إطلاق نار محيط مستشفى العودة في مخيم النصيرات وسط قطاع غزة
مشاهد لعملية نسف مباني حي الفالوجا بالقرب من المقبرة غرب مخيم جباليا، بالروبوتات المتفجرة والغارات الحربية
Scenes of destruction in Gaza City
مشاهد الدمار في مدينة غزة #حرب #غزة #دمار
On the 327th day of the war, the massacres are still continuing
لحظة تدمير برج زقوت في مخيم النصيرات وسط القطاع
لحظة نسف مقر بلدية رفح جنوب قطاع غزة
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to present this hosting and news services proposal. We believe that we can deliver substantial value to your work, Fact News for media Production based in Gaza City, Palestine, covering all Palestinian cities in Gaza Strip, West Bank. We also cover most of the Middle East countries working in all types of visual production, news reports, feature stories, short & long documentaries, with most professional equipment from cameras and lenses besides the satellite, streaming services and multi cameras inside and outside production.
Having all needed permits ensures our team ability to cover and access everywhere in Palestine and other countries for daily news at the same time our clients will have access to our available archive from the past decade