Básicos como blazers encurtam-se e tornam-se jaquetas, as saias-lápis ganham volume, os vestidos cintados garantem o profissionalismo e a elegância, e as calças dos fatos ganham detalhes arquitetónicos para um expediente que ainda custa um pouco a acompanhar, mas que compensa muito em estilo.
Basics like blazers are shortened and become jackets, pencil skirts gain volume, belted dresses guarantee professionalism and elegance, and suit pants gain architectural details for a workday that is still a little hard to keep up with, but pays off in style.
Editor in chief: @sofia.slucas
Photography: @lucaanzalonestudio
Film Director: @gabriel.vidaboa @StudioMezo
Film Director & Editor: @sightresearch
Styling: @ensergio_alvarez
Hair: @katrin.sachenko
Makeup: @jeannesalord
Casting: @alanbrethaud
Styling assistant: @felisamendez_
Sound designer: @jrdnplrss