Against Match Fixing - European Research and Education Programme

Against Match Fixing - European Research and Education Programme The project “Against match fixing – European Research and Education Programme” is implemented by an international consortium.

The main goal of the project is conducting research and education activities to prevent the phenomenon of match fixing.





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The project “Against match fixing – European Research & Education Programme” is implemented by an international consortium. The main goal of the project is conducting research and education activities to prevent the phenomenon of match fixing in football.

The project is financed from European funds under the Erasmus + Sport Programme, which is the main support for the implementation of projects targeted at the sports environment.

More information about the Erasmus + Sport Programme can be found at:

The project “Against match fixing – European Research & Education Programme” will see international cooperation between eight organisations involved in sport and counteracting match-fixing. It will prepare an innovative training programme based on materials collected, analyses and research. The expected result of the training is to increase knowledge on fixing methods and skills related to assertive responses in such situations among 80% of the participants.