Future Tourism Foundation (FTF) was founded by researchers of Tourism and Recreation Departments of Nicolaus Copernicus University and Eugeniusz Piasecki University of Physical Education about the direction of Tourism and Recreation in order to support methodology, innovation and trends in future tourism. The implementation of the FTF, referred to above, will be serving the following specific
1. Research activity - research projects and scientific meetings in the field of tourism and recreation, particularly related to the current and future trends and innovations in tourism;
2. Publishing - create own popular science publishing: a journal, website and blog but also compact publishing - books and e-books;
3. Popularization - promoting products and tourism projects, most of all achievements and scientific research projects of the future of the Polish and global tourism;
4. Teaching – seminars and workshops in cooperation with schools and universities with tourism profile;
5. Political activity - lobbying for the establishment of tourism as a scientific discipline in Poland and preparing the methodology;
6. Application activity - project preparation of tourism products and innovations and adoption for tourist activities and patenting;
7. Cultural Activities - preparing the atlas / on-line album with a collection of tourist attractions in Poland and the world, organizing competitions and promotion of tourism and recreation in the international, regional and local societies;
The tasks of the Foundation include particularly the following: identification and mobilization of partners for cooperation in the implementation of innovative projects, national and international cooperation with scientific research units, institutes and organizations active in the field of tourism and innovation as well as academics and researchers dealing with issues of Future Tourism, dissemination of knowledge and experience in the implementation of innovative projects in tourism and the creation and organization of research teams to promote tourism and innovation, preparing their projects and raising the funds for them. Future Tourism Foundation operates within the Research Team focusing on the problems of Future Tourism. The main thematic areas of scientific and research interests of the FTF are:
- Methodology of future studies and Future Tourism;
- Foresight for tourism and regional development;
- Innovation in hospitality;
- Innovations in recreation;
- Innovation in rural areas;
- Pedagogical innovations in the field of tourism and recreation;
- Innovations in sales and marketing tourism;
- New technologies in tourism and recreation;
The FTF is an open organization. Therefore, the implementation of some of the FTF’s tasks can be joined by the various actors interested in the implementation or the exchange of information about innovative projects involved in the tourism development. The FTF structure is based on a voluntary, open and purchased membership. More information about the structure of the Foundation, the possibilities and conditions of membership and the role of individual members can be found (soon) at: www.futuretourism.com.pl