Dossier: Narcissism!
Of narcissism, as Flaubert said of stupidity, it can a*o be said that it is found in all ages, but each age has its own narcissism. That of our time appears to be an omnipresent germ in all aspects of individual and collective life, active in the multiple political, cultural, economic, social, technological and communication systems, giving rise, directly or indirectly, closely or remotely, to the greatest perversions, excesses and arbitrariness, and jeopardising primordial ethical codes and the founding rules of coexistence. The subject of the Electra 27 central dossier is exactly ‘Narcissism,’ one of the traits that shape our time, presenting essays and interviews by prominent authors such as Élisabeth Roudinesco, Sinziana Ravini, Miguel Benasayag, Dominique Rabaté, António Bracinha Vieira and Vincent Cocquebert.
Texts by
Élisabeth Roudinesco
Sinziana Ravini
Miguel Benasayag
Dominique Rabaté
António Bracinha Vieira
Vincent Cocquebert
Giulia Bogliolo Bruna
Yuri Slezkine
Geoff Dyer
“In the First Person”
Geoff Dyer
Jean Malaurie
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