Journal of Paleontological Techniques

Journal of Paleontological Techniques The Journal of Paleontological Techniques is a free open access journal based at Museu da Lourinhã, Portugal. g.: Suzuki et al., 2010)
· Collection reports (e.

Its main scopes are the divulgation and information about new techniques for paleontological research or fossil preparation. Journal of Paleontological Techniques is a peer-reviewed journal with focus on the paleontological methods and techniques, including articles, videos, and notes on:

· fossil preparation
· technology-related techniques applied to paleontology
· methods of collecting, digg

ing, data-collecting, curation
· paleontological expedition reports
· any other topic of general interest to fossil preparators and paleontologists
· book reviews

Any professional, student or amateur palaeontologist or preparators are invited to submit their original manuscripts on the topic above. Three types of papers are accepted:

· Technical papers in paleontological methods, including test reports of preparation tools and material
· Excavation reports (e. g.: McIntosh, J. S. (1981). Annotated catalogue of the dinosaurs (Reptilia, Archosauria) in the collections of Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Bulletin of Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 18, 1–67.) All papers will be peer-reviewed by professional paleontologists, and referees may choose to remain anonymous in their reviews. The articles are published as HTML and PDF documents accessible to anybody with Internet connections via the website The Journal of Paleontological Techniques is published simultaneously on the World Wide Web (ISSN:1646-5806; and on CD-ROM (ISSN:1646-5792). Each volume of Journal of Paleontological Techniques is available free-of-charge to all persons with access to the World Wide Web. Articles will generally be published under the license CC BY, but researchers can choose any other creative commons license if they wish to do so.




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