Elk elk - a species of mammals from the deer family.

However, there are times when an elk attacks a person. Most often this happens during the rut: from August to October, m...

However, there are times when an elk attacks a person. Most often this happens during the rut: from August to October, males are looking for females for breeding, and during this period, moose become quite aggressive. Most often, the perpetrators of the attack of the elk are the people themselves, forcing the animal to defend itself.

Elk moose is called because of the shape of the horns, reminiscent of a plow. In its appearance, the beast is very diffe...

Elk moose is called because of the shape of the horns, reminiscent of a plow. In its appearance, the beast is very different from deer. His neck is short and his withers are high.

Moose antlers can reach 2 meters in width.Between spring and the mating season (September and October), male moose grow ...

Moose antlers can reach 2 meters in width.
Between spring and the mating season (September and October), male moose grow impressive antlers. They can be more than 2 m wide. Moose antlers are one of the fastest growing body parts in the animal world.
Elk antlers are "finger-like," which means "shaped like a hand. They have wide, flat areas with spikes around the edges.
During the breeding season, male moose use their antlers to fight each other for the right to mate with females.



Moose take to the road all year round for several reasons at once: firstly, of course, the rut, when the “hormone” turne...

Moose take to the road all year round for several reasons at once: firstly, of course, the rut, when the “hormone” turned the head of the elk, dulling the feeling of fear. Secondly, highways often cross the paths of animal migration, cutting forest lands to pieces.

It is difficult in winter even for such a giant as an elk. The snow floor is very deep and it is not easy to get over it...

It is difficult in winter even for such a giant as an elk. The snow floor is very deep and it is not easy to get over it with such long legs. In a snowstorm, these "giants" of the deer family go to a secluded place, hide on the ground - climb under a snow coat. Snow falls on top of them, sometimes covering them almost completely.


During frosts, moose hide up to their withers in the thickness of loose snow, and during strong winds or during a snowst...

During frosts, moose hide up to their withers in the thickness of loose snow, and during strong winds or during a snowstorm, animals hide in the thicket of the forest. Moose lay down under the wind in a semicircle and freeze in the direction of the trail.

Every day, moose eat about 25 kg of food, but when they are starving, they can eat twice as much in one sitting. In wint...

Every day, moose eat about 25 kg of food, but when they are starving, they can eat twice as much in one sitting. In winter, they are diurnal, and in summer they are predominantly nocturnal due to the heat. Moose antlers can weigh up to 30 kg. When running, moose can reach speeds of up to 58-58 km / h.




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