Joy Manné in Poland

Joy Manné in Poland Psycholog, psychoterapeutka, doktor psychologii buddyjskiej, autorka wielu książek: Soul Therapy

dr Joy Manne do Polski przyjeżdża na zaproszenie Ewy Foley Psycholog, psychoterapeutka, doktor psychologii buddyjskiej, autorka książek: Soul Therapy (Terapia duszy), Conscious breathwork (w tłumaczeniu) oraz trzech nowych: KONSTELACJE RODZINNE, ODDECH I DIALOG Z GŁOSEM wydanych po polsku przez wydawnictwo Założycielka i trener Szkoły Rozwoju Osobistego i Duchowego w

Szwajcarii; nauczycielka konstelacji (conceptual constellations), analitycznej pracy z oddechem (anatythical breathwork) oraz terapii Voice Dialogue (Dialog z Głosem) stworzonej przez amerykańskie małżeństwo psychologów Dr Hala i Sidrę Stone). Jej artykuły regularnie ukazują się w renomowanym brytyjskim miesięczniku The Therapist. Od wielu lat występuje jako czołowy wykładowca na międzynarodowych konferencjach i forum psychologicznych. W roku 2017 dr Joy Manne odwiedzi Polskę 2-4 czerwca (Warszawa). Szczegóły warsztatów Joy w Polsce

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Truly amazing kids - Living in the Field

Truly amazing kids - Living in the Field

Hannah Kim, eight, and Jeah Han, 12, are part of a group of activists that won a four-year fight to tackle climate inaction. For them, it is just the beginning


I'm so proud of myself. I had to write an 'About the Author' for books out in Polish that I'm now bringing out in English. For the first time I spread my wings and wrote - the way I write. Here it is.
About the Author
This is the formal stuff: Joy Manné has a BSc in Psychology and a PhD in the Buddhist Psychology of the Theravada Canon. One of the obstacles she had to overcome before achieving this goal was learning Sanskrit. Part of her reward was her husband, whom she met at a conference on Buddhism. She also took training in Spiritual Therapy with Hans Mensink and Tilke Platteel-Deur in Holland. Part of her reward was the skills to keep the in-loveness of her marriage lively through nearly thirty years. Joy Manné is not very good at being formal.
Now we get to the informal stuff: In the middle of the training, her partner with whom she looked forward to living a beatnik lifestyle was appointed to a professorship in Lausanne, Switzerland (Professor of Sanskrit and Indian Studies) so she became a portable wife (the qualification for living in Switzerland with him) and moved to Switzerland, from where she diligently commuted to finish her training. Before you could say “snowy mountain,” clients were asking her to train them. So she did, starting with a four-year training modeled on her own teachers’ training. Joy still believes four intensive years are necessary to develop enough life literacy to understand what being human is about, and perhaps, if it is your calling, to work with other people. The techniques Joy’s work is based on are: Conscious Breathing Techniques: how you breath is how you are, so breathe well and be well; Voice Dialogue (Hal and Sidra Stone’s technique) for becoming literate with regard to your personality; and Family Constellations (Bert Hellinger’s technique) for understanding how the family energy field (also called family system) works and getting the best out of yours.
And the personal stuff: Commitment is my thing. It’s the only way to make progress with our task of being human. I hope you enjoy this book, and all of my other books.
And: I’m a daughter, a mother, and a grandmother. I know what I’m talking about.
Joy Manne

Pozytywny zoom z Ewą Foley: porozmawiajmy o poczuciu własnej wartości 21.04 godz. 16-19.zapisy tylko mailem foley@foley....

Pozytywny zoom z Ewą Foley: porozmawiajmy o poczuciu własnej wartości 21.04 godz. 16-19.
zapisy tylko mailem [email protected]
"Poczucie własnej wartości bierze się z jednej rzeczy - z myślenia, że jesteś wartościowy."
/Wayne Dyer/

Proud of you, UK

Proud of you, UK

What other countries can learn from its example

Thank you, JK Rowling for your example in integrity, courage and good sense.

Thank you, JK Rowling for your example in integrity, courage and good sense.

‘This is not a woman. These are ’ she wrote before facing online backlash


If you spot it - you've got it!!

Yes we can

Yes we can

When we started out, we didn’t dare dream it would lead to this: expanded rainforest, a beaver release, and rewilding at Balmoral, says the co-founder of Wild Card Joel Scott-Halkes

Respect and integrity. I celebrate this group of Rabbis and others who protect the Palestinians from the unscrupulous Je...

Respect and integrity. I celebrate this group of Rabbis and others who protect the Palestinians from the unscrupulous Jewish settlers who shame the whole worldwide Jewish community.

A group of rabbis and Israeli volunteers are risking life and limb to protect this year’s olive harvest in the West Bank, amid soaring tensions over the war in Gaza.

Empathy, compassion, generosity, the ability to see a Higher Truth

Empathy, compassion, generosity, the ability to see a Higher Truth

Volunteers used to drive sick Gazans to hospital. Hamas's attack on 7 October changed everything.

Empathy. The article is about Israel and Gaza, but it could be about Democrates and RepuGnicans in the USA, or about the...

Empathy. The article is about Israel and Gaza, but it could be about Democrates and RepuGnicans in the USA, or about the UK, certainly about Russia, and so many other places through Africa, China, India - what part of the Earth is it not about?
We need a WORLD EMPATHY DAY to remind us that being human can be dignified, profound, exalted.

Catherine Philp: Until Israelis and Palestinians can appreciate each other’s grief, peace will be a struggle

Thank you, great man, great artist. You have gone too soon. RIP

Thank you, great man, great artist. You have gone too soon. RIP

Poet, performer and actor hailed as one of Britain’s most outspoken and original literary voices



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