Vosdal Studios

Vosdal Studios We do code. We do paint. So, we do games!

For all of you in need of a ton of sfx....

For all of you in need of a ton of sfx....

Get your hands on some high quality sound effects with the Sonniss indie sound library giveaway. Over 500GB of sound effects are up for grabs. ($16,000 in value). Everything is royalty-free and commercially-usable. (No attribution is required).

One last const pic before the animated gif.We still need to adjust the specular and reflective properties of the wood, b...

One last const pic before the animated gif.

We still need to adjust the specular and reflective properties of the wood, but it would be the last change to the shader... (probably)... everything else will be tweeking their parameters

Some of the latest tweeks on the wood shader, the ocean and the projectors....The "worst" part? Projectors on transparen...

Some of the latest tweeks on the wood shader, the ocean and the projectors....

The "worst" part? Projectors on transparent materials and the limits of samplers in shaders

New update on our procedural solid wood shader:From the basics, noise also added to ring separation, and orientation of ...

New update on our procedural solid wood shader:

From the basics, noise also added to ring separation, and orientation of the "trunk".

After the albedo which we did some days ago, we also added the metallic and smoothness properties, some procedural bump noise (more visible in the highlights), and a simple tint... and let unity evaluate all the lighting from those parameters.

This is a realtime screenshot from the game window. The performance is currently so good, we will try to add some sort of procedural knots to the shader. We'll see.

Before that, we will need to change the shader of our titles from the in-game main menu (Rivers Under Roar and KTK) to use this new one. It is more time-consuming because you need to find in the "wood space" a good point with good figures.

Suzanne is also there :)

BTW, in this image, only ONE item is a real item from the game.

Just IN... a shader for working with solid textures. No UVs here. Currently we're working on a procedural solid wood for...

Just IN... a shader for working with solid textures. No UVs here. Currently we're working on a procedural solid wood for it... we have special needs for all kinds of wood! :)

We just "finished" the basics. Still need to add more than just the albedo property, and more noise to some of the 3d parameters.

Something we're working on... for Raft06 (we call it A BOSS)

Something we're working on... for Raft06 (we call it A BOSS)

Last works on the terrain toolchain (procedural generation of underground terrain, based on existing dry terrain). Below...

Last works on the terrain toolchain (procedural generation of underground terrain, based on existing dry terrain). Below is an image from the 2nd step of the toolchain - a simple mesh import into blender


WIP Visuals. Some "random" screenvideo of the area we're working on

Something to check out

Something to check out

Side Effects Software is excited to announce the release of Houdini Engine for UE4. This plug-in provides game artists and developers with access to Houdini’s award-winning procedural technology right inside the UE4 editor.

This is our first test after putting the data from Fernando de Noronha through our toolchain

This is our first test after putting the data from Fernando de Noronha through our toolchain

Allways a good end-of-the-day reading... "Finite Time Blowup for an Averaged Three-dimensional Navier-Strokes equation" ...

Allways a good end-of-the-day reading... "Finite Time Blowup for an Averaged Three-dimensional Navier-Strokes equation" - by TerenceTao

A daring speculation offers a potential way forward in one of the great unsolved problems of mathematics: the behavior of the Navier-Stokes equations for fluid

As we don't have easy access to shooting guns into a pool, we decided it was best to make a quick simulation in blender....

As we don't have easy access to shooting guns into a pool, we decided it was best to make a quick simulation in blender. This is one of the results of the simulation (we tried wit different viscosity values, and bullet speed).

Now, what is left to do is to reduce this mega-vertex mesh, into a couple of animated hexagone mesh decalcs :)

This is an old video of a tuna school. This was just for My Daemons, but it could appear in Kon-Tiki as a prop

This is an old video of a tuna school. This was just for My Daemons, but it could appear in Kon-Tiki as a prop

This is a low quality video capture of one of the last development days of My Daemons. It is a tuna school simulated using a boids-like algorithm. They are swimming away from a shark (not shown in picture)

Something is cooking... Some sky...

Something is cooking... Some sky...

disclaimer Many moons have been up in the sky since our last development post. We sure hope to get up to speed with that… for the posts I mean… the moon stuff is out of our hands and its appearance is...

A quick gif of the new sky dome geometry...

A quick gif of the new sky dome geometry...

A new KTK in-engine screenshot... new pages and visuals coming soon... stay tuned

A new KTK in-engine screenshot... new pages and visuals coming soon... stay tuned




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