InMoz This project aims to investigate Quaternary environmental changes in the Southeastern area of Mozambique and their impacts on human evolution.

InMoz Game is now in a publication from the Revista De Ciência Elementar:

InMoz Game is now in a publication from the Revista De Ciência Elementar:

Neste artigo pretende-se apresentar o jogo de tabuleiro A aventura para o conhecimento como uma ferramenta facilitadora do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Este foi criado para auxiliar a disseminação e comunicação de ciência no âmbito de um projeto de investigação internacional e interdisci...

InMoz Game will be in the European Researchers Night 2022 at Associação Cultural Re-Criativa República 14

InMoz Game will be in the European Researchers Night 2022 at Associação Cultural Re-Criativa República 14


🔊No âmbito do programa da Noite Europeia dos Investigadores 2022, no dia 30 de setembro às 16h00 no Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve vai decorrer a Conferência “Uma história ambiental e humana em Moçambique”.

As investigadoras Ana Gomes e Roxane Matias do ICArEHB- Interdisciplinary Center for Archaeology and Evolution of Human Behaviour irão apresentar o Projeto InMoz - Quaternary environmental changes in Inhambane, Southeastern Mozambique, and their role in human evolution (PTDC/HAR-ARQ/28148/2017).

✨Vem conhecer este projeto !!!

New opportunities to do research in Mozambique!

New opportunities to do research in Mozambique!

ICArEHB is opening multiple positions in the framework of the ERC Advanced Grant DISPERSALS:

5 year post-doc contract in Paleobotanics

5 year post-doc contract in Isotopic studies

5 year post-doc contract in Biomarkers/Proteomics in Archaeology

5 year post-doc contract in Modelling and Data Science

After travelling throughout southern Mozambique, our exhibition will now be released in Portugal at the Centro Ciência V...

After travelling throughout southern Mozambique, our exhibition will now be released in Portugal at the Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve. It's already on the 6th of September!

Continuously proud of our InMOZ team and project! Successful launch of our traveling museam exhibit ✅ and….our new board...

Continuously proud of our InMOZ team and project! Successful launch of our traveling museam exhibit ✅ and….our new boardgame! 🇲🇿🤩🇲🇿 Ana Isabel Gomes best boss in town 👩🏻‍🔬🔬💪

InMoz Exhibition and seminar presenting the project results already traveled through Inhambane, Jangamo and Inharrime di...

InMoz Exhibition and seminar presenting the project results already traveled through Inhambane, Jangamo and Inharrime districts from the Inhambane Province. We counted on the visit of about 150 people (members of local authorities, Inhambane regional museum, radio and television in Mozambique, secondary and university teachers, students of different educational levels, cultural and environmental associations, traditional leaders, community leaders , religious leaders, medical personnel and important personalities of the Province). Thank you to everyone who helped us to successfully achieve our goals (ICArEHB, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Direcção Provincial de Cultura e Turismo de Inhambane, Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve)!


Rádio Moçambique announcing the InMoz exhibition.

InMoz exhibition is already at the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane! All prepared for the inauguration in Inhambane on the ...

InMoz exhibition is already at the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane! All prepared for the inauguration in Inhambane on the 20th of August.

On August 8th at the PANAF Conference Ana Gomes and Elena Skosey-LaLonde presented two complementary papers with results...

On August 8th at the PANAF Conference Ana Gomes and Elena Skosey-LaLonde presented two complementary papers with results of the InMoz project.

On August 4th Ana Gomes presented the InMoz project results at the EAAPP conference in Arusha, Tanzania!

On August 4th Ana Gomes presented the InMoz project results at the EAAPP conference in Arusha, Tanzania!

Our game now on Na Mira - Jogos de Tabuleiro YouTube channel!

Our game now on Na Mira - Jogos de Tabuleiro YouTube channel!

Bem vind@s ao meu canal de jogos de tabuleiro Na Mira Jogos. Hoje apresento-vos um jogo em que participei, um jogo do Centro de Ciência Viva do Algarve: A Av...

O projeto InMoz celebra o Dia da Criança com o lançamento online do Jogo "A aventura para o conhecimento!": https://ccva...

O projeto InMoz celebra o Dia da Criança com o lançamento online do Jogo "A aventura para o conhecimento!":

O desenvolvimento deste jogo no âmbito do InMoz resultou de uma colaboração entre o ICArEHB, Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve, CIMA - Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental e Na Mira - Jogos de Tabuleiro.

Joguem, aprendam e divirtam-se!

The InMoz project celebrates Children's Day with the online launch of the game "The adventure for knowledge!":

The development of this game within the scope of InMoz resulted from a collaboration between ICArEHB, Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve , CIMA - Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental and Na Mira - Jogos de Tabuleiro.

Play, learn and have fun!

InMoz in the 90 seconds of science

InMoz in the 90 seconds of science

Ana Gomes, investigadora no ICArEHB da Universidade do Algarve UAlg, participa no projeto InMoz com o objetivo de estudar as alterações ambientais que ocorreram no passado na região sudeste de Moçambique.

Yesterday at the SAAs our InMoz team member Elena Skosey-LaLonde presented her paper "Modern and paleoenvironmental cond...

Yesterday at the SAAs our InMoz team member Elena Skosey-LaLonde presented her paper "Modern and paleoenvironmental conditions of the Inhambane Bay in Iron Age Southern Mozambique". Congratulations Elena! 🙂

InMoz in "2 Minutes of Science"

InMoz in "2 Minutes of Science"

Financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) e coordenado por Ana Isabel Gomes, investigadora do Centro Interdisciplinar de Arqueologia e Evolu...

The InMoz game will be on the Sciences and Technology Week, at CCVAlg! Come find out what we do while playing!

The InMoz game will be on the Sciences and Technology Week, at CCVAlg! Come find out what we do while playing!

Soon, Ana Gomes will participate in a Webinar.

Soon, Ana Gomes will participate in a Webinar.

Today is World Day for Cultural Diversity and for Dialogue and Development!To celebrate it, we present and share the doc...

Today is World Day for Cultural Diversity and for Dialogue and Development!
To celebrate it, we present and share the documentary about the InMoz Project, produzced by students from the Escola Secundária de Loulé in collaboration with CCVAlg.

Apresentamos o Projeto InMoz e a sua equipa. Este projeto tem como objetivo investigar as alterações ambientais ao longo do Quaternário na área Sudeste de Mo...

This week at the SAAs catch our InMOZ team member Elena Skosey-LaLonde as she presents her paper "Paleoenvironmental con...

This week at the SAAs catch our InMOZ team member Elena Skosey-LaLonde as she presents her paper "Paleoenvironmental conditions of Holocene southern Mozambique; multi-proxy data from coastal lake Nyalonzelwe cores" and represents the InMOZ team as a Discussant in the Indian Ocean World Lightning Round!

Join us tomorrow at 4pm EST to listen to Elena Skosey-LaLonde discuss her research on paleoenvironment and mollusk biodi...

Join us tomorrow at 4pm EST to listen to Elena Skosey-LaLonde discuss her research on paleoenvironment and mollusk biodiversity over the last 4kya in Lake Nyalonzelwe, southern Mozambique. PM Elena or Ana Gomes for Zoom Webinar Link and Password!


ICArEHB, University Of Algarve


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