Evencoarse I PR

Evencoarse I PR Social Media Management & Content Creation for Luxury Hospitality Brands.

So here is what happened to my Social Media Course, that we were working on with the team for a couple of months in a be...

So here is what happened to my Social Media Course, that we were working on with the team for a couple of months in a beginning of this year:

It’s not happening! ✖️
At least in the format that I initially planned it to be ☑️

Caught up in creating an educational project that will bring value to others and blinded by the idea of “better done than perfect” I forgot about the most important component of it all - who are the people I would ideally target it for 🫂

After conducting the Market Research questionnaire we realized that the format I initially had in mind wouldn’t work for my “ideal customer”, and the product people are willing to buy is not the product that we intended to create.

After years of working in luxury segment, side by side with professionals who’d been in the travel industry for 15+ years, I know that there are no 3-6 weeks time on understanding how the social media platforms work. Decision-makers and entrepreneurs need results here and now, where evaluation of the problem and implementing the solution is immediate 📈🚀

➡️ Instead, I’m personally open for one-to-one consultations on your company’s or personal social media accounts where we’ll evaluate current state of events, and outline the future strategy to be implemented.

➡️ My team is ready to give you a hand where needed with organizing and structuring the existing content, and if you need more in-depth insight into the strategy planning, we’ll be more than happy to take you on board if our visions align.

Contact me to find out more 💌
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +351 914 048 805
Web: evencoarse.com/contact/

Thanks a lot everyone who took a minute to fill in my Market Research questionnaire last week 🤍Five coaching sessions do...

Thanks a lot everyone who took a minute to fill in my Market Research questionnaire last week 🤍

Five coaching sessions down and here are the insights for whom my Social Media Course would be the perfect solution for:

💡 You have a project concept in mind - but no structure/content strategy in place, and therefore to CTA that result in few to no sales.

📲 You already have a running project in place but it doesn’t bring you enough leadscustomers and you would like to change that.

📈 You have various projects in different niches but it’s all chaotic with no particular structure in place and therefore none to close to none sales - I know how to help you change that!

If you recognised yourself in any of the above - it’s time to level up your game 🚀

Starting in less than 2 weeks, on the 4th of April — program/levels/speaker announcements coming up next Monday so stay tuned, and mark in your calendars the pre-registration form to be open next Tuesday!

Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +351 914 048 805
Web: evencoarse.com/contact/

As I announced last week, we’re launching my very first educational project on Social Media Marketing early next month 🤍...

As I announced last week, we’re launching my very first educational project on Social Media Marketing early next month 🤍

And in order for us not to screw it up and put together only the information YOU need + take out all the unnecessary rubbish from the program - please answer these quick 15 questions via the link in my bio! 📲

(It doesn’t require your email address nor the registration, has mostly multiple-choice questions and will take roughly 5 minutes of your time).

Your support would be highly appreciated and to pay you back I’m offering a FREE 30 MINUTES CONSULTATION on any of your or your company’s Social Media accounts.

Just send me a message saying “I filled in the form” and we’ll book a time in the next couple of days! 💌
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +351 914 048 805
Web: evencoarse.com/contact/

IT’S FINALLY HAPPENING.⠀Been two years by now (check highlights “Course” for proof) that I’ve been thinking to start sha...


Been two years by now (check highlights “Course” for proof) that I’ve been thinking to start sharing my knowledge on SMM with everyone asking.

After a long time the moment has finally come 🤍 Today I gave a hint on my stories about what me and my team had cooking for the past couple of months. Besides the regular SMM content that you already seen on my profile — I soon will be announcing the launch of my very own educational project! 🥂

Social Media Course in the format of mentoring groups, specifically tailored to the work with luxury hospitality & tourism brands, from a professional with more than 10 years of experience in social media platforms and almost 5 years of experience working in hospitality industry 🔝

Stay tuned for more hot news, guest speakers and program announcement coming up soon 🤍

Hit us up in DMs for more info! 💌
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +351 914 048 805
Web: evencoarse.com/contact/

PROS & CONS of working in SMM 📲 (Part 2).⠀✔️ In terms of your employer, you'll always be in-the-know.As you are THE PERS...

PROS & CONS of working in SMM 📲 (Part 2).

✔️ In terms of your employer, you'll always be in-the-know.
As you are THE PERSON behind any brand’s communication on Social Media, you’ll eventually be the one to find out about the new products ideas, major customer complaints, and PR emergencies even before the brand owner himself.

❌ Big news or emergencies can add a mountain of work on your plate.
Besides of creating & publishing the content often you will be the one responsible for communication with the audience and crisis management. As you’re nearing the launch of the new product/facing the emergency - you’ll have to fill in this tasks to take care of in your usual day-to-day schedule.

✔️ The work can be very creative.
For a great Social Media Manager this job is first of all about storytelling and community building more than pure sales — we have the power to humanize brands.

❌ It’s not always the case.
I’m lucky to work with the companies that allow me to create and publish content with only minimal approval needed. In contrast, other employers may require, especially in a larger corporations, multiple rounds of internal and external approvals—taking weeks and in some cases, months—before we could publish new content. This working style makes it harder to create relevant, of-the-moment content and address issues in real-time.

So, think ahead whether a career in social media right for you. There's no one clear path to becoming a social media manager, but often employers give preference to those with a good visual taste, copywriting skills and sales background.

What do you think now? Something that may potentially attract you or you’d rather delegate SMM to a professional? 🥸

PROS & CONS of working in SMM. Part 1⠀Getting paid to be on Instagram all day may sound like a dream come true. And for ...

PROS & CONS of working in SMM. Part 1

Getting paid to be on Instagram all day may sound like a dream come true. And for me personally, it is 🤍

But what is working in social media really like? Based on my almost 10 years experience running Social Media Accounts and almost 2 years of making money out of it - here are some of the pros and cons of becoming a Social Media Manager:

✔️ You'll get paid to spend time on your favorite social media platforms.
From what I’ve googled (as I obviously cannot relate) the average person spends 1 hour 15 mins per day on social media. If you're working full-time in social media, like me, you'll potentially spend from 6 to 9 hours a day scrolling through the content.

❌ There is such a thing as too much of a good thing.
I think we are all familiar with the feeling of lower self-esteem, social isolation, lack of sleep and concentration, while excessing Social Media usage, especially in the past couple of days.

✔️ Your work has the potential to go viral or have a positive impact.
There's something thrilling about knowing that whatever you're working on has the potential to go viral or otherwise make an impact. I’ve recently had an incoming interview invitation to one of my clients to talk about how did the account become so successful on Social Media.

❌ Mistakes can go viral, too.
One unrecognised typo, or the position you client doesn’t necessarily share - and you’re doomed.

✔️ You'll get real-time feedback about how you're doing.
Being a social media manager is like being able to receive feedback on your work in real time, which allows you to continuously improve and enhance your content.

❌ You have to always be on you A-game and level up.
As the world constantly changes, so does the way we perform on social media. As a person behind, you have to be on top of all the latest trends and adjust to what the audience wants to see.

Part two is coming up tomorrow! Do you think this job might be for you?

Yesterday I shared a post on how to adapt your Social Media strategy due to the current state of political events (you c...

Yesterday I shared a post on how to adapt your Social Media strategy due to the current state of political events (you can read it at and .pr). Today I’d like to help you get more in depth on how to actually do it 🔍

To adapt your strategy & content ask yourself the following questions yet one more time:
What is our motive❓What is our mission❓

Whatever is going on in the world - the market has always existed and will continue to exist. And now, more than ever, you need to remember the following:
✔️ There is always a consumer for every product.
✔️ There are always problems waiting to be solved & needs to be addressed.
✔️ The main focus business-wise right now should be on finding people that need this help that only YOU are able to provide.

Any crisis situation highlights the problems that already existed before. Such as a lack of understanding of product’s value 📲, target audience and their needs 🫂, an inability to build trusting relationships with the audience 🤝, or other. Imagine, that the current state of events is a spotlight shining on the problems that already existed before, but were not recognized.

Now you have an opportunity to transform and re-adapt your product or service, to bring even more more value to your clients 💡

We are all living through a difficult time full of fear, anxiety and uncertainty. However, now more than ever we need to...

We are all living through a difficult time full of fear, anxiety and uncertainty. However, now more than ever we need to act. Change requires adaptation.

As the environment around us changes — our actions must change too. During any crisis, people are divided into two categories: those who are growing and those who are drastically loosing their income.

If you run your business and get sales from Social Media here are the few things you have to do right now:

🔎 Think about what do your customers need right now. How can you customize the product towards their needs. If possible, ask directly, it’s an easiest way to get any answers and make you closer to your audience.
🔎 Let go standard sales techniques and triggers. Be open, sell honestly.
🔎 Now is the best time to alter or refine the positioning or introduce modifications to your product.
🔎 Rethink meanings. Talk more about people, about what you give them, and not about yourself. Never pretend that nothing is happening.
🔎 Talk to people directly and openly. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing anything work-related on social media - say it. You’re not alone in this, so don’t be afraid.

I know the majority of my followers are from Portugal, less from Russia and Switzerland. Did the past few days affect your business? How?

WHAT IS SMM?Everybody nowadays seems to be talking about Social Media Marketing, but did you realise that nobody actuall...


Everybody nowadays seems to be talking about Social Media Marketing, but did you realise that nobody actually explains what it is? 🤔

SMM includes in itself many aspects, that you can sum up in one sentence:
Promoting you products / services on the social media platforms through content creation to build a community of target audience that will lead to driving traffic to your business and increasing sales 🚀

There are many reasons to which it is important to include SMM into your yearly marketing plan. Here go one of the most reasonable ones:

Trust me, you’re missing out on thousands, or even millions of potential customers without the social media presence. It’s XXI Century out there! I would never book a Hotel, without checking their Instagram page first.

A simple and one of the most cost-effective was to boost conversions and increase sales because if made right, you are interacting directly with your potential customers, while grown a solid following.

My engaging with your followers on social media you have a unique possibility to build lasting relationships with your (current or potential) client base whenever they are in the world.

Last but not least, Social Media is a great way to keep an eye on your competitors - brand positioning, their ongoing promotions and more. That will help you to learn what is and what isn’t working for your target audience and eventually make you stand out from the rest of the crowd.

Contact us 💌
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +351 914 048 805
Web: evencoarse.com/contact/

TIME MANAGEMENT TIPSAfter I started posting my daily tasks last week I received several comments like it seems I do too ...


After I started posting my daily tasks last week I received several comments like it seems I do too much in the frames of one day 😅

But let’s not forget that we all have the same 24 hours, so here go my favourite time management techniques of all times:

🖋 Writing EVERYTHING down
In the morning create a habit of writing a brief for the day, including all the pending tasks from the previous day. Through the course of the day tick the done ones and also the newly appeared - it will help you evaluate your productivity in the evening.

🔝 Prioritize the ones that have the main importance.
Not as comfortable to do manually, but if you work with electronic agendas this is a must.

❕ Don’t strive for perfection.
20 minutes of doing something is more valuable than 20 hours of thinking of it.

🍅 Use the “Pomodoro Technique”
Use a timer to break work into intervals, of 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks of 5 minutes.

🤍 Free up time in your schedule for rest.
This will help you avoid the procrastination as you already have the break to look forward to.

Did I miss anything?

Dear Friends,I have been too quiet about my professional journey for a while but gave myself a promise to share more use...

Dear Friends,

I have been too quiet about my professional journey for a while but gave myself a promise to share more useful information about Social Media Marketing with all of you here in 2022 🚀

At Evencoarse I PR we are currently open to the new clients and I’m personally available for online (or in person if you’re in Portugal) consultations to help you grow your business digitally 📈💰

You can contact me via one of the following:
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp: +351 914 048 805
Web: evencoarse.com/contact/

So here is to first of many, stay tuned! 🤍🥂
Zhanna Safronova




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An independent woman from a very young age, Zhanna left home at the age of 17 and embarked on her hospitality journey to Switzerland, graduating with BA’s First Class Honours in Hospitality & Design Management at IHTTI School of Hotel Management back in 2017.

With more than 7 years of experience working in hospitality industry from Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort to managing a family-owned chalet hotel in Swiss Alps, after graduation Zhanna moved to Madeira to work for an iconic Belmond Reid’s Palace, assisting General Manager on the special projects as well as performing Duty Manager job functions.

In a while after discovering the world of Sales with Belmond, the decision to move to Lisbon has been taken – she had a chance to dive in the other part of the travel trade business – gaining an experience at one of the oldest portuguese DMCs.

Currently based in Lisbon, Zhanna runs a Boutique Social Media Marketing agency EVENCOARSE | PR and holds the position of a Creative Director at Visenso – Luxury Travel Ambassadors.

Outra Agência de redes sociais em Lisbon

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