Bobry Semi-aquatic mammal of the rodent order; one of two modern representatives of the beaver family.

The tail is paddle—shaped, strongly flattened from top to bottom; its length is up to 30 cm, width is 10-13 cm.

The tail is paddle—shaped, strongly flattened from top to bottom; its length is up to 30 cm, width is 10-13 cm.

The claw of the second finger of the hind limbs is forked — the beaver combs the fur with it.

The claw of the second finger of the hind limbs is forked — the beaver combs the fur with it.

The beaver's eyes are small; the ears are wide and short, barely protruding above the fur level. The ear openings and no...

The beaver's eyes are small; the ears are wide and short, barely protruding above the fur level. The ear openings and nostrils close under water, the eyes are closed by blinking membranesю.

Sexual dimorphism is weakly expressed, females are larger.

Sexual dimorphism is weakly expressed, females are larger.

The incisors behind are isolated from the oral cavity by special outgrowths of the lips, which allows the beaver to gnaw...

The incisors behind are isolated from the oral cavity by special outgrowths of the lips, which allows the beaver to gnaw under water.

They are widely distributed throughout the world with great biological diversity in tropical and temperate climates.

They are widely distributed throughout the world with great biological diversity in tropical and temperate climates.

. The largest rodent of the Old World fauna and the second largest rodent after the capybara.

. The largest rodent of the Old World fauna and the second largest rodent after the capybara.






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