SMART LAB Dane kontaktowe, mapa i wskazówki, formularz kontaktowy, godziny otwarcia, usługi, oceny, zdjęcia, filmy i ogłoszenia od SMART LAB, Twórca cyfrowy, Wroclaw.

Smart Consultancy Agency focusing on developing Innovation Strategy for marketing, organization, operations, technology, transformation, digital, advanced analytics, corporate finance, mergers & acquisitions and sustainability.

Find out for more!

Find out for more!

“AI will affect every product and every service that we have.” We are proudly welcome you to our one of the most advanced project for youth workers capacity building. Stay tuned and take part!

We celebrate and support   for empowerment of young people towards effective green policy, digitalization and inclusive ...

We celebrate and support for empowerment of young people towards effective green policy, digitalization and inclusive policy!


We celebrate and support   for empowerment of young people towards innovative and green future!

We celebrate and support for empowerment of young people towards innovative and green future!

We celebrate and support for empowerment of young people towards innovative and green future!


With , we will have:

⚡ 5G and ultrafast EU-wide broadband
🏡 Smart cities
🔒 Safer online shopping
🧠 Developments in AI to fight climate change and improve healthcare, transport and education.

Visit our website to discover more 👉

We are striving for

We are striving for

EU innovation is increasing…and the innovation gap ↔️ between countries is closing. Good news for a more sustainable, digital and resilient future!

The 2021 European Innovation Scoreboard shows innovation performance continues to improve across the EU, with a 12.5% increase on average since 2014.

Cyprus 🇨🇾, Estonia 🇪🇪, Greece 🇬🇷, Italy 🇮🇹 and Lithuania 🇱🇹 had an improvement of 25 percentage points or more since 2014.

Sweden 🇸🇪 continues to be the EU Innovation Leader, followed by Finland 🇫🇮, Denmark 🇩🇰 and Belgium 🇧🇪.

See how each country performed ↓

📌 Innovation performance is measured using 32 performance indicators, covering drivers of innovation like attractive research systems, digitalisation, investments in the public and business sector, intellectual assets and more.

Time for change & rapid acceleration!Czas na zmiany i przyspieszenie!

Time for change & rapid acceleration!
Czas na zmiany i przyspieszenie!

UE staje się coraz bardziej innowacyjna! 🇪🇺📈 Od 2014 r. wyniki w zakresie innowacji wzrosły średnio o 12,5%, a luka innowacyjna między państwami członkowskimi stale się zmniejsza.

Liderem Europejskiego Rankingu Innowacyjności 2021 jest Szwecja 🇸🇪, a następne w kolejności są Finlandia 🇫🇮, Dania 🇩🇰 i Belgia 🇧🇪.

Polska 🇵🇱 znalazła się wśród grona początkujących innowatorów.

Zobacz szczegółowe wyniki rankingu 👉


People become refugees not by choice, but forced by circumstances.
On Sunday's World Refugee Day & every day, you can support refugees across the globe to be protected and included in health care, education & sport.




Стартът е даден! 📣 Днес обявих началото на най-амбициозната рамкова програма в света за наука и иновации „Хоризонт Европа“ с бюджет от 95,5 милиарда евро. Публикувахме първата работна програма за 2021 г. и 2022 г. с общ бюджет от 14,5 милиарда евро. Благодаря на учените, новаторите, на европейските граждани, които взеха активно участие в съвместното разработване на стратегическите насоки по програмата. Тя ще подкрепи с целенасочени действия екологичния и цифровия преход, както и устойчивото възстановяване от пандемията.

Повече от 4 на всеки 10 евро или общо около 5,8 милиарда евро ще бъдат инвестирани в научни изследвания и иновации в подкрепа на екологичния преход. Проектите ще спомогнат за ускоряване на прехода към чиста енергия и по-устойчива мобилност, адаптиране на продоволствените системи и борба с климатичните промени. 33% от средствата ще бъдат насочени към научни изследвания и иновации в подкрепа на цифровия преход. Проектните дейности например ще спомогнат за разгръщане на пълния потенциал на базираните на данни цифрови инструменти и иновации в редица сектори като здравеопазване, енергетика и мобилност, ще подкрепят модернизацията на традиционни промишлени отрасли. Освен това, работната програма ще насочи около 1,9 милиарда евро в подкрепа на научните изследвания за подобряване устойчивостта и противодействие на бъдещи пандемии. Предвидили сме и редица мерки, свързани с подобряване на иновационния капацитет на държавите членки, като например финансова подкрепа за присъединяване към съществуващи вече консорциуми. Така ще предоставим възможност на държавите да изградят капацитет и да бъдат стимулирани да създават иновации, носещи ползи за гражданите.

С работната програма по „Хоризонт Европа“ сме предприели и нов подход, ориентиран към въздействието и резултатите. Само след броени дни, на 22 юни, ще публикуваме първите покани за представяне на проектни предложения. Бих искала да окуража всички учени, новатори и заинтересовани граждани да се включат активно с проектни предложения в предстоящите конкурси, за да допринесат за справяне с предизвикателствата, за по-устойчива, по-екологична и цифрова Европа. Присъединете се и към Европейските дни на научните изследвания и иновациите на 23-24 юни, за да обмените идеи и участвате в информационните сесии, посветени на програмата.

Повече информация за работната програма тук ➡️


Millions of people worldwide are denied a nationality, which can prevent them from attending school, seeing a doctor, getting a job & more.
Having a nationality is not a privilege - it's a human right.


A reminder.


May 9th celebrations 🎉

EPALE - Adult Learning in Europe is ready & steady!

EPALE - Adult Learning in Europe is ready & steady!

Breaking News: the new EPALE has been launched!



Join the debate! Make your voice heard via the new digital platform, and shape the future of Europe! 🇪🇺

This will make sure that the discussions held all over the European Union are heard by decision-makers in EU institutions →



The future of tech must be equal.

On Thursday's International Girls in ICT Day, join UN Women in calling for empowering girls to pursue tech careers so they can lead tomorrow in the workplace.


The European way to Artificial Intelligent is all about trust!

We propose to categorise systems used in the EU by risk to make sure they are safe:

⚫ Unacceptable risk - eg: systems that allow “social scoring” by governments should be banned

🔴 High risk - eg: AI application in robot-assisted surgery or remote biometric identification should be subject to strict obligations

🟠 Limited risk - eg: tools that impersonate humans, such as chatbots should notify people when they are interacting with AI.

🟢 Minimal risk - vast majority of AI systems like video games and spam filters fall into this category

On , trust is a must, not a nice to have.


It's World Creativity and Innovation Day! 🎨💡

With a budget of €2.4 billion+, the new Creative Europe programme will support more 🇪🇺 artists, organisations, projects and international cooperation than ever! Official launch coming 🔜Stay tuned!

Learn more 🠮!XH76YK

  is on!

is on!

Deal on the Climate Law!

The European Climate Law will turn our targets into legal obligations:
📉 reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030
🌍 reaching climate neutrality by 2050

Climate neutrality will shape the EU’s green recovery and a socially just green transition.

  join us this week!

join us this week!

Zielone zaświadczenie cyfrowe!

Zielone zaświadczenie cyfrowe!

Na temat zielonych zaświadczeń cyfrowych krąży wiele mitów. Obalamy niektóre z nich. Zaświadczenie ma służyć jedynie ułatwieniu podróżowania w UE, nie będzie ograniczać przemieszczania się. ✅

Zapoznaj się z faktami na temat projektu na naszej stronie ➡️!Jq88Hr

Follow EU Pollinators Initiative!

Follow EU Pollinators Initiative!

📍 Europe 2️⃣0️⃣5️⃣0️⃣. Following a cascade of ecological crises, our world has been deprived of pollinating insects, healthy ecosystems and a wealth of flora. Welcome to our Pollinator Park.

Conceived as part of our EU Pollinators Initiative, this virtual experience invites us all to strengthen our efforts to protect pollinators and ensure a better future for ourselves and future generations.

We are already working hard to reverse the loss of pollinators with the , but we need a broad effort with contributions from scientists and experts, businesses and citizens.

Step into a beautiful virtual reality about the ugly future we face without pollinating insects 👉


Proud to inform that experts actively involving in . Stay tuned!


Jak właściwie działają szczepionki przeciwko COVID-19 i czy są bezpieczne? Jak wyglądał proces badań klinicznych? Jaką rolę odgrywa UE w dystrybucji szczepionek?

Podczas Dialogu Obywatelskiego na te i wiele innych pytań odpowiedział dr. n. med. Piotr Kramarz, ekspert z European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control - ECDC.

Koniecznie przeczytajcie 👉

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2021

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2021

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2021


We are happy to share the open call for organizations and institutions to reach out for consultancy on building digitalization strategy for effective and sustainable transformation.
Powered by Verke and IDEA LAB FOUNDATION


Welcoming all of you on our new initiative on Smart Consultancy for innovation and digital transformation for private businesses and corporations. Stay tuned for further business programs and trainings for starting the new era among the entrepreneurs.



Godziny Otwarcia

Poniedziałek 09:00 - 17:00
Wtorek 09:00 - 17:00
Środa 09:00 - 17:00
Czwartek 09:00 - 17:00
Piątek 09:00 - 17:00



Strona Internetowa


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