Any #idea how to #develop a #component from previous #version of #staadt ? This #sun is so #cool !
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Let's introduce to you some colors. The graphic idea of Staadt had to be as plain and simple as possible, but when we introduced action fields, we realized, there is a better way to highlight it than only icons. That's why we did some research about the medieval color palette. Gold, vermillion, indigo, or verdigris was available to medieval book copyists and they look on our board fabulous!
The second change is this prominent mill wheel. We believe it could make gameplay more exciting and players' decisions more dramatic.
#staadt #staadtthegame #prototyping #tabletopsimulator
Next approach to the idea of a final board. It's only TTS virtual model, but we try to make a game modular, but compact. Four trapezoidal sub-boards shaped in the sign of the cross are dedicated to players and contain districts, places under estates, and personal warehouses. The next four triangular modules have mostly informative purpose, but they also are pads under settler tokens and estate cards. Finally: central square. It could be placed under resources brought by merchant or clock measuring time left to the end of the game. We asked "why not both purposes?" and we solve this problem by adding this very cool disc. The next step would be checking how it would look printed on paper or burning on plywood.
#staadt #staadtthegame #board #clock
Staadt new tiles
It's time to reveal our new design of the blocks. We've found beech wood as a proper material to our small buildings and walls. A wood was a common building material in houses built in the XIII century. How do you like it?
#staadtthegame #design #woodengames
Staadt new block design
Staadt klocki
Have a nice board games day! We are celebrating it by making a test tiles to Staadt!
Szczęśliwego dnia gier planszowych! My świętujemy pracując nad prototypowymi klockami do Staadt.
#staadt #staadtthegame #prototype #workshop
Staadt intro
Taki oto sympatyczny filmik stworzyłem, aby wprowadzić Was w klimat gry Staadt. Klocki reprezentują kolejne piętra powstającego miasta, dachy, mury i bramy. Karty symbolizują tereny poza granicami miasta, które ułatwiają budowę średniowiecznej metropolii. Żetony przedstawiają po pierwsze potencjalnych mieszkańców miasta, po drugie projekty budynków publicznych, które powstaną na rynku. Po trzecie: to akty prawne, dające tymczasową przewagę nad współgraczami. Plansza jest nadal w formie testowej. Niebawem pokażę Wam jej najprawdopodobniej ostateczną wersję. I oczywiście więcej na temat zasad - na razie w języku polskim.
#staadt #boardgames #citybuilding #medieval #arts