The Minimal Magazine

The Minimal Magazine Academia Impacto — Saúde, Performance Sustentável, Liderança — Science Tools for an Invincible Living Brindamos a novos caminhos?

A The Minimal Magazine é um Projecto Editorial de Inovação Social e uma Academia de Impacto (para pessoas e organizações), desenhados de forma ousada e criativa, que vêm abrir espaço para um Mindful & Slow Living para uma sociedade de futuro mais saudável, sustentável e inclusiva. Uma colisão audaciosa — na fronteira do conhecimento — onde descodificamos ciência de ponta, inovação estratégica e de

senvolvimento sustentável, tornando-os acessíveis, cativantes e sedutores para todos, desenhando as melhores ferramentas science-based, que podem ser aplicadas desde o momento 0. Um cocktail envolvente de ciência hardcore, harmonizada em fluida criatividade, com um toque subtil de humor witty. Resultado: Estratégias inteligentes e descomplicadas, refinadas para a vida real, “shaken, not stirred” (óbvio!), servidas em estonteantes taças de champagne (why not?). Um equilíbrio elegante entre as várias esferas, delineando um Manual Contemporâneo para a Arte de Bem Viver.

• hope era • ✨Trying to make sense of a chaotic world can be soul crushing. New beginnings, like the new year, gives our...

• hope era • ✨
Trying to make sense of a chaotic world can be soul crushing. New beginnings, like the new year, gives our mind a renewed sense of hope and possibility. Timing is everything, but...(R)evolution is not in a single moment in time, is an internal quest you have to conquer either with and against yourself every day. 🍃 Utopia leads the way, action makes it real. Make a promise to yourself and keep it. ❤️‍🔥
Happy New Year you all! You've got this.

Beautiful art by the super talented

• beyond defeat • 🌌New beginnings are "oh so" precious, a chance to reinvent yourself, a fresh opportunity to start over...

• beyond defeat • 🌌
New beginnings are "oh so" precious, a chance to reinvent yourself, a fresh opportunity to start over. Even when you feel defeated, a strike of hope shines over the million broken pieces of your soul, rising an unimaginable strength to rebuild yourself, once again. How many times have you reborn from hashes? 💫
Cheers to the new beginnings. Cheers to the hope renewed. Cheers to the strength to overcome.
Cheers to the infinite new possibilities.
Cheers to the so much desired 2025. 🍾🥂✨
Start where are. Stop playing small and being uncertain about your potential. Stop breaking yourself into bite-sized pieces for someone else (because you “are too much”). Stop shrinking yourself to fit places you've outgrown. Learn from the past, but leave it behind (where it belongs). 🍃
Be confident as hell. ❤️‍🔥
Happy New Year, you all. Let’s do this!
Super cool photo via

• slow monday • ☕️Beautiful photo by

• slow monday • ☕️
Beautiful photo by

• wednesday's emergency kit • 🍵🧇🥑Some days self-care means indulge in delicious food. Nurturing body and soul. ❤️ Just o...

• wednesday's emergency kit • 🍵🧇🥑
Some days self-care means indulge in delicious food. Nurturing body and soul. ❤️ Just one of those days... Or just another Wednesday. 🤷‍♀️
Beautiful photo by the talented

[NOVO!] • Workshop Gestão de Stress & Estratégias Anti-Burnout • 🧠✨21 Setembro • Edição Online • Últimos LugaresSentes-t...

[NOVO!] • Workshop Gestão de Stress & Estratégias Anti-Burnout • 🧠✨
21 Setembro • Edição Online • Últimos Lugares
Sentes-te sempre “debaixo d’água”? 😶‍🌫️
Acredita, não estás sozinho! Mais de metade dos Portugueses (57%) dizem já ter estado perto de um Burnout, revela o STADA Health Report 2022.
A pressão dos dias, as expectativas impossíveis, o tempo que nunca chega, a incerteza do futuro… O cansaço. Passamos a vida a “apagar fogos” em todas as frentes, mas a achar que estamos “a fazer menos do que devíamos”. 🤯 A vida não tem de ser assim!
Saber gerir Stress (eficientemente!) não é uma estratégia abstracta, é uma das competências mais importantes que podes instalar na tua vida. 🌌
Este é o Workshop onde vais aprender as Melhores Estratégias para descodificar os mistérios do Cérebro, compreender as 5 Dimensões do Stress e equilibrar o turbilhão de emoções em ti.
Tudo isto, e ainda, um leque de ferramentas práticas que te permitem gerir o stress em tempo real (e criar resiliência a longo prazo), reeducar o sistema nervoso e desenhar o teu “Cool Mind Ritual” 🍃 (para usares sempre que precisares… Até no trabalho!).
Ferramentas science-based no teu “kit pessoal” são um upgrade poderoso. Chamemos-lhe Smart Mental Fitness!
O futuro começa agora. 🧬 Mais ciência, menos tendência.
💬 Comenta CALMA 👇 e descobre tudo o que temos planeado para ti. 🎟 Podes também fazer a tua reserva através do link na bio ou em

• the perfection tragedy • 🧊We run away from who we are... All the time.Trying to be more like someone else, a bitter sw...

• the perfection tragedy • 🧊
We run away from who we are... All the time.
Trying to be more like someone else, a bitter sweet fantasy, sailing through life blown by the wind of trends and social pressure (beginning with Disney, culminating at the social media black hole).
Thankfully, nobody suffers from the great tragedy of perfection. ✨ Even when we think they do.
Remembering our humanity means:
• What's wrong with me?
• Everything is absolutely fine. Amazing!
• I'm so ugly.
• It's pointless. There's no hope for me.
• Everyone is better than me.
• Some people have so much worse. I'm so ungrateful.
• I have to prove myself and my value, all the time.
• Hustle! Hustle! Try harder. Work harder. No pain no gain! No time for wussies. 💀 ???
• What happened to me?
• That was hurtful (heart breaking, soul crushing...)
• The pain I feel is real and is valid, too.
• I'm beautiful no matter what they say.
• I'm worth beyond my performance or my output.
• My life choices are valid.
• It's ok to fail. One mistake don't make me a failure.
• My trauma don't make me broken.
• Followers and likes are not value, even less: validation. 🤦‍♀️
• I'm allowed to have feelings and emotions (all of them!!!).
Be kind to yourself. If all your life you've been judge, bullied, criticized (internally and externally) even by yourself, is really difficult to allow self-compassion in. Don't feed self-abandonment. ❤️
Beautiful photo by the super inspiring

• this is for you • 🫵Growth is beautiful, non-linear, uncomfortable and oh so challenging. Give yourself the chance, you...

• this is for you • 🫵
Growth is beautiful, non-linear, uncomfortable and oh so challenging. Give yourself the chance, you worth it! ❤️‍🔥
Which vibe resonates deep in your soul?
Art by the talented .kenny

• passion berry • 🍓August is here and we need to make the hot days go by in a lighter, brighter and joyful way. It's tim...

• passion berry • 🍓
August is here and we need to make the hot days go by in a lighter, brighter and joyful way. It's time to reset and start over. Don't you think?
Stress less, make it more about the things that make you laugh and giggle, get together with people that are home and make you feel like a rockstar. 🌊🪸 Lay on sand, sink into the deep blue, with a pinch of salty breeze and handful vitamin D. Add some juicy berries into the mix and you have the perfect cocktail. 🍸 Cheers!
Beautiful photos via .soul

• splash before you crash • 🌊Ocean therapy has the power to wash away your worries and pains (even if just for some brie...

• splash before you crash • 🌊
Ocean therapy has the power to wash away your worries and pains (even if just for some brief moments). If we're only lucky enough to get it everytime we need. How much lighter life could be? 🌤
Amazing picture by

• wild creatures • ❤️‍🔥Let them run free. Feelings are meant to be felt. 🌌  Beautiful image by the super talented       ...

• wild creatures • ❤️‍🔥
Let them run free. Feelings are meant to be felt. 🌌
Beautiful image by the super talented

• maybe it's time • 🌅Maybe it's time you give yourself permission to stop desperately trying to meet other people's expe...

• maybe it's time • 🌅
Maybe it's time you give yourself permission to stop desperately trying to meet other people's expectations. Create space for who you really are.
Maybe you haven't met yourself yet. Maybe you haven't had the chance. Maybe you had just a glimpse, a fraction of your own personal silence. It will be a fascinating opportunity, I promise you! Drop the armor (too heavy, for too long) and walk away from spaces that made you feel less than you've ever been. Maybe it's time that yoy keep the promises you made to yourself. 💛
Amazing image by the talented

• draw a map to get lost • 💦Beautiful photos by

• draw a map to get lost • 💦
Beautiful photos by

• relax, nothing is under control • 🍭The sooner you accept that as a non-negotiable part of life, the sooner you'll allo...

• relax, nothing is under control • 🍭
The sooner you accept that as a non-negotiable part of life, the sooner you'll allow yourself to have a less guilty soul. 🧠 Control is an illusion, responsibility is bravery. A flexible mind is the most valuable skill in the modern world. Would you dare?
Beautiful photo by

• sunday mindset wizard • 😎Some people may call it Sunday Scaries, others Executive Paralisysis, maybe a strange bitter ...

• sunday mindset wizard • 😎
Some people may call it Sunday Scaries, others Executive Paralisysis, maybe a strange bitter state, some sees it just as Old School Denial....
Anyway, I like to think I'm in a deep, powerful mind trance, one step away from creating a new disruptive reality: Mondays are the new Fridays. 🧠✨️ It's not a successful endeavor yet, but I'm really hopeful about the outcome.
Have you ever tried a bold power play like this one? Any success? 😒 Quem nunca? Mind over matter is not really working around here.
On a positive note, look at this super cute fluffy hot stuff by

Dreaming about that first splash. ✨🐚💦    Amazing photo by

Dreaming about that first splash. ✨🐚💦
Amazing photo by

• Workshop Alimentação & Emoções • 🍑✨️[ÚLTIMOS 3 LUGARES]Sábado, 6 Julho • 10h00 • Edição Online Especial Body◠Mind Heal...

• Workshop Alimentação & Emoções • 🍑✨️[ÚLTIMOS 3 LUGARES]
Sábado, 6 Julho • 10h00 • Edição Online Especial Body◠Mind Health
O que têm os alimentos a ver com as emoções? 🧠 Tudo!
As emoções têm um efeito poderoso na escolha do que colocamos no prato (sabemos bem disso!), mas ainda mais profundo é o impacto que os alimentos têm na flexibilidade emocional e na performance intelectual. 🧁 Curioso?

O stress e a pressão da vida incendeiam impulsos, que tantas vezes tentamos "calar pela boca". 🤫 Desejos, fúrias, tristezas, ansiedades, tédios profundos, desalentos do “deixa-me estar!”, recompensas “porque hoje eu mereço” e “um dia não são dias!”. Temos sempre uma justificação (muitíssimo válida) para cairmos em tentação. Mas será isso só falta de força de vontade? ⚠️ Com certeza que não!
Quantas vezes já ouvimos: “Só não consegues porque não queres!”? 🫠 Menos culpa e mais ciência, por favor.
Mas afinal o que podemos fazer? 🤷🏻‍♀️
Este é um Workshop único, para descobrir as ferramentas chave para compreender a ciência da delicada sinergia entre o cérebro e a nutrição, descodificar e reequilibrar os impulsos poderosos da fome emocional (o que está muito longe de depender apenas da força de vontade!) 🍎
Acima de tudo, aprender as melhores estratégias para gerir impulsos alimentares (até os mais selvagens!) e que alimentos têm um impacto decisivo para nutrir e revitalizar o nosso funcionamento neurológico. 🍍 Tudo isto se irá reflectir na nossa vida, com mais agilidade intelectual, bem-estar emocional, motivação, confiança e resiliência. Um delicioso mergulho no surpreendente Universo da Psiconutrição. 🍫🥦🍅🍇🥑🍣 Your Brain on Food. Impossível resistir!
Mais ciência, menos tendência.
Descubra o programa completo e faça a sua reserva em 🍵 Link na bio.
Não consegue participar nesta Edição? Sem problema! 🔴 Poderá sempre assistir à gravação em vídeo 4k, no seu tempo e ao seu ritmo.


Avenida Da Liberdade 262, R/c Esquerdo

Horário de Funcionamento

Segunda-feira 10:00 - 18:30
Terça-feira 10:00 - 18:30
Quarta-feira 10:00 - 18:30
Quinta-feira 10:00 - 18:30




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