good Liberalism, but only unrealistic libertarianism. (Y)

Real Freedom Requires Belonging - Fulfillment depends on not only personal liberties but also strong social bonds.

Politicians champion freedom, but what people truly crave is belonging. As isolation grows, we must rethink liberty—not just as independence, but as deep purpose and community.

I would like to point out that I am indeed also in favor of an increase on Defense budgets for all NATO member nations. ...

I would like to point out that I am indeed also in favor of an increase on Defense budgets for all NATO member nations. But there are some issues of caution to make:

It is undeniable that Defense spending, when well done, well scrutinized and professionally deployed can be beneficial way beyond the Military of mentioned countries, but could be transformational for Industrialization of Eurepean countries and give boosts of cutting-edge innovations their Economies so desperately need. The issue here, though, is one of everybody going at the same time to the mentioned 5% target. Not only it is actually infeasible, as it may be something that delays even more stretched supply-chains.... A gradual and country-by-country basis would be the more sensible/realist approach.

Another crucial issue here is how to monitor the spending, in ways that provide assurance as to the beneficial side of innovation boosting military spending can bring. If it is only to do more of the same that already exists, it might not be worth it. If it is to guarantee all the Security goals aaspired for and at the same time giving positive economic side-effects, it must be pursued.

NATO spending increase could help Ukraine, and possibly US armsmakers


Biden, Trump teams reportedly discussed an arrangement under which NATO's European members would buy U.S.-made arms for Ukraine.

Must watch! Engaging conversation on   at the World Economic Forum  this past week. 🙂👍The Dawn of Artificial General Int...

Must watch! Engaging conversation on at the World Economic Forum this past week. 🙂👍

The Dawn of Artificial General Intelligence

Artificial general intelligence could possess the versatility to reason, learn and innovate in any task. But with rising concerns about job losses, surveilla...


Thought. It might be true that self-regulating systems seem scary and actually be harmful on a short-term basis. But overall in the long run, self-regulating systems tend to have a good equilibrium outcome. On the other hand regulating early systems with free action/expression goals tend to delay self-regulation or even perpetuate 'little' harms

This reminds me of the controversy about going through a self-regulating route for social media companies. I am also of the view that there is a greater probability for harm in the short-term. But then, if you regulate 'strongly' you create harms to happen anyway, in.that human nature, at its worst, will obviously be oblivious of regulation... A middle ground appears to be the better way. Let self-regulation operate. But act when things are really bad and consensual from a common sense basis.

Your Documentary for this Sunday. Engineers of History: the case of George Westinghouse.More than a great inventor and E...

Your Documentary for this Sunday. Engineers of History: the case of George Westinghouse.

More than a great inventor and Engineer, George Westinghouse was a great business entrepreneur, industrialist and manufacturing manager. A true role model for aspiring industrial entrepreneurs to understand and emulate.

Westinghouse: The Life & Time of an American Icon (Full Free Documentary

Westinghouse is a feature-length documentary about the life and times of George Westinghouse, his companies, legacy, personality, partnership with Nikola Tes...

Good reads on Geopolitics (II) How America First will transform the world in 2025Financial Times

Good reads on Geopolitics (II)

How America First will transform the world in 2025

Financial Times

In different ways, the US, Russia and China have all become revisionist powers that are seeking radical change to the status quo

Good reads on Geopolitics (I) The Crosscurrents Of A Revisionist Superpower - (The success of America First could dimini...

Good reads on Geopolitics (I)

The Crosscurrents Of A Revisionist Superpower - (The success of America First could diminish the global might of the U.S.)

The success of America First could diminish the global might of the U.S.


Torres Vedras


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